This is worse than firefox sjw's
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Lol, their link to search the chromium project for gendered terms literally picks out a bunch of chinks called "He"
I'm sure that's racist in some way
Calling Rodney a "he" is problematic. And don't even think of using a Hebrew [he] language pack
>he never been on bugzilla
nope firefox is has more le warriors
this is a good thing
go back to your Sup Forums circlejerk or something
It makes no fucking difference and only exists to keep braindead SJW Cali pinkhaired code arteurs employed. This kind of shit doesn't need any attention, and OP can go kill himself for making the thread.
it makes a pretty huge difference
it might not be as noticeable for people not affected by it to any large extent (males) though
You only think it's a non-issue because you're a white cis male. You can't even begin to comprehend how much people such as myself suffer because of the male heterosexual norm in the patriarch society. Check your fucking privilege, cis scum.
this except unironically
this except ironically
Go away.
When this madness is going to end? holy shit these people are surreal stupid
While this is pretty crazy, it's not as much. Reason being they're not discriminating against anyone in particular. It's a petty issue but this is not what they're doing with their diversity bullshit which is much more concerning.
I'd rather hear "you should avoid using gendered pronouns" than "you must address me by my favorite pronoun of the day by bill C-16 or else".
>Year is 2021
>Every browser has this censor function
>If it detects any words or sentences that certain lunatics don't want you to post, they get deleted right away
>The algorithm for this is good enough that it's very, very difficult to circumvent so you have to essentially work your way around trying to explain anything that might involve censored topics on any place on the internet
>If you manage to circumvent said system, they will track you for actually having put the wrong words on the internet and give you a temporal ban from the internet
>3 strikes and it's time to prepare that nice little butthole for Tyrone
it has nothing to do with censoring
it is developer documents and code comments/variable names
the issue is using "he" instead of stuff like "the user", which is both more accurate and does not exclude half the population
if it's not meant for "the user" to see, then who even fucking cares. I will just call "the user" fuckface instead, because that's what I think of them and those trying to enforce a specific internal nomenclature.
developers care
>be me many years ago
>didn't know what SJWs were
>left was always good; right was always evil
>babe in the woods with head full of dreams
>sitting in college English class
>professor uses gendered pronoun in abstract sentence like OP pic related
>someone offhandedly suggests pronoun should be gender neutral
>we all agree
>professor says, "Man, they really got to you guys, huh?"
>nobody 'got to us' or certainly not to me
>it just seemed like common sense and good courtesy
>at the very least, it seemed strange to assume a gender at all when you didn't have to
>today, acutely aware of the cancer on liberalism
>classical liberal
>feminism gone too far
>what was once common sense now seems politically charged and like a capitulation to regressive insanity
>TFW have become that English professor
>in a world less simple
It's creating work where there is none to make them look good to a minority of the population.
I would bring up the difference in file size but that would be called a non issue and I would get made fun of.
Identity politics are only significant to normies that lack opinions on anything meaningful.
Are you a Jew?
the increased filesize would be even more of a nonissue than the filesize increase in using spaces over tabs.
im not white and all this 'protect the non-whites because they are so insecure' is fucking bullshit
>when you get sick of making new pronouns, so you just pick name from a chinese phonebook
I dabbled in half a dozen spoken languages and all of them have a gender neutral pronoun. Spoiler: it's "he". Google still putting with such uneducated swine is just sad.
If you want to really hurt someone you make him dependable
That's exactly 100.0% what they're doing.
List them right now in alphabetical order without using google.
FFS! I gave up ff over that crap, got tired of hearing it, and now chromium too?! Guess it's time to change once again. The political horseshit doesn't mesh very well with web browsers, is what I think.
>alphabetical order
Not him but if you're adding unnecessary stipulations why not make him take a time stamp while doing all that as he also spins on his head singing Yankee doodle with bees in his eyes.
I'm sorry xir, but you don't realize how this is just code and you're trying to create a problem that doesn't exist
You're surprised? Every at least mid-sized tech company has been jumping on the SJW train since years ago.
>not embracing the chink botnet
>problems that don't affect me don't exist!
If the female version was standard, you'd probably be on the forefront of a movement to change it.
>what's in source code comments and variables matters
Honestly the last time I tried Opera, it was just Chrome with a few more options (like a fucking dark theme, something that google will never ever change) and with the lack of google account integration. No other differences I could really spot.
could someone make a non-cucked browser please?
I really don't want to support their shitty politics
I refer to groups of women as you guys all the time and they never get upset about it.
You forgot the GOAT
I want an apolitical browser, that could be good. Life was just that tiny bit easier without politics in my anything.
I start most conversations with female friends as "hey dude" and end in "cya man" 99% of the times, never had an issue either
Is it just an americuck thing?
t. Slav
Yep, no troubles here either. I keep using "man," and "dude," without noticing and honestly no complaints because the thing to pay attention is not those fucking things.
I identify as a faggot. As a faggot, I am deeply offended by the fact that Mozilla doesn't endorse my cum gargling homosexuality and that Firefox source code doesn't contain appropriate adjective for my identity. I hereby request Mozilla developers to add faggot word into the codebase, as wide as possible, to promote acceptance, tolerance and diversity in this wonderful community.
SJWs can't program so they nitpick the localization
as an agender foxkin "people" offends me
they can't even fucking make the font similar? what are they developing? really? LOL
er he hij il ille oн
I find that hilarious.
brb making my code gender neutral
>when the user logs into his profile
>literally perceived as harassment, condescension or discrimination
Worst timeline
We need C+Equality again.
>getting mad at a marketing ploy
you know what these companies have in common right? they're all in the west coast and surrounded by hipster cunts, it's nothing but pandering to an easily placated demographic
the nigs/females that get hired for "diversity" policies are intentionally given superfluous jobs so they don't have an impact on how the company actually functions beyond stupid conduct codes
it's just a way to get liberals to buy products from them
Ironically whites showed their true pussy side by being triggered over such silly stuff.
No wonder you're all pussies, both blacks and whites.
something has got to give
>does not exclude half the population
oh fuck, comments that describe the user as "he" mean women cannot use the program and any woman who looks at the code will die