Name 1(one) OS that looks better than picrelated

name 1(one) OS that looks better than picrelated
protip: you cant

none of the shitty ricing on Sup Forums will ever compare to this

owo desktop thread?

needs a feminine penis



(no i wont delet)


gimme that illya paper lad


tits or gtfo

thanks boi


Wow, a dewdrop on a blade of grass. What could be more mesmerizing?

gimme ur gf illya's nudes

no their for my eyes only

>he fell for the XF"you better not have more than one monitor"CE meem

Good times, 'member the first time i installed ubuntu and it wasn't shit :(

> *girl
Girl with a boipussi is nonsense.

where are their faces



gnome2 was a piece of shit.
Yes, it worked.
But it was lacking a LOT of features which make DEs like unity just comfy.
You only nostalgia to it because it was prolly the first linux you tried (atleast for me it was the first).

Debian Stretch

How do people even live with this kind of wallpaper? I mean, I love anime but how do you leveled up so high to the point that not even a single human enter your room?

at the trash bin, cause that's where anime belongs


umm whats wrong with it?

this desu it kinda sucked compared to what we have now

It's not wrong. I want your advice so that I could have the same kind of bravery. Not just anime papes but even 3DPD kinda stuff as well. I couldn't even last 2 hours the last time I tried.

it's inappropriate if you ever invite anybody who is not from Sup Forums to your house and don't switch off your computer

wtf its just a cute wallpaper

stop using meme software

I'm not calling you out for it, but I'm also curious if you just never have anyone at your house or if you somehow make average joe accept it and not think you are sick

windows 2000


>Weaboo macOS

what font are you using

fantasque sans mono

What kind of black magic do you use to make average joe accept it and not think you are sick

im a girl

>Shell: owo
teach me, senpai

Ok I'm sorry. I won't ask anymore.

with a feminine penis?


a masculine one?

no i dont have one

what icon theme and fonts are you using?


how did you remove it

Anyone have any fresh desktops? Kinda getting sick of my layout.


i wasnt born with one u baka

that's what you want me to believe


There is no accounting for taste.

Do you think you could get away with that?


I use lubuntu, xubuntu is comfy, but almost is as resource-hungry as ubuntu.

