It's GNU/Linux! Linux is just the kernel!

>It's GNU/Linux! Linux is just the kernel!

>GIMP is a good alternative to Photoshop

it is if you have more than 60 IQ

Then it stops being after you reach 3 digits.

GIMP fags eternally BTFO. How can GIMP ever recover?

Photoshop monkeys just learned some tricks at school without grasping the concept of the operations and are just unable to apply the same logic on GIMP.

GIMP still doesn't have layer effects. After all those years of being ridiculed.

Linux is just the kernel, and gnu is a subsystem
Just like how ntos is a kernel, and windows is a subsystem

Not to mention GIMP's algorithms for diagonal lines is ass cheeks

Nah, GIMP truly is dogshit. Layer management sucks, there's no way to select multiple layers, no way to use a transparent colour for the grid, no way to adjust curves for multiple layers simultaneously, no united transform tool, brush and gradient editor is useless, no way to tell what the hell's going on when rotating a layer on top of something complex, etc. etc. etc...

Except this is completely correct. Linux is just a kernel and a shitty one at that.

and GNU is whole base system and whole userspace... oh wait

Linux is a generalization, the name given to a daily of operating systems.
It's not an attribution list, so even if you think that GNU did a lot, that's no reason to include it into the generalized name.
In the first place, it's supposed to sound nice and be appealing, hence it can't include GNU.

Linux is probably the least shit kernel currently available.

It's still a kernel, are you arguing that Linux isn't the kernel?



Ah, no, I'm arguing that unless you are autistic you should realize without any hints from me that a word can have multiple meanings. Hope that clarifies it!

Are you saying the kernel isn't the operating system?

Does any Linux user here actually even unironically use any of the GNU things that accompany it, except maybe for a handful of geeks? I just usually boot straight into KDE and use mostly Firefox, Chromium, LibreOffice, LyX, VLC, CodeLite, NetBeans, Inkscape, k3b and a few other softwares, NONE of which are GNU.

GNU is literally unimportant and for most people the system could do without it.

Gnu provides most usermode translation to kernel, it's not as apparent as it is on Windows though, but it is still a subsystem

The libc they use is GNU, as well as the compiler they're built with. Note that I'm in no way trying to defend the disruptive behavior of GNUfags and just am offering facts as I see them.

>usermode translation to kernel
lol what

Dumb phone poster

The ELF load is part of gnu, it handles relocations and shit, and mapping shit like the vDSO in

Dumb. Just dumb.

Did you just call a "usermode translation to kernel"?

Should we add every utility on top of the kernel into the OS name?

Why special privileges for GNU?

The only people who think GIMP is good are people who only make frog posting memes.

It handles setting up the processes execution context, including requesting memory from the kernel, registering exception handlers, etc, none of which the kernel does, the kernel still has to do all the hard work in the background for the process to gain execution, most ldr syscalls aren't don't from the process being loaded

It's just, part of binutils. Usermode transition to kernel sounds like something they'd say at a Microsoft presentation in order to make it sound more important than it is.

I spend a lot more time doing windows dev, and get some of philosophies confused sometimes
On Windows, the apis arent statically linked (usually), so ntdll gets mapped into every process to dispatch syscalls instead of being calculated at compile time

I guessed it! Ha.

>I need arch for rice

Should we call Windows just NT?
There needs to be some kind of differences between the name of the kernel and the OS.

I just call of botnet.

No. We should call Windows Windows and we should call Linux Linux. I'm sorry if it confuses you, but people who are not mentally incapacitated have no problem with this.

When people say "install windows", they mean "install an NT based operating system". When they say "windows", they don't mean xp, 7, or 10 or vista specifically.

The same way "Linux" should be used to identify all Linux operating systems, regardless of distro or presence of GNU.

No, because we call it after the trademark. Windows is the trademark. GNU isn't a trademark. Linux is.

Autism speaks

Hi Richard. Couldn't get enough of the inane comments, eh?
Good to have you back, bro.

You don't call Android android/Linux, you also don't call it Linux.
You don't call macOS MacOS/XNU, you also don't call it XNU.
You don't call windows windows/nt, you also don't call it NT.
Therefore, it's not Linux, it's not GNU/Linux. It's just GNU.



almost all of the core userland (bash, glibc, make, gcc, coreutils) is GNU

So you're telling me you somehow typed "daily" in place of "family" and it wasn't autocorrect? Sure thing kid

almost all of that can be replaced

>a lot of stuff nobody uses


>Make sure you include my credit in any of your flash animations that uses these sprites!
>Make sure you include a credit to GNU in any of your distributions that implement Linux along with the above!

>Apple is good! You're just poor! Stop being poor!


>using biased GNU uname


No, it's Systemd.

Seriously, Linux is shorthand for systems that use the Linux kernel. Android is Linux and so is ChromeOS, there is nothing wrong with calling them that.

uname exists in FreeBSD too
You can edit this to be windows too, it lost credibility when you edited uname. Uname is a free software and you can modify it

Is windows 10 linux too? lol


God, this screenshot is cringe galore!

No, but theyre both cancer.

What's wrong with them again?

I call windows NT if I know whoever I'm talking with knows what that means.
And I call linux lunix.

Exactly. Just because you can manipulate and rig your output it doesn't change the fact that uname will print out actual OS details by default

You don't have anything logical against the screenshot, otherwise I dare you to explain what's wrong with it

Gahnoo slash Linocks is broken m8

What do you mean ``broken``?

Your literally retarded

>Lose arguments
>Show off ebic bash haxing skillz
Typical /gee/

What are you trying to prove here, you already lost your argument

Anyone else going to refute ? The two tried already failed

birds of a feather suck cock together

You can rub anti-butthurt cream around your asshole it if's hurting that much


>he wants me to rub cream around my butthole

pull down your panty and bend over boi

Because a non-argument doesn't require refutation. That tool was written by the very people who wrongly claim you should call the system GNU/Linux to begin with. What did you expect it to return?

That tool exists in OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD and other Unix OSes, if it was wrong people would actually edit it but alas, they didn't.
Furthermore uname is FLOSS software which means they were free to do so as well. Any more argument?

This is pathetic
Go away pajeet/gook

>The power of autism
Wow autists lose their shit when they lose an internet argument don't they

There is none, all you can do is shitpost so you can pretend you won like >

Now that OP's argument failed, anyone here to respond to these? and

I've always been calling it Windows NT Version whatever.

What a sad cuck


Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Real intellectuals think in concepts, not words. Which is why RMS crying about a name is laughable, almost discredits the whole FSF.

You you got really angry that you lost an argument in Sup Forums

Did you respond to the wrong person? Can you tell me what's wrong with thing that are listed here

the things*

and you eat turds

Well Rust is a contrarian language, Firefox belongs to the grave, etc.

Fill this up, famlam

We can specifically call names of distros, Gentoo, Fedora, Android, etc.

How can a language be ``contrarian``?


By going against the established foundation.

>was a tissue needed for tears
>[x] No
I highly doubt that

In that case C was the biggest contrarian language ever made

I don't cry like a little baby on the internet like you

aww, sure

But it isnt now.

>like you
BTFO how will user ever recover

Which disqualifies it for being ``wrong``


I'm starting to think I'm getting too old for Sup Forums
