What are some cool things you can do on GNU/Linux that you cannot do on any other OS?

What are some cool things you can do on GNU/Linux that you cannot do on any other OS?

Be free (libre)

go further and further into social isolation


not be part of a botnet, be a hipster, tell other people you don't use propriatery software


isolate yourself from society and be proud of ""achievements"" that would only take 2 seconds to do on any other OS that meant to be used by normal human beings

> that would only take 2 seconds to do on any other OS that meant to be used by normal human beings

Poor thing, he has never worked on Linux/Unix.

Easily automate any given task on your computer within a short time.
Easily manage large systems in a way that does not much differ from managing small systems.
And, most importantly, be free. GNU is the ONLY truly free operating system.

Copy a selected area of the screen into the clipboard without having to download proprietary tools for it, instead of prntscrn the entire screen, resize/crop it in paint.exe and then copy it.

Keep your dignity intact.


>Be poor
>Caring about proprietary software without taking hardware into account.
Name one thing that can be automated in LINUX, but cannot be automated in Windows with use of batch file/Powershell scripts and Task Scheduler
Google: Snipping Tool. Present in Windows since Windows 7, I believe.

The fun fact is, I'm a GNU/Linux admin, fanboyism is gay and homosexual.

>snipping tool
It doesn't have a keyboard shortcut by default
Don't use the word Google as a verb


hax the interwebs

This, OS X

Le simple automation in Windows, the 1337 Lunix Hax0r Edition:
>Open the Start Screen.
>Type "Snipping Tool" to search for the Snipping Tool.
>Right-click the icon that appears in the search results and select "Open File Location" at the bottom of the screen.
>In the Explorer window that opens right-click the Snipping Tool shortcut. Select "Properties".
>In the "Shortcut" tab click into the "Shortcut Key" field.
>Press ctrl, shift and 4.
>Click, Apply then OK.

Wow, it fucking works, who would've thought.

Also it must fucking suck if you have to use a fucking screenshot tool as an argument for XYZ superiority. Get a life, boy.

>have to go through all this shit just to get a proper screenshot which is still inferior to the GNOME screenshot
I thought windows just werks!

Ctrl+print screen if you want a quickie user.

Are all GNU fanboys retarded like you?

Windows has tons of stuff that works out of box, and when it doesn't, you can add them via third party apps (GNOME Extensions, sounds familiar?), or hack your way through point'n'click, scripts (bash, /etc, x config files in ~/, sounds familiar?) and registry (gconf, sounds familiar?). Stop being such a stupid hypocrite, will ya?

Turn off telemetry

customize it autistically, drag your slabby beast of a thinkpad to a public place (lul), open lots of terminal windows and twiddle the little mouse nipple hoping someone notices your sick setup

I have actually been publicly shamed for using an old thinkpad in public. I have since purchased a Mac Book Pro

Install systemd

>GNOME Extensions
Your argument is that Windows is as good as something that the Linux community has become ashamed of?
>scripts (bash, /etc, x config files in ~/
If you aren't a .NET developer, Windows scripting is almost entirely useless, and even if it wasn't, batch files would not be worth dealing with to do it. There is no common interface whatsoever between Windows programs like there is on Unix-likes. This is why Cygwin and WSL exist, and they aren't very useful for interacting with native Windows software.