The Text File

What is the future of the humble txt file when it comes to writing rather than code? Is its time as a holder of information to be shared over?

HTML is also a type of text file.

The most surprising thing is that normies have no idea they exist.
I mean before discovering linux even i used to store simple lists in docx.
I bet a lot of people would use txt if they knew it's faster and slimmer. Also notepad++ is very good.

OP means .txt, not any file containing text you mongoloid.

Personally, I love text files, the small size, the simplicity, the ability to have all your websites information in .txt and then display it however you want using PHP and CSS. Fuck databases.


The future of txt is Markdown.

>fuck databases
t. never worked with large data sets

I remember one of the warnings they gave on the Intro to Programming class was to not use Word to write code

Obviously for large data databases are a godsend. I was referring to people using MySQL or PostgreSQL for their blogs and simple websites.

>name a class "class"
>get compiler error
>see that the word is highlighted in blue because it's a keyword
>change font color
>compiles fine
Get wrecked, plebgrammers

>it's a text file thread

The .txt in the filename is useless since you can simply create an empty file and store text in it. You can still open it in notepad, gedit or whatever. Never used that on linux, always used my custom extension names like .rms or names linked to their function to store data from programs, so that I was sure it was my files.


What the fuck are you even talking about? There will always be a need to store information in text files. There will never be a need to use a different extension, since it literally doesn't matter to any program opening them.

Sure, less people in their day-to-day life use traditional PCs, so they may not use this exact method to store info. That being said, those of us that have work computers where we can't install our own programs for storing info will continue to organize text files in folders once in a while. I don't see that ever going away.

>tfw my phone's note taking app nuked its notes for me
Using a plaintext file has limitless potential. Sadly, something's got to sell those new and powerful processors to consumers. Text has to be resource intensive.

>Text has to be resource intensive.
Is this why web browsers will drag to a halt when viewing even pure html?

For the most part, .txt is dead, but I still find it useful for notes. It will always have its users.

Making web pages that are built with 70-80 character tags will be the ultimate weapon against the phonefags.

Since all of my friends and family remember of my existence only when there's some printer issue I guess I can do that next time. (I know you can all relate Sup Forums)

I enjoy finding text files where the author put a lot of effort into the formatting.

What do you mean?
It doesn't bother anybody, since it takes up fuckall space.
I personally like it. It's just like paint. Simple as a piece of wood, easy to use.
It's great for lists and other small text thingamabobs you don't want to fire up an office program for.

Files without extensions are also considered "plaintext" files, which is how it should be.
extensions > declarations inside files > plaintext

a web browser will treat "GET /file" the same as "GET /file.txt" without any declarations

>nobody uses plaintext files anymore

On a whim I just touched and ls'd a test.txt to see if it's in my $LS_COLORS. It's not.

Nobody is using non-phone OSs anymore, so nobody uses any file types anymore.

i use plaintext all the time on android

I like markdown but there is way too much variance on syntax and how different editors treat the text.

If there was some standardization I'd love writing in that format.

try org-mode

Is that just the e-macs thing? I actually did try that but it felt like too much effort for what I wanted to do with it.

Since it's part of emacs, emacs knowledge is a prerequisite.

Org mode makes it very easy to export a markdown-like file to html, pdf

Here are some of the default export formats

Is there even a "standard" set of commands that Markdown uses?

Some editors have things like [ToC] which will insert a table of contents based on headers but if unsupported by the reader or export format will just read "[ToC]"

is \r, \r\n, \n still an issue? Is this still OS thing or utf8 specifies it?