/hpg/ - Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice:

Please put some effort into your requests and questions.

If you dislike a suggestion, explain why and try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked.

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ:

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Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=love live site:rutracker.org&t=ffab&ia=web


Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.

I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

Posting the best budget cans available.

Nah, nigga. That's my gig!

My bad dude, just trying to spread the love for these.

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Welcome home Sennshill-kun!

Watch your step! Don't hurt yourself with those "poorly sealed" and "debunked" no-bass frequency graphs!

:^) avoid ptsd from "poor seals" and headband snapping: dont buy the hd600s.


Hey, it WAS you who posted them! Man, I didn't even know you posted this long! Hey man, if you want, we can stop bothering you about your $300 poorfag headphone. You look pretty agitated.

>The grapes represent the value of the headphones
Top jej


>Implying I want meme cans when I have top of the line loudspeakers with actual bass and treble.

>The fox represents the shill who doesn't even own the headphones
Hey man, by the way, have you bought them yet?

>I spent all of my money on speakers so I have to live in a fucking cuckshed

lmao'ing at your life priorities

I mean, it's kinda neat. Is saving $14 really worth waiting that long though?

>1 month ago
>not liking the HD 600 is the contrarian opinion
>liking the HD 600 is the contrarian opinion

wtf I love HD 600 now

>The house I own is a cuckshed.

Don't worry, maybe one day you'll be a functioning human being and be able to afford nice things in your own living space.

>So poor he can't afford speakers that BTFO whatever poorfag headphones user owns
Lmaoing at your life

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

put the trip back on

DiPolar samefagging like a motherfucker doesn't suddenly make it a contrarian opinion. Remember, we caught him posting the same HD650/HE400 image he always posts with the trip on, but with the trip off.

Looking for headphones for someone with a very, very small head, if anyone has experience.

I've never worn a pair of headphones that could fit without way too much extra space, so they always sag and are uncomfortable. I'm using Superlux HD 681's right now and they are almost small enough but not very comfortable, my hair catches on where the pads meet the top part, and they put too much pressure where they touch under my ears cause they don't rest on top of my head. I had Sony MDR CD somethings that they don't make anymore that were too large as well. Thought those felt alright, though. Those cheap headphone mics that came with the xbox 360 were massive on me.

Looking for something super comfortable first and foremost, and greatly prefer closed headphones. Budget is loosely under $100. Looking for them just for music and just general use on my computer. Also I live in the US.

Thank you.

Sup Forums's opinions on the taket h2+. Are the earpad/earrest things too uncomfortable for extended use?
And how are these headphones with multimedia, and gaming?


What kind of bait is this

>So poorfag he can't afford a samefag detector
Lmao. Spot the poorfag, ya poorfaggot shill

>Super comfy first
SHP9500S if you want overall comfiness, but they're open. Otherwise, Status Audio CB-1s but its build is questionable.

Brainwavz HM5

Forgot pic

Seconding this statement.

nice inspect element there faggot, now put the fucking trip back on

>same file name

Wow really? Someone posted an image with the same file name? That means its me right?

Didn't I btfo you fucks with a screenshot because you can't into inspect element?

Thank you for your suggestions. Can anyone say if they will fit a small head? I'll probably have to take a gamble anyway, but it would be nice to know.

>Inspect element
Lmao. What a pity fucking excuse.

Now go buy yourself some speakers, you poorfag

>m-m-muh speakers
Not an argument.

>m-m-muh samefagging tripfag
Did you ever have one?

The Cb-1s should be fine, the shp-9500s aren't too wide but idk how small we're talking.

Also consider the ath-m40x

Headlet asian here; The 9500S and HM5 fits my head. Am wearing the 9500 at size 3.



Objective2 or Magni 2 for DT 990 Pros?


Fulla 2.



Surprise! I put as much effort as your recommendation :^)

Nice try, though

Why doesn't anyone talk about these headphones? Frequency chart looks similar to the HD600, looks even flatter actually but has the same lack of bass.

Holy shit the distortion though, dunno how apparent that would be when listening though. I'm incredibly tempted because I already have the 1540s and I'm in love with the build quality, but it has even more distortion than the 1540s.

i am incredibly tempted.

Find a place to listen to it and report back. It looks well built and comfortable, with the ungodly distortion being the only downside. I know I personally listen at 60dB so it might not matter for someone like me.

The distortion figure on the SRH1540 looks like it is exacerbated by the measurement technique, THD+N compared to THD. The midrange-treble distortion should be better than shown.
Not so much the SRH1840. It's performance is basically that.

As to whether it constitutes a problem, likely yes.

I have $70 to spare and want to buy some earbuds for use with my laptop and iPod Classic. Wat do?

You buy kz zs5 and an upgraded braided cable for them and enjoy the music my friend.

What are the best, comfortable, and most importantly, noise-canceling headphones under 200 USD?

Ayy I was about to add that I'd prefer a braided cable. Thanks, guy

top kek

can you recommend any neutral iems that are cheap? (under $40)

THD measurements are not a reliable indicator of audibility:
> In our next paper we will show that .01% THD of one type of nonlinear system can be perceived as unacceptable while 10% THD in another example is perceived as inaudible. Even one of these simple examples is sufficient to invalidate THD as a viable metric for discussion of the perception of distortion. Furthermore, 1% THD is not at all the same as 1% IM, but we will show that neither correlates with subjective perception.
>These results supported the skepticism that THD and IMD metrics were poor predictor of subjective perception of sound quality ratings.

Best iems under a $100?

>more THD is good
user, you dig this hole every time.

So how many articles do I have to bury you in to prove you wrong concerning your meme study that led to absolutely nothing?

Sad to say it's hard to recommend anything for that price that's neutral. The zs5 is v shaped but not to any extreme that makes the mids completely recessed. They sound clear over.

That being said, the cheapest I'm that I would consider neutral are the etymotic mc2.

if you can bump up by 10 dollars, you can pick up a pair of HiFiMAN RE-400; if you win the build quality lottery, you get a pretty neutral IEM for 50 bucks (on Amazon US). No experience under 40 dollars, sorry

>be magni2u and hd800 guy
>be bully for having shit tier meme amp with god tier phones
>remember that it wuz anons who told me to get amp cuz flavor of the month
>feel sad
>research head amps
>decide to get god tier violectric v280
>come up with plan
>violectric had 25% off sale black friday 2016
>means v280 will be around $1325 end of November
>figure I can suffer, no enjoy, my meme amp for ~4 months for substantial burgerbuxx savings

Deus vult!

Post receipt pussy, you won't.

If you had no problems with it (aside from bullying), why change now?

So i just bought the oppo pm3s. They sound like shit. What a DAP help?

The magni was always intended as a cheap "stop gap" solution with replacement within a year. My setup, as it is. is perfected and sounds great, for now.

No. You need a parametric EQ. I'd suggest a -4 dB below 300hz, a dip at 7K, and boosted highs above 12K by any amount of your choosing.

I am looking at the Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO, 250 ohms for this purpose. I don't know jack shit about amps, what amp and other stuff should I even get? I have a cheap guitar amp (Behringer um2) that has a headphone monitor. Could I use that?

Are the HD800s good?

Yeah, they're sennheisers best headphone that isn't $50K

>1k treble cannons

That's 1.5k for you poorfag.

Since I acquired my HD800's, my day is as follows...
>wake up
>think about HD800s
>mow lawn
>think about what to play on my HD800s
>eat dinner
>think about HD800s
etc., etc.,.... My listening time is a couple of hours a night, like right now.

I'm taking about the HD800S not the HD800.

is there a better site than rutracker to try and navigate for music downloads

im fucking lost and i can't even figure out how to make an account. Google translate is breaking the site.

Irrelevant. I EQ rather than use a resonator, whether it is built in or mod.

Are you retarded?

Most of those papers you dug out use distortion to characterize systems without reference to audibility. One of those papers wasn't even referring to harmonic distortion, but phase shift. THD still tells you plenty about the system behavior, it's still a useful metric for characterizing the device.
There's audio wisdom* of odd and even order; we can at least do a better job weighting how bad it sounds. Subjectively, it would really be better to use a filter bank with a masking model.

Doesn't change the fact that the other guy is a relentless shitposter. Geddes uses arbitrary functions that don't relate to headphone nonlinearity. Now that is part of Geddes' point, but his weighting function hasn't caught on because:
>Geddes is more ego than anything else
>The model is way too simple

For a more serious look into distortion analysis, here's one on loudspeakers.

try soulseek client

google translate is not letting me get to that page myself

i'll just go without it and use your translation

I'm using google translate and it works.

whats a good portable dac in the 100-300 price range to pair with oppo pm3s. Needs to have a replaceable battery because the lifespan of lithium ion batteries is not long.
Also, will an external dac work with my galaxy,note 3?

You don't even need an account.

duckduckgo.com/?q=love live site:rutracker.org&t=ffab&ia=web

rutracker is a great source for vinyl rips. mad russians are pushing 32bit float wavpack now.

the hd650 looks like it has a flatter frequency response than the hd600, i don't get it

is the weaker treble that significant?

>Also, will an external dac work with my galaxy,note 3?
Yes. But I figure you really mean a DAC/amp combo.
>whats a good portable dac in the 100-300 price range to pair with oppo pm3s.
May as well consider a separate music player while you are at it.
Why though? If you're doing this because because you don't like the PM3 sound, this won't do anything to change that.

oh ok silly me, i'll just do that

dunno what rutracker has against me, either being a canuck or my plugins are messing the registration+google translate up

are you retarded?

Why would someone purposely choose MMCX connectors for modding their headphones with detachable cables? Purely space constraints with the existing design already?

i'm looking around TH-X00 cable mods and apparently some people choose to have a connector designed for IEMs for their headphone.

Mmcx is somewhat of a standard so nice looking cables are cheaper and more common.

He's a retard but read:

>not recognizing rotational velocidensity pasta
Please tell me you're reverse baiting

>Not filling your hard drive with helium to prevent this

End game

>/hpg/ is degenerate

Is there any way I can buy those thick cables, and do they come in 3.5mm options? I hear the thicker the cables are, the better they sound


Beyerdynamic Custom Studios are highly preferable to DT770s.

Thicker cables are made that way only for anal pleasure. You won't get better sound out of them.

If I have the HD 202, what's a good upgrade for them? I'm a poorfag 3rd worlder but if I can get something better less than $60 I'd consider making the investment.