I just want something inexpensive and with a good trackpad

I just want something inexpensive and with a good trackpad.

Are chromebooks decent or just locked-down botnet machines? What else is out there?

Mannnnn you should have been on ebay yesterday. There was this dude selling a used hp laptop with an a10-5757m apu with 8gb ram and a 1tb hdd, (no battery or charger included though.

Anyway last bidder got it for $125.

just get a T420


No, they aren't locked down. Just get one, then enable developer mode, and run Linux

This, got one and it's great

>No, they aren't locked down. Just get one, then enable developer mode, and run Linux
But what if I'm not a pedophile who spends all day long ricing his desktop in his mother's basement?

Then don't run Linux on it. I own like 5 and only one has Linux on it.

They're perfect little shitposting machines, and the trackpads on them have some useful gestures.

But what if I want to play games beside angry birds?

Then install Linux.

Dude, I don't know. If you're trying to get something inexpensive, it's going to probably run Windows and that in of itself will run like shit on the crappy hardware you're paying for. Pick your poison.

I'll pick the non-pedophile os, thanks.

How about just install a babbys first Linux, don't rice or fuck around with it, and enjoy the increased performance on your poorfag hardware? You aren't gonna be gaymen on $300 hardware anyway

Nah, I'm not a sick fuck who likes molesting children.

Dells from the past 3 years have had really good trackpads.

Do you have to be so closed minded?

Don't feed the troll dude


>t. registered pedophile sex offender

They are inexpensive and do have good trackpads.

Thats where it ends. Chrome is pretty limited and there are a few strange quirks you will have to adjust to. Also you cant rely on chrome apps as they are just terrible ports and usually havent been updated in years (for example VLC)

Although the chromebook can do everything I wanted its just a pain in the ass. When I was travelling I found I was using my phone for simple tasks more than the chromebook.

If you are planning to use and keep it for a while id really look at spending a bit more getting something better or get something that is used.

>t. projecting faggot

Just find second hand thinkpads

I already have a T420, it's nice yeah but I want something lighter and (again) their trackpads arent great

I'm considering that then.

I assume Chromebooks are usually ARM cpus?

They are like MacBook with the best in industry trackpad and smooth UI, they are great just know the limitations
