does your imouto use macOS operations system, the most advanced operation systems on the world?
me: yes!
does your imouto use macOS operations system, the most advanced operation systems on the world?
me: yes!
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picture of her desktop
someone bump this thread now!
Kirino a shit
ill killy ou!
Why would kirino have a Mac, which wouldn't support her porn games.
because its the most advanced
Confirmed bait
confirmed dumb
You don't know anything about Kirino, shoo shoo ironic weeaboo
this website is bad enough with reddit taking over and now you want to subdivide the remaining anime fans even more? could you be any more retarded?
dumb dumb
>Cutting off cancer is bad
and that's why reddit has taken over
your really dumb
ok this thread sucks im deleting it
Jesus Sup Forums is absolutely at its worst when you clapping gremlins get back from work/school and start shitposting thorough evenings. USA is truly the retarded part of Sup Forums. All those anime/frog posters with their Sup Forums tier posts.
Kirino would never use a pile of shit like fagOS that doesn't even have any eroge.
>tfw using up jannies limited daily blocks on oreimo posts that'll be back in 10 minutes anyway
is he all by himself again today?
>the most advanced operation systems on the world?
heh, not
I'm the "imouto" and I use Debian. So no.
how feminine is your penis?
Do you want to engage in lesbian intercourse?
sure babe
dumbest so far
my threads are like a gameshow to find the stupidest psoter on Sup Forums
Whats the vid?
Post her p*nis.
she doesn't have one
I have seen it.
does your imouto use my dick for her pleasure systems, the most advanced dick in the world?
your imouto: yes!
delet this
She uses Windows 7
>bought mac
>completely sold mac to sister
>she also asked for a mac
so yeah she does use a mac for her journalism class
shit is cash yo, it's so easy to become a promoter and promote stuff to people
bless you
my sister is too smol (。>﹏
How will mactoddlers ever recover?
she's not advanced enough to use windows
shitcat's too poor to use windows. she's probably a linuxtard.
she uses windows
that looks nothing like visual studio. windows decorations aren't even right. looks more like some linux knockoff ide.
on windows xp in 2010 it did
>mfw no imouto
Kill me
My imouto uses win 7, but I'll buy her macbook air later (。>﹏
>MaxScript in an IDE rather than Autodesk software
Yeah it's definitely not windows.
she's shit at choking people