Working on a project

>working on a project
>oh, I need
>now let's wait 2 fucking hours for compilation

Why this distro is fucking retarded ? And why Sup Forums turbo-autists keep endorsing this shit ?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I never used Gentoo

Personally I prefer arch. It's easy enough to customize without breaking shit and taking forever.

I'm currently using it, and it's fucking painful

That's why you should just stick with Slackware

>without breaking shit


>Arch Linux
>need ANY library or ANY program or ANY dev environment
>literally 5 seconds + network and disk IO
feels so fucking good man
ubuntu "muh productivity muh stable" fags don't know this feel
its the apex of computing


no thanks

Until you forget to update it for a week and pacman breaks everything.

I've used Gentoo and it's a pain in the backside.

Now I'm running Ubuntu 17.x instead.

Why not sissdee

Please Sup Forums, tell me the name of a linux distro which is :
- minimalist (not Ubuntu)
- stable (not Arch)
- not autistic (not Gentoo)

and don't have systemd

debian stable is fine for servers that run web services. there are other distros that work better for dev things if you need latest versions of things.


Easy, Slackware


Never thought about it, I'll try

install gentoo

Agree... Debian is stable... I am doubting between staying on Ubuntu... going Slackware or going Debian.

He just installed Gentoo and it was pain for him as well for me.

Installing Gentoo while just wanting to get rid of it......



- I either stay on Ubuntu
- i go to Debian
- Or I go to slackware

What do you think?

Just download Windows 7 or buy a key.

If you're going to torrent it make sure to activate it using Daz loader.

install gentoo

Anything but Gentoo

doesnt happen

>thread's about Gentoo
>I use Arch LoL :p

>Poccиянaм oпять нaccaли в poт
>Pяяяя либepaхи oпять пoдняли вoй

>he doesn't install gentoo
install gentoo

Fuck Gentoo i'd rather stick my head in a microwave

Use CloverOS if you're a noob, OP.

Gentoo is for grown ups.

install glorious w7 till 2020

>2 fucking hours
How old is your computer? Any modern box should be able to rip through any compilation task pretty quickly, unless you're compiling something massive like a browser, and binaries are available for those for a reason.
Microsoft's gratuitous incompetence has had the convenient side effect of forcing hardware manufacturers to make boxes that are orders of magnitude faster than what we had a decade ago. We may as well take advantage of it. I compile my WM from source between updates and it's so fast that I almost forget that I pull it from git and not a package repo.

I wonder why they have a free domain.

>Stuck with python2 only among other packages that use an older version

>he fell for the gentoo meme

Ubuntu MATE only uses around 300MB of RAM when idle. I rock it on my 9 year old laptop

Remember that Gentoo includes Pacman and Aptitude in the official overlay.
Why did you want to install one of the most time-demanding distros if you have no patience?