What exactly is Moot doing at Google?

What exactly is Moot doing at Google?

>only claim to fame is running an imageboard and having a failed startup

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Literally who?

He's in charge of the dank memes of course.

Executive Director of Memes.

>What exactly is Moot doing at Google?

also running an image board with this much traffic is a huge task

guy who runs this shit imageboard

Isn't that Hiroshima? This guy doesn't look Asian


Leading an anti-diversity movement apparently.


Sorry, my ruse has gone on too long. I know who moot is, I just thought I'd ask because this thread has little to do with technology

Google will be wanting a successor to Google+ to compete with facebook. I guess moot would be involved with that project. His real name isn't Christopher Poole BTW.

He's probably nearing the final stages of his transition to becoming a disables, gay, double-reverse-gender-queer-bi-hetero-trans-human.

What is it then?

I hope he doesn't turn the google search engine into a troll

imagine typing mood disorder and it spits out
did you mean "moot disorder"?

Probably director of tranny relations

Or they set him up in the men's bathroom teaching shit skins how to take a dump

Moot is a worthless hack who's claim to fame is literally copy pasting
But considering the majority of people who work in Google are hacks I honestly have no idea

he writes anti diversity manifestoes and rages against females

>What exactly is Moot doing at Google?
cum dump for elites



I'm seriously surprised that moot hasn't been caught in any sort of flames being fanned over there. You would think some punk ass tumblrina working at Google would draw some lame ass thread linking him back to his background.

Yes, because Luggage Lad would do such a thing.

past tense

Nice try moot

Sucking dick innovation department

I hope Moot is able to fix or relaunch Google Plus and make it suitable for shitposting.

I really don't like gookmoot and his Jewish ways, jacking up ReCaptcha difficulty to the maximum to force people to pay for Sup Forums Pass.

moot was a faggot and being a faggot fits Google's diversity profile well

if everyone is a faggot, then no one is diverse.

Every time Pepe is mentioned on CNN, they give him another inch.

What did he mean by the memo

fuck do you think he does there exactly? he's in a position with a fat salary and no voice. i bet they recruited a bunch of moot-alikes and put them in a room together, expecting some kind of magic.

>admitting it was ruse ever

I have a second degree friend who was hired as damage control to 'fix' G+, he knows who moot is and tells me he has nothing to do with G+ itself.

A new service maybe, but not G+

I have never believed that was his real name

Moot himself has always presented as pretty mild mannered, no matter how intolerant this place has gotten.
What are they gonna get mad at, he called someone on his imageboard a faggot when he was 17?