Well Sup Forums, give me one good reason you're not using a distribution of Arch Linux?
Other urls found in this thread:
I like my linux distro to work. I hate when shit breaks because I have to check some shitty blog before I update. I can't stand when hackingandcoffee or some other repo is down, so nothing installs.
I prefer fedora, or gentoo.
I'm a lazy bum
Perhaps because I am using the best operating system available.
I am though :^)
>leonard cohen
He's dead
Get some music that isn't old as fuck
I am like little baby when it comes to GNU/Linux. Explain why Arch is memed about so much. What's the draw?
>God tier package management
>Install all the packages yourself, so there aren't any applications you never use / have to go through and remove.
>archwiki such a great source of information, it's referrenced by users of all distros
basically, utilitarianism and control
Because I'm running BSD you scrub
>>God tier package management
Elaborate on that. What makes it so exceptional?
I get the rest, though. I'll have to try this out. At the very least, it sounds like a good way to crash course myself on this shit.
no point
if i had to new install i'd just use ubuntu's netinstall and get a very similar result (from a users pov)
If what you need isn't in the official repository, it'll almost definitely be in the AUR (Arch User Repository). There's no hunting for / adding ppas or googling how to install something. It's as simple as looking up the name of the package on the official website, and then doing a
sudo pacman -S [package name]
My time is worth something.
pacman -S nvidia
gets you the latest nvidia graphics drivers. need anyone say more?
Neat. I'll try that out as soon as I can
Thanks user.
>It's as simple as looking up the name of the package on the official website,
don't listen to that idiot
pacman -Ss search-something
for core/extra/comm ^
cower -s search-something
for aur
> not using pacaur as AUR frontend
I'm not an autistic spergo
But I am.
but why since yaourt is better in every way?
Because it's too unstable for me, I'm using Fedora. Been using Arch for 5 years until 2011 tho.
I'm not poor.
Another Arch user reporting in.
Thinking about trying Void on a different machine.
I use Manjaro because I'm lazy and am only going to install KDE Plasma anyway
> having a menu bar and scroll bar in your terminal
Get the fuck out of here you fucking pleb.
>i hate when shit breaks
>i prefer fedora or gentoo
>not using gentoo
I want pacfags to leave
Fedora is stable as fuck. I have had literally zero problems with that distro.
I also used Gentoo when I was younger and had no problems as well. The only downside was the time it took to install shit.
Gentoo is incredibly stable, not even Debian can compete.
systemd. I heard you could replace it with OpenRC, so I might try that out in the future, but I'm sticking with Slackware for the time being.
Because Solus exists. Bleeding edge with a much bigger focus on stability.
I use Debian on my desktop and Arch on laptop. Debian's font rendering sucks dick tho.
cute arch logo!
It's not "cute", it's disgusting. Although these words mean the same shit. Grow some balls and stop wanking to "cute" fag shit.
anime forum
my laptop's CUP is not powerful enough to run Arch linux with Gnome on full capacity as developers intended it to be. So I an running Windows 10 on it and it runs buttery smooth and it hasn't once hanged and failed on me. So I have no complaints.
>Inb4 faggots suggesting other inferior DEs
You can kindly fuck off because Gnome is the only superior DE in Linux universe. When I get more powerful laptop I will definitely run Arch with Gnome on it. But not right now.
Sup Forums is a white supremacist neo-nazi forum, weebs and faggots are not welcome.
nani?? hitler-kun would like to dissagree
>You can kindly fuck off because Gnome is the only superior DE in Linux universe.
This desu. But I have no idea how the fuck is your laptop is not "powerful enough"?
> to run Arch linux with Gnome on full capacity as developers intended it to be
Can you elaborate on that? What's this full capacity?
Well, it kinda runs okish but lags every other time. My laptop has 1.7 GHz i3 3rd gen processor. Not powerful enough to run it smoothly. Ya, it's an old laptop. I will get a new one soon.
Do the animations lag or something else? I disable animations on my laptop because they lag a little bit (because no GPU).
Yup, same. No GPU on this laptop. Otherwise it works great. But I heard 3.26 will be on some new level. Can't wait to try it.
Bleeding edge is a meme.
Because I like openSUSE Tumbleweed better. openSUSE guys have great tools for automatad package testing. That makes Tumbleweed a lot more stable than Arch or Debian (passive testing is so 2014). The main drawback, however, is that Tumbleweed makes using proprietory drivers very uncomfortable.
Also, minimal systems are a meme. There isn't any noticable boost in speed (look at how snappy Solus is, even if you install all the packages it has in the repos). Minimal systems get in your way because you'll always have to install some additional dependencies for some new tool that you'll need to use. I like my system to be a work environment, not a museum of rightly grouped packages.
I like Video Games, however thinking of ditching Warframe in favor of only playing dota 2 and moving to Arch for a better programming experience
I got msys for pacmanfest.
Antergos with i3 here
Well you're just a stupid faggot because XFCE would suit your needs perfectly
being serious, is there a better rolling release binary distro than arch?
what is the appeal of Warframe?
ya no thx
yeah PATH is SOOOO convenient. just try to win+R "vlc", it doesn't work. Windows is shit.
lmao newfag
it's the best one in a landslide. it took me a long time to realize this.
Because I like it when distro developers test packages before uploading them.
Shill Nye the financed guy over here
not using this shit because it has systemd and systemd sucks dick, having an option to install openRC on the side doesnt make everything alright
more like this
It's time to let go and embrace systemd sperglord, stop living in the past.
>it's the best one in a landslide
It's just shit incoherently piled together
MATE is the ultimate DE
combat is fun (although very easy), movement is fun, if you get in a good clan with discord it can be fun communicating with the clanmates, grind (if that's your thing), lots of content.
I might quit it though because of how easy it is and how repetitive it is, although I'm still not sure.
>weebs are not welcome
Anyone else use Cinnamon?
what's that widget on the far left of the right of your screen?
That's just the menu. I changed the icon.
hardware issue on my main I haven't resolved
4th from the right?
Because I have a MacBook Pro
The arrow one? Thats Pamac. I like to use a GUI pacman manager.
Also Arch Linux doesn't have Safari
the computer box thing with an X inside
nigga I have arch without systemd and that shit doesn't even break
A rolling release is the DSM of Linux releases. Its never actually working, and if it is then it breaks the next time you use it.
Oh that's just my external drive plugged in.
Because I'm an adult.
>date and time not in the center of the screen
but why?
but i am (even at work)
safari is shit tho
anyway what's that Sup Forums css
Safari is great for battery and performance.
Also, mixtape.moe appears to be down, so here's a link when I sent it to someone in Discord. cdn.discordapp.com
I recommend using it with these 4chanx and oneechan settings for the best experience cdn.discordapp.com
and shit for security and privacy
thanks for the links
Safari 11 got much better with security and privacy, not sure how 10 or below is though. And no problem, if you have scaling issues on your display for image hovering, I can give you the code for what you need to change in 4chanx to fix that.
The image hover only encounters issues with super high res images, because of where the image is on the screen itself for this Sup Forums css.
>better in every way
I use manjaro. much better
>not shit
Because I use manjaro abd even there some stuff dont work properly.
I need a productive distro that's not over simplified like ubuntu and not autistic like arch or gentoo.
I have a job.
Meh, some of us have jobs and can't devote a whole week to installing Arch...
if you need a week to install arch, then you have no business administrating your own computer anyway
I like Unity
good luck in the future (without unity)
Well, I have a job too but I'm still using Arch, because I don't take my work home.
If you have to work overtime at home your job sucks.