Why can't Euro's internet? It's embarrassing the lack of web tech from Europe and Britain

Why can't Euro's internet? It's embarrassing the lack of web tech from Europe and Britain.

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It's no fun when you make it this easy, at least fucking try.

1. The UK is also in Europe. European Union is not the same as Europe.
2. Europe focuses generally more on European countries instead of global markets. Americans just don’t see many because it’s not aimed at them, so they aren’t as popular.
3. Computers in Europe are on par with the USA. You only see old CRT monitors and accompanied (yellow)grey boxes rarely. They used to be used in computer labs at schools 10 years ago because schools got them for free from companies.

>all the garbage and cancer websites are American
No surprise.
>just because nobody I know uses the sites they don't exist!
It's like me saying craigslist, netflix, hulu, yahoo, ign, vimeo, uber, cnn, bing, gamespot, usenet, blogger, Slashdot and digg (whatever those last 4 are) don't exist. America is stuck in it's own bubble of sites and products. You can't know the sites used by Europeans or Asians when they don't concern you, unless you frequently visit Europe/Asia.

>crt monitors
Stopped being used in all schools a decade ago.

Atleast we dont shoot kids in schools.

Also cumskins are born retarted

The web was developed in Europe.

This stupid twat.

The eu has 47 unicorns. (companies valued at a billion) including Spotify, Skype and Skyscanner.

Is that your sjw identity for this hour?

Atleast we have an internet that's not third world.

What? Skype = Microsoft = America.

You think Skype was born in Microsoft's hands?

It's hard to do the startup thing in Britain because the cost of living is so high and office space is so expensive and the regulations are fierce. Also we're morons and illiterates.

It's origins don't matter. Same as YouTube, for example. They're bought and are no longer in their previous owner's hands and nobody gives a fuck. It's an American product now. It's shit anyway.

all microsoft did was fuck up skype and make it unusable. skype was way better before microsoft took it over

Everything is better before Microsoft buys it. I don't get why so many people like the company.

funny, because the usa gets owned by both chinks and europe regarding supercomputers

not true, the DOS sourcecode they bought really got some improvements

The improvements would be better and less botnet in someone else's hands.

>It's embarrassing the lack of web tech from Europe and Britain
>Invented the internet
Americans will fly into a rage at this fact because their education system is so fond of indoctrination and alternative history. :^)


Don't mind everything become a Chinese product/service then by that logic

they weren't botnet because there was no net

>tfw skype is dead
It was fun while it lasted

>A lot of shit got created in europe
>amerishit bought it

Woah, woah, hold on, you may exceed your 48 GB monthly data allowance with those morbidly obese opinions, Johnny.

it just means that americans can't invent shit and have to buy/steal everything. see: google, microsoft, apple, ...

WTF op asked "Why can't Euros internet" so the origin does matter faggot.

at least we dont have data caps

As long as it isn't American I'm fine with it. OnePlus made a phone better than the current iPhone and Xiaomi is an excellent brand rivaling Samsung in quality. Obviously chinks are capable of rivaling top tier products and there's nothing wrong with them. Americans are taught that anything outside America is bad and that's probably why you think Chinese products are bad. This is why, for example, iPhone usage in murrica is almost 50% when it's less than 20% in the rest of the world.

Exactly. So why is Europe selling itself instead of popularizing?

The internet was born out of ARPANET, which is from the USA.

Skype has always been shit, Microsoft actually improved Skype in the first year after they bought it. After that it went back to the purest shit.

>they all use processors designed in the states

are there any non american cpus?

ARM a-73 was designed in france

Yes. Chinese and Russian.

How do Americans live for a whole month with the amount of data traffic an average European uses in less than a day?

Is feudalism a common thing in America?


t. Nigger

I never said Chinese things are bad.

Just saying that by that logic things will become Chinese because they are buying up a lot of services and product brands.

Most web tech isn't innovative. People can come up with these ideas everywhere. Difference is: in the US they get 500m funding, like your DRM juicer.

Why do Euros hate Anglo/American capital markets?

Because we speak a dozen different languages over here and unlike the United States, European countries are really different from each other. So a lot of things get made for the local market and when they have a stable product they want to expand mostly to the USA because they have 300 minion+ persons. That's mostly when companies get bought over for insane prices.

Because anglo/americans are degenerates.

Is it true that on birth American males are 'marked' according to a special religious rite, so they would be reminded of their place in the caste system every time they look down at their genitals, for their entire lives?

Skype was probably sold when it's value was the highest.

Yes but it’s not religious anymore.

They are THAT cucked by the jews

Is sacrificing your life for the Greater Israel Project still the most common pastime?

>hurr durr eurofags can't into internet
We just don't spend as nearly as much time dicking around on social cancer as burgers.
Europe is more focused on high-end hardware, embedded systems and localized software than internet development because why waste money and resources on something that is being heavily researched by someone else anyway instead of doing something more useful for the society.

>ukbab on high horse after brexit
the UK is still in the EU for at least good year senpai


The UK will always be in Europe. But it’s leaving the EU.
Europe ≠ EU

>The UK is also in Europe.
The UK is an island outside of Europe.

>Computers in Europe are on par with the USA.
KEK have you even been to central/eastern/southern Europe?

>US product
ayy I didn't know China was in the US.

I bet you're gonna say the same about Minecraft.

>The UK is an island outside of Europe.

Skype was a co-product of finland and estonia, layer bought by microshit

>rivaling Samsung in quality
that's not hard to do, since Samsung phones are inferior to most other smartphones out there.

The internet as a whole was born out of Arpanet and other research programmes during the 1960s in the United States, the World Wide Web however was made by Tim Berners-Lee.

are there any non-israeli cpus?

but the UK is still in the EU so why are you so adamant on using the UK as the example for your case

Jewish =/= Israeli
Nice try Goldstein

im from eastern yurop and go my 2 monitors, 16 memebytes of ram, an intuos 5 graphics tablet and i'm buying a 1050 this week (i hardly play gaymes anyway)

Yes, the jews cucked them into cutting their offsprings' weiners.

UK ≠ Europe
Europe is a continent. The UK is a degenerate country on two islands outside of Europe.

>can't into geography
typical britbong

So following your dumb nigger logic, Corsica is not inside of Europe
Kill yourself my man

>What is Soundcloud?



Jewish || Israeli == Cancer

Fuck off, barbarian.

>The UK is a degenerate country

Europoor here.

100/100 and 5 IPs for US$15/month, torrents easily max that.
No data caps, I typically use 25-30GB/day.
ISP will fight tooth and nail against MAFIAA with the result that american lawyers have completely given up hunting anyone in my country.
ISP will never sell or share my usage data as I'd just switch ISPs.

>KEK have you even been to central/eastern/southern Europe?
Have you seen the computers still being used in more remote parts of the USA? It’s exactly the same situation. Some people still like the old technology. Some people never bothered upgrading. Some people can’t afford any better. Most people in the USA and Europe have a decent computer nowadays.

Holy fuck, did you ever go to school? Or are schools over there so horrible they don’t even teach you the basics? A continent doesn’t end where the sea starts. It can continue undersea. The UK is lays in the western part of Europe.

>The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign country in western Europe.
>Source: Wikipedia


Please educate yourself, my negro.

Here in the Netherlands we had our own search engines, but they got bought out.
We had our own social media, but they got bought out.

But we still have lots of webhosters (second biggest in the world), things like booking.com, startpage and startmail.

>The UK is lays in the
>can't into engrish
>criticizes user's education

consider myself educated :^)

You can also get 1 terabyte free encrypted file storage here in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands used to be the server/hosting haven.
The NSA fucked that up, though.

>tfw the Netherlands has no decryption orders
>privacy in the whois by default
>anonymous seach engines like ixquick
>anonymous email
>encrypted file storage
>isp's aren't allowed to scan your traffic
>all parties supported net neutrality
Feels good man.

Typo while trying to copy paste to spoonfeed the child.

>KEK have you even been to central/eastern/southern Europe?
Yes, I live there.

Americans work longer hours so we don't have as much time as you to download 8k tranny porn.

Their software is shit, but hardware is fine.

Posted from my Galaxy S5 which still works and never broke even though the back is plastic.

In your parents basement, maybe.

>hardware is fine
Yeah, exploding batteries and chink build quality is not fine.
Go away, shill.

At least I use the internet without data caps unlike practically all Americans.


>Amerifats pay $100/month for 2Mbps Download and 0.5Mbps upload speeds which are considered """fast"""
>Meanwhile Ivan pays $20 for Gigabit Speeds in Eastern Europe

that "gigabit" often slows to much less any time it leaves the country

Studio apartment actually.

lmao...no caps on my American internet.

Good thing Americans provide you with a shit ton of websites to browse, otherwise your no caps would be pointless if it were left up to europoors.

>can't afford a decent apartment in eastern europe
>spends his parents money on a PC
The true gypsie mentality.

>live alone
>waste money on 4 rooms you'll never use
>store your pity junk in them
The true Amerifat mentality

Because they get arrested everytime someone says 'nigger' on their website.

>waste money on rooms
That explains your gypsie mentality.

>slave wagecuck
Also learn to download at work faggit.

>exploding batteries
Literally one device. Apple had the same issue.

>one device
You mean one ENTIRE MODEL of devices.
With crApple it's been a few hundreds of devices, maybe.

Fucking crApple/Samshit shills on my Sup Forums.

>looking down at their genitals
except that americans are too fat to be able to see their junk.

Damn my dude didn't know all the torrents/steam are stored in my country, that would explain my 30-40MB/s downloads.
