Found a old T60 in the trash. Seems to be working just fine all needs is a SSD/HDD
Whats some things to do with this thing?
Found a old T60 in the trash. Seems to be working just fine all needs is a SSD/HDD
Whats some things to do with this thing?
install gentoo
You've to give it back, Jamal.
Jamals are too dumb to steal thinkpads.
"Give it back Jamal" implies you are black and you stole it.
Return it to it's owner Jayqwon.
install gentoo
T70 it
oh god....
I dont usually browse Sup Forums.. I didn't thing there was this kind of stupidity here. Well its the internet after all.
Fuck off back to where ever you came from
If it's dual core you can watch anime in 720p and play old games.
>I don't usually browse Sup Forums
You don't usually browse imageboards, it seems.
>telling anyone to fuck off
This meme spewed from Sup Forumstards invading Sup Forums. Thats also why there is barely any tech talk, and mainly "whats you opinion on X" threads. In short, this site is aids.
I'd use it for some computing
That's right goyim, Sup Forums was never racist until Trump was elected!
holy shit....
this thread de-railed like a mother fucker....
I'll just load XP on the fucking thing and make 20$ off Cragiist for this fucking thing. Its obviously useless.
Send it to me you fucker. Also, get you newfag
Nigger, I didn't mention trump. I said that Sup Forumstards like you have ruined this site. Learn to fucking read.
Just go back to le ddit, nigger
Put it back in the trash because you're clearly a brainless faggot who just wants to look brand conscious to other internet virgins and literally has to ask us to think for him when it comes to uses for a turing-complete computer system with multiple processors and gigabytes of memory.
Install Libreboot and Parabola GNU+Linux-libre
fuck off idoit.
Your retro hate needs to stop.
We've always been here... you paid Sharia Blue folks are the illegal aliens here.
Upgrade it, Paint it, and Libreboot it.
Your painted Thinkpad looks shite, mate, and will look even worse in a month's time.
Please don't paint it, OP.
If you're going to install Linux, don't do gentoo. Shit is trap by these spergs.
>doesn't know how to paint.
Paint it OP don't listen to the Australian.
What the fuck are you talking about? You () can't paint for shit.
And I'm not Australian.
>complaining about painting on an anime website
>You don't know how to paint!
>No, you don't know how to paint (provides photographic evidence)
>I can't believe you're complaining about painting on Sup Forums!
Really activates my almonds.
>Sup Forumstards invading Sup Forums
>a Sup Forums board invaded Sup Forums
Put it back in the trash.
>he's so new he thinks boards can't invade other boards
posting in the worst thread I've read today
My mom has a T60 that I set up for her about 5 years ago running Xubuntu. Still works fine. I recently put an ssd in it and it's pretty fast.
>Sharia Blue
At least they make money while shilling
>you can't paint for shit
>posts unrelated image as proof
>complains about painting
>anime site
You're not worthy of this board kid. Lurk for 2 years, and then post.
literally 10yo me
>Diablo II
I want to play this again.
>Install a lightweight GNU/Linux distro
>Enjoy the vintageness of 14.1" display
>Enjoy shitposting with the best keyboard of the IT world
>Fuck bitches
I still have no idea why they felt the need to fuck with the keyboard. The new one is alright by modern keyboard standards, but I nearly came when I first typed on the T420 that's now my workhorse.
>muh sekrit klub
You need to fuck off
>tfw have an X220 in top condition and I don't use it at all, but I'm a terrible seller
fuck my life
lucky bastard
libreboot it.
Hack the planet.
>Calls others stupid
>Has faulty pattern recognition
Wew lad, here's your (You)
play game
Install Win7 and an SSD
Depends on the model of T60