What's Sup Forums's opinion on RFID chips?
Do you believe that they provide any special benefits?
Would you ever get one?
Thoughts on RFID chips?
there's so little things out there that interact with them that putting one inside your body would be a resoundingly stupid idea.
this is a pretty sad post. I guess Sup Forums really is all about consumer electronics nowadays.
Perhaps it might have more uses in the future; would you consider getting it then?
I've automated a lot of stuff around my house using RFID tags. I'll probably get one sooner or later because using my phone is kind of cumbersome.
I can unlock my front door and car with an RFID tag capsule that's in my wrist.
How long before those things get so small they can shoot one in you without you knowing.
Who's to say that they aren't already that small
Maybe it has already been made and used, yet almost nobody knows about it. Which means the rice-sized ones are a diversion.
Well you would never know.. so..
I'm not too big on implanting an identifier in my body, especially not with the number of tools available to scan them. It's creating an attack vector without providing any real utility. I don't know why anyone would voluntarily compromise themselves in such a way other than blindly trying to adopt pointless technologies.
>get RFID implant
>years down the line get into an accident
>they need to do an MRI
>I can't warn them that I have one inside my body
>the chip begins tugging and thrashing around as the machine spins up
>the chip bursts out of my skin, making a huge mess and traumatizing some intern
N-no thanks, user..
I'm pretty sure Sup Forums is just afraid of what technology is leading towards. Rfid stands for every fault of personal privacy and security in the common era. It's difficult to separate from yourself, can be used to track you, has no built in security or authentication, and doesn't actually improve your life when you really think about it.
>RFID gets ripped out
>a little bit of blood
Good thing you're in a hospital..
Does anyone on here believe that it's the mark of the beast?
this is something that's always in the back of my mind when i read about these.
Came to post this, God's chosen are using these to mark their property.
i had the fun experience that some random old ass RFID tag that i carried around on my keychain was triggering the THEFTALARM in multible stores , imagine that happening w/ your implant
been thinking of getting one actually. will look around
I wave my hand through the detector and it goes off. I step backward through the detector while holding my hand out, it doesn't. I leave freely. Next time, I make sure to steal something.
it's a shitty inconvenience and a good argument not to, but it's still just an inconvenience.
dont want something in my skin
okay but we have scanners that are the entire doorframe (or just very tall) BECAUSE of this way of stealing
also real inconvenient when you get locked in a store and the manager comes and has a chat w/ ya and goes like "empty all pockets and so on"
not fun whatsoever
They can give you a full body X-ray before the MRI to detect any object.
I know it's annoying, I've been there done that in a country where white Americans are the "this guy is probably a thief" suspicious minority.
Bonus points, I did it buying female-targeted gay porn for my cousin.
"お客さん, could you please pass your backpack through the gate"
ok, it beeps
"お客さん, could we please look inside your backpack"
ok, they find sealed shopping bags from the bakery uptown and from the electronics store a couple blocks away where i just bought replacement razor blades
problem over in 3 minutes in a situation where i was the nigger, i wouldn't volunteer to bring it upon myself more often and i think these are a bad idea but their downside isn't THAT bad