Why isn't GNU/Linux a desktop dominant yet?

Why isn't GNU/Linux a desktop dominant yet?

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Because normies are allowed on computers.

because it sucks

I guess we should stop blaming things like
> hurr muh distro is better than yours
and join all together as a community and be strong

there are lot's of distros normie-friendly


People don't want to try Zorin or Mint because "muh gamez"

so would games be the only reason they don't switch?

'cause windows comes preinstalled
that's allready changing with chromebooks

software, drivers and gayums

Get Dell, Best Buy, etc. to install Linux on every computer they sell and then you will have a worthwhile Linux market share.

Most people buy computers to web browse, text process, and other mundane shit. They aren't going to go out of their way to change to a different OS to do the exact same things because you type "botnet" repeatedly on Sup Forums.

>but it's friendly!
when will you understand that this doesn't matter?
they just say that shit to make you shut the fuck up when you evangelize it, they don't really care if it's easy to learn or not, they don't really care about learning it at all, because there's no reason to go through the annoyance and setback of backing up data and migrating it over to a different platform because some faggot who jumped on to the Ubuntu train because they didn't know how to properly maintain their hand-me-down XP system when they were 14 told them it crashes a little less

there is simply no compelling reason at all to migrate over to another operating system of any kind in 2017, for 95% of tasks the big three all do the same exact shit, it's just a matter of which way you prefer to do it

driver support

> drivers
actually, driver support is quite good on linux
> software
photoshop, sony vegas, adobe and office I think would be the only reason they would be worth using it, but having to buy a whole operating system just to use this tools just sometimes I bet it's not worth
> games
well that would be a fair point, I hope it'll change soon with steam and multiplatform games

driver support is an overused argument but stop waving it away just because you didn't have to put NIC drivers on a flash drive for your mom's old shit chromebook, Linux has great support for a wide range of standard systems but deviating from that line with niche hardware isn't going to get you anywhere, it may be more convenient on linux operating systems but winshit will always be supported first and sometimes only winshit

Mostly, yes. Porn and Facebook runs already everywhere and nobody uses their computer for productivity purposes, so it must be the games.

what about Steam support and all the multiplatform games?

personally for me: too fragmented
use this linux. no use that linux. no you idiot. use this one. etc...

should I use KDE or GNOME? vlc or mpv? eog or gwenview or kuickshow or gthumb? evince or xpdf or okular or kpdf? etc etc etc
sometimes choice sucks if you have to sit and test each one individually.

and if you're unfortunate enough to have unsupported hardware, good luck

You always want that which doesn't run on your platform.

> (OP)
>personally for me: too fragmented
>use this linux. no use that linux. no you idiot. use this one. etc...
This sounds like Sup Forums issue.

Some problems need to solved on the technical side (there has been great progress as years went on) , of course Microsoft's anti-competitive practices aren't helping, stereotypes are also a problem.

You also think about Apple, right?

Who gives a shit about them? They're almost as comatose from a raw market share perspective as Linux is.

>but don't forget about apple!!!
2 shits have been deposited in your designated hands sandeep

because kde is not quite stable atm and gnome is not what people are used to

Installing a new browser to replace the default one has only recently become a thing among normies because of chrome, do you really expect them to install a new operating system on their computers?
Linux will never take over until big companies start to back it by shipping their computers with it as the default OS.

I was thinking more on buying it preinstalled, as windows is today

Not being able to play 90% of a game library you payed up to $300 is more than a "muh games" situation. On top of this nvidea cards are only supported at 32bit, meaning of the games you can play, they run awfully.

There's also the fact that pretty much any actual professional software you'll find on windows like adobe Photoshop or FL studio, you can't get on linux.

So unless you're an absolute neet without any profession or hobby, Linux really isn't a feasible option until more companies support it.

when something is free people don't value it

they also don't care about freedom (as in the four freedoms)
and don't mind their private hdds being data mined (unless it's too obnoxious)

am i the only one uncomfortable with governments spending millions of tax payer money on windows 10 licences for handling civilian's data??

KDE is disgusting
XFCE with proper keybindings and a window compositor would be perfect for normies

Because linux desktop made by pissy children throwing fit over any small thing they are not agreeing with.

No gamez

because of the economic mode of production, Microsoft has a monopoly on OEMs and advertisement, they also have a history of paying companies to not develop drivers for Linux. Linux also is a grassroots people's Operating System, not meant for commercial situations, it is generally not supported in the market.

Not preinstalled.

And more importantly, we learned that normal users cannot into any form of sysadmin. They best just get an install/uninstall button and a select few settings. Ergo they now are *on Android*.

Most common personal OS by time used and by number of devices by far. It won't be Windows or Linux ever again, presumably.

that's the whole point of freedom, being able to decide what you want to use

not its goal

For the same reason that having a well tooled workshop and fixing your own items and repurposing items items insteading of buying new isn't dominant yet.

Microsoft doesn't make Android.

Android with its Linux kernel has taken over personal computing. The only reason why you still mention Windows is because someone had the weird idea that "desktop" is more worth of fixation than the whole larger category of "personal computers", despite its pretty rapid decline in face of the personal computers normal people now actually use.

Dear Retard Nigger,

First of all, what infantile fucking moron spends THAT much on children's toys? Is piracy too complicated for your meager intellect?
Second, there's GIMP2 for photoshill (or pirate and run via wine) and LMMS (or something) for Fucking Loser Studio.

Go make dubstep in another thread, you impotent imbecile, Linux is more widely used at IT related jobs, and other jobs aren't up for discussion on a technology board.

Kill your shitty self, cryptocommie. I feel butthurt knowing source for picrelated. The reason for Shilldows' wide usage is Microsoft's aggressive marketing during the 3.1-95 years

Are you a reatard? For unsupported hardware, JUST EXTERNALLY LOAD DRIVERS LMAO. Use XFCE because both KDE and GNOME are, in fact, bloated and XFCE can be set up to imitate either. Use MPV, because VLC is downright objectively bad. The latter two really don't matter, but I like jpegview and xpdf. Besides, Win has a lot of software choice, you just use the shitty defaults

> $300 being a lot of money
> neet scum detected

Who the fuck would stoop to the level of Gimp and LMMS other than poor jobless faggots?

Because people depends on windows and windows depends on people.
Which is horrible by one side and good on the other.
If people stopped depending on their old win32 applications, either they would move to linux, or microsoft would create an horribly cancerous online only cloud based atrocity and ruin computing forever.
But people depends on win32 applications and keep everything in check.

the thread is about desktop computing

so yeah the market lol. all would be fixed if the market was abolished, USSR stronk

Because it isn't advertised as aggressively and it's a bit late to the party. Similar to why nobody uses windows on phones as it's too late to the market and Google has the power to advertise android as a better OS. Android being libre helps but advertising is what gets you most users. This is why sailfishOS, even though it's better than android, won't succeed and that's why only windows fanboys and absolute poorfags bought windows phones.

>only recently
I hardly knew anyone who used IE instead of firefox or opera back in the day.

This and this.

Those both stink.

And also people are cucked so hard into believing that the Windows way of computing is THE way to compute. They think that viruses, anti-viruses, a retarded shell, and an interface that hasn't fundamentally changed since the 90s is just the norm. They are paralyzed by the slightest hiccup, and can't problem solve for shit.

Because it still somehow manages to be a pain in the ass to use and maintain. I tried out two distros that were called the most user-friendly, and both bricked themselves during normal automated system updates. One bricked itself while trying to install Steam until I used the command line in safe mode to fix it. When normal people run into that, they don't reinstall linux. Especially not when the response from "customer support" is usually something along the lines of "when you installed our distro you knew what you were getting into."

After you sort that out, games need to run on it. Nobody wants to have to reboot just because their Korean panty simulator requires Windows.

By contrast, my Android phone just works and ran everything except when the phone itself didn't support the software.

People don't want to use a total turd, that's why.

This. Let's start by forking our own distro from Mint.

the only thing i miss is ableton, but bitwig studio isnt too bad a replacement. The stock synth is somewhat boring though

thank for new pasta fren

60% of my library is linux compatible

>driver support
I just gave up trying to get audio working in Win2009 POS. I couldn't find drivers that don't crash for any of the sound cards qemu supports.
What about planned obsolescence? Doesn't Win7 refuse to download updates on Ryzen?

What distro bricked itself after installing steam? It works fine on Ubuntu, Kubuntu and ZorinOS Lite. You shouldn't use the Ubuntu software center for installing software, it's shit and unstable.
You can wait for Google to improve it's ChromeOS (which is based on gentoo linux) and popularize it. It should be as good as android.

um i fail to see how sailfishos is any different than android

Mint's debian based edition. I don't remember the exact details anymore, but I ended up with either graphics libraries or display drivers "upgraded" to a version that caused it to give an error during startup and fail. I manually reinstalled the previous version in safe mode.

Mint was shit years ago, especially the debian edition. It's still shit today, just not as big of a mess as it was.

The vast majority of programs I use on Ubuntu had to be installed through the command line. Many others come as tar and while there are programs that can automatically install those, you would still need to find them first.
Installation isn't as easy as double clicking an icon. And that is ignoring the inavailability of many programs that can only run on windows or mac. I am talking about shitty programs that your job requires, or your kid's school has. Those tend do be .exe installs and not available even on mac.

A big selling point for Linux could be the ever growing demand for RAM windows has. There are millions of laptops out there that have between 2 to 4 GB of RAM, and windows 10 runs really slowly on them. Switching them to Linux would have them be useful until those laptops die. However, no one is interested in providing that! The normies can't install even Ubuntu by themselves. Computer repair shops should honestly start offering a switch to Ubuntu for money.

>wtf, I have too many options!

This is what nigger cattle looks like.

>and if you're unfortunate enough to have unsupported hardware, good luck
It's funny, this is what I say to users of proprietary hardware/drivers. Good luck getting support from your locked down driver vendor with no public bug tracker. Meanwhile in Linux land you can report a mesa bug and have it fixed the same day.

Nobody cares about GNU shit anymore. Linux is very successful without GNU.

there are plenty graphical tools for package manager like pamac for pacman+aur in Arch Linux

You face the same dilema on every OS. All software has alternatives. Use whatever you feel is best for you. And there aren't that many desktop Linux distributions. Most are specialized for non-desktop use and the rest are just choosing defaults.

>Normie friendly
Your average normie doesn't even understand file hierarchies.

>installation isn't as easy as double clicking an icon
It is for all deb and sh files I've downloaded. And in case your distro prefers opening those with a text editor or shits itself up in case of deb files, dragging the file into the terminal should work.

>Actual Professional Software

You should not have to spend $500 to make pretty pictures. And FL isn't even the best DAW. There's a tool that I got bundled with Studio One, that can pick apart a chord and edit individual notes...from a raw recording. That's something I'd pay for, but FL is not.

Most programs don't come as .deb and a normie user would stay on windows just to never touch a terminal. I really don't know why you wrote that post. Did you think I was having a problem and you tried to help? Or are you someone who has never interacted with an average person and doesn't realize how inept they are when it comes to software?

Not him, but I like FL Studio a lot. It's pretty fucking good actually.

Normies don't install the OS themselves. Google/Linux prebuilt might outsell PC someday.

And America is 60% white. These aren't high numbers. Plus that varies between people.

Photoshop and FL studio are niche products used by less that 10% and needed by less than 5% users. They're hardly even the best options.
>unless you're a neet
You're retarded if you think more than a quarter of people who own a PC/Laptop use anything other than the browser, media player and a reader for word/spreadsheet/presentation documents or do anything productive. I'm not even counting underage people because they obviously don't have a computer related job (you made this criteria) and would be satisfied with a console for videogames and a smartphone/tablet+laptop for other entertainment.

I bet majority of population would be fine with a ChromeOS or a GNU/Linux device on their main computers and wouldn't notice a difference.

Also, majority of the industry uses Linux. The ONLY place where Linux isn't dominant is desktop operating system.

>normie would stay away from terminals
You don't even have to use a terminal. And you're underestimating normies.
>most programs don't come as .deb
But if you're a windows user you're used to searching for software online, which is provided as a .deb file. So, it literally makes no difference.

We can only hope. But they seem to be moving to fuchsia OS which won't be Linux based. It will still be libre though. Unless they abandon it and stick with android+ChromeOS.

In Windows most things work out of the box, but you are restricted to the box.
In Linux there is no box. Few things just work, but you can make anything work.
Most people prefer the box.

>few things work
Linux has better working default drivers and better default software while windows is blank and bloated by default. Nothing in windows works unless you download drivers first. And anything other than w10 doesn't have networking drivers for hardware released in the last few years, so you must use a second device to download them.
On windows I always had to manually install
>Ethernet drivers
>GPU drivers
>all basic software
On Linux I never had to wait for any USB device drivers to install and everything worked out of the box. The only issue are nVidia cards which have shit open source drivers but the official ones are easily installed and are just as good as windows drivers. I'm personally using AMD for graphics and everything always works out of the box.

The only real reason why GNU/Linux is performing so poorly in a marketshare is that it doesn't come pre-installed. Also there is just no marketing. I mean look at how shitty chromebooks are and they're doing fine.
There are lot of Linux distros for retarded like Elementary OS. You just click to install an app you want from an appstore. How fucking hard is that?
Also the talk about fragmented Linux community is not valid because having a choice is nice. I like openSUSE with it's bloat of system tools. Also I like their philosophy of not having proprietory software in official repos. BUT at the same time I like Solus with it's snappiness and one click Chrome install.

1) not preinstalled on new machines
2) poor compatibility for games
3) being forced to type codes in the terminal to fix everything scares normal people
4) absent marketing
5) absent education on free software

Also, would (((they))) really let normie goyim use botnet-free OS?

Can't into vidya
can't into video editing
it doesn't just work

Because it's shit.

>On windows I always had to manually install
This has been false for a while. In Windows 10 every driver installs automatically (and updates automatically).

>everything worked out of the box.
>The only issue are nVidia cards
Then "everything" doesn't work out of the box. The drivers tend to be of lower quality tan Windows equivalents. I love that my CPU hits 100% when I'm downloading something due the wifi driver being shit. I love that the only decent compositor that doesn't give me screen tear is the KDE one. I love having sound clipping and artifacts when listening to music.

>being forced to type codes in the terminal to fix everything scares normal people
It's not being forced to type codes what scares people. It's having to fix things, period. An operating system is supposed to just work, to be transparent. Nobody wants to maintain their computer because most people have more important things to do with their time.

they tried it was bad

Well, the main aspect would be Windows being the giant of the market. However, think about the David vs Goliath scenario. It could be possible for David (Linux) to beat Goliath (Windows) once again.

However, I'd imagine it's primarily because Windows has a metric f*ck ton of marketing, and just about everyone and their dog knows about "Windows 10". Linux doesn't quite have that advantage.
Also, there's a lot of differing distros of Linux, as opposed to the main 2-3 that the average consumer uses today, being 7, (8(.1)), 10.

Elementary is shit. I think it uses the Ubuntu software app which is unstable as fuck. It's easier to just install shit from the terminal.
Solus is much better for normies, but it lacks the debian base as normie software is made for Debian compatibility first. It also has a very small dev team. It will probably be abandoned like every other small scale distro. OpenSUSE/Gecko with KDE would be great for windows users who are used to a lot of options in the GUI.

I agree that fragmentation isn't a problem. You have Debian, Fedora/SUSE, Arch and Gentoo (and now Solus) as the main base systems. Ignoring arch and gentoo which aren't for normies, you're left with 4 base systems. Then with each you have the choice of the system or one of the 1-5 forks of it, the only difference with each is default software. And then you have a choice of the default DE which are usually kept on yet separate image files. This only makes an illusion of too many choices, but the reality is you're only choosing between 5-10 distros and 5 UIs making it look like you're choosing between 50 distros. Not to mention most forked distro is debian and anything working on Debian will also work on it's forks like Ubuntu, Zorin, elementary, deepin, Neon, Lite and Mint.
Also, a lot of linux distros are for specialized use. SBPCs, routers, security/pen testing, anonymity, data rescue, scientific, server... If you're a desktop user these don't concern you.

>in windows 10
Why would anyone use windows 10 for a personal desktop OS?
>installs automatically
A lot of drivers still need internet connection for this. So windows 10 is useless offline.
>drivers tend to be of lower quality
Yeah, the 2-5% difference in GPU performance is very noticeable. Sure the open source drivers of NVidia are garbage, but the proprietary ones are on par with windows ones.
Windows still has an issue with waking up unused disks for no reason and generally has shittier networking and CPU performance than Linux.

I'll make the logo

cuz u assholes killed unity

>Elementary is shit
Maybe. I actually never used it outside a VM because I don't really like their Gnome fork and I am also a .rpm guy. Most of the things I know about Elementary come from the Landuke interview with the main dev of this distro. It looks like they have their own app center with pay what you want kinda system. I don't really like the idea but if it's something that can attract devs to Linux distros then it's a good thing.
>Solus will probably be abandoned like every other small scale distro
Well, Slackware was also a one man distro once. Also Ikey looks like a pretty determined guy.
>OpenSUSE/Gecko with KDE would be great for windows users
Gecko looks promising. I think that openSUSE has the best base (a bit bloated for some, though) and if it's bundeled with an easy method of installing propprietory software - it really can be a great distro to hop on from Windows.

Free / Libre and Open Source Software has no motivation to expand the market share.

Also, desktops are irrelevant these days and Android runs on Linux so...

Main reason I don't switch desu, that and Windows 7 is pretty comfy. I'll probably keep running with it as long as I can reasonably do so.

Good. Unity was bad. It was a less stable and yet less customizable GNOME 3. You can make both GNOME and KDE look like Unity in less than twenty minutes so there's no reason for Unity to exist. I hope newer Ubuntu will use a slightly tweaked GNOME (as in just use the addons which make it look like Unity), since GNOME's UI is massive, ugly and gets in the way too much unless you're using a touch screen.

That was in the early beginnings of Linux. And it stopped being relevant years ago.
>openSUSE is bloated for some
It's not really "bloat". It's just fully packed. Only arch users who want to specifically choose their OS's components would consider that bloat. I think of it being as good as windows, especially for normie users.

If you have a powerful enough PC you can make a pci passthrough. Just use an easy windows friendly linux distro like Zorin/ZLite/Kubuntu/Mint for everyday use and use the KVM to play games. The performance loss is around 3-8%. Although I think you'd be better with a GNU laptop for personal use and a windows 10 enterprise desktop for gaming only, with your router blocking telemetry domains and all unnecessary services removed.
For the record, GNU can already play over half games you'd be able to play on windows. Even more if you use WINE, though only up to dx9 will the games be stable.

The day when they fix the audio mess they have with Usb audio / DAC, I'll switch. Sadly, audio on linux is a mess.

Windows came before it, and managed to grab the audience that wanted to compete with Apple in the personal computing market.

Linux came after all of that, but by that point Windows 3.0 was a thing and Microsoft held a firm hold on the personal computing market.

If you wanted to make Linux the "dominant desktop" you'd first have to raise a generation that didn't have Windows to begin with.

Normies. They can't be helped. They don't want to be.
Pity the fools.

Linux was even harder to use in the 90's though, the only reason to use Linux for home use would be to run game servers. Unix and Unix-likes were always relegated to servers and high ebd workstations, I don't know why anyone would think Linux would work out any differently. Unix was irrelevant for desktop until OSX.

There isn't one single fully updated distro that represents the power of linux and is perfectly stable.

Won't happen, Linux is too fragmented by nature.

It would be a different story if the BSD base-system + ports philosophy won...

Average IQ.

>the only reason to use Linux for home use would be to run game servers

summer needs to end

And when proprietary soundcard drivers come to linux

Desktop is dying. Mobile is way forward. If you consider Android Linux -- Linux is winning.

Yeah okay call me when I can install visual studio on my 1.2GHz huawei

>It would be a different story if the BSD base-system + ports philosophy won...

If BSD won, it would have turned into Windows by now.

GNU/Linux is "fragmented" because no one person or committee should decide how things are done. People who think usability is objective are ex-webdev hipster retards that want to masturbate to compositing animations.


The indie selection is ok and there's valve games but odds are there's a lot of stuff you'll want to play that's not available.