Ok what the fuck
What do I put on my phone, or what phone do I get?
I want to use as few things google has made or touched as possible
Ok what the fuck
What do I put on my phone, or what phone do I get?
I want to use as few things google has made or touched as possible
Other urls found in this thread:
get a phone that Plasma supports
why are the people who make these images so stupid. the idea and design is on point, but the actual text is retarded.
>freedom is offensive
lmao, what was wrong with
>freedom is slavery
was this made by some 15yo Sup Forums shitter? if you can't use words, ask /lit/
there is no such thing as ethical consumption under Capitalism
A phone made before 1998.
self protection
I don't wanna get fucked with one day because a google employee was bored
Cool logo, very Metal Gear.
Buy a Sony phone that supports sailfish, or buy a KDE supported device.
Explain why please
Because they aren't made by Google, which is what OP asked for. Sailfish is better than android anyway.
How do I delete Google and install Gentoo?
It's about the point of view of the world, retard
Install an AOSP ROM without GApps and then install Gentoo Project: Android
>Any Android phone should work
>Custom Rom
>Lineage OS or if you are like my with a galaxy s6 use: forum.xda-developers.com
>dont install google apps
>use fdroid
>if a app from the play store is needed then most likely apkpure has it
Yalp is better for play store apps
Get a one plus or a Motorola and install lineageos
And technically, the edited phrases in OP pic aren't contradictory or illogical, which misses the point. They're just dumb beliefs.
thanks but no thanks pajeet
So far it's only one phone and their expectation that the phone would sell in large number turned out to be exactly the opposite with Sony actually discontinuing the line.
Still, it is the most polished FOSS phone OS project so far.
They discontinued it? I was about to buy a Sony SailfishOS phone soon. This is sad to hear.
get raspberry pi
install gentoo
this with nanomod, you can choose to have playstore or yalp
Better buy your Xperia X now, in that case. The Jolla forums has a handy thread listing all the retailers still carrying it.