Is it still worth it for me to learn Computer Science at 29?

I'll be 29 at the end of this month.

I feel like my "youth" period has only 1 year left.

Is it worth it to devote and rush my 29th year of life to focusing on learning more about computer science and IT (on my own), to the point of trying to get a job in it down the line?

I always super behind when people exchange programming and CS terms around me. I feel like there's an opportunity for work there and a way to understand a lot about the world that I don't know yet. I feel like CS will continue to be in high demand for the next 30 years.

Like I know there's 30 million Pajeets graduating with bullshit IT degrees from India every week, but I feel like if you know what you're doing that there's a ton of opportunities out there for you.

No one is going to hire a 30 year old junior. You’ll have to get experience by yourself or just try another field.

If you know fuck all then yes. Otherwise you should just give up.
I'm going to go and do a bachelor's computer science degree when I'm 19 (currently 18 before you say underage b&)

Scrap that. Just give up and get out of the industry while you can, op.

I'm 26 and I'm thinking about getting a cyber security degree and certificate.

employers might see it as a good thing that you're willing to go back to school to do something you really want to do. but on that note i'll say there is plenty of jobs out there and computers play a part in most of them. just follow your dreams viper

OP here


OP here

I don't really plan on working as an employee and having to go to an office. I plan on freelancing and doing odd gigs and work for various different clients, all from the comfort of my home or my laptop.

thats not how it works.

OP here

I'm already doing it now fucker...

just teach yourself and stick to a schedule , no need to spend thousands to go to a uni, although going to a uni does motivate you to some degree,
usually ~30 is the cut age, and employers do see you as 'more mature' so you might get hired over another, but then again you're a danger since you know your rights as an employee and can't be bullied around to do the boring shit

OP here

yeah thanks man. Um, like i've worked in accounting before. Also, I've been making a cheap but gradually increasing living off of freelancing. And that's like with barely any IT skills at all. So I'm already pretty motivated to do work on my own and study without having to be pressured by a boss or a uni.

Then there is no point in getting a CS degree.

OP here

I am a faggot

Yes. Get good and then lie on your resume.

OP here

I wish I knew how to tripfag so I wouldn't have to type "OP here" in every post

whos that pajeet?

Don't. Cyber security fucking sucks. It's a huge meme.
Go be a developer instead.

T. Cyber security guy for the last 4 years

It's your life. Do it and see what happens.

Just don't be a POTATO

sure it is worth. i started my career at 29. my first job was c++ programmer.

I got my first real software development job at 32. 4 years later, I'm quite successful.

You should go for it, I have colleagues that started the industry around 30. I wouldn't worry about your age, just you might have to go for poorly paying junior positions for a year or two. Theres always demand for more programmers.

Hey guys can I into a job with computers with no schooling and a father who is a security consultant

ideally would like to do something with networking...

Yes. In a couple of months, you will know why.
See you soon user.

>OP here
stop doing that

If you are asking if it's possible then yes it is. You need to stop asking if you do it and just get on with it.

I got my first junior dev. job at 30, but I was already pretty good and mostly knew what I was doing. The only reason I didn't have experience is that I didn't want to waste my youth at sitting in an office staring at a screen. Nobody cares about your age.

Ageism is very strong in IT so as a 33yo sysadmin who "tried" his best to get a dev job for the past 3 years I suggest you rethink it.
Right now I'm back at job hunting as "sysadmin" since 8 years of experience in a field.
Shit's depressing.
Don't make my mistake.

You are blaming abstract discrimination for your personal failings, like the alt-right.


Computer science is oversaturated, go into ultrasound tech instead goy

I would say spend the time getting good at programming and develop a portfolio.

I went back to school 7 years ago and it stunted my self study of programming because of bullshit classes. I wouldve been further ahead if i wouldve just continued on as i was by myself.

Can you explain?

Just get a regular network admin job retard

I'm 24. Is late for 3 year computer science degree? I would be 27 when I complete it.

I am doing that user, Data Science degree. Also work on the side as a Java dev. We are all gonna make it brah

thanks, good luck



3 years from now you will be 27 years old regardless of what you do.

I'm 27, will be 28 next month.

I'm thinking about learning to program but I don't how to begin or with what language. Which language will I make money with?

I'd also like to know why desu