NBN/Speed test thread?

NBN/Speed test thread?

Last couple of threads seemed bretty good so here goes

Paying for 50mbit Fixed wireless and i get speeds like this from 4pm-10pm

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Oi mate anything above 1 Mb/s is good.

>tfw Aussie has better upload than me
Can't bother to test because I'm on mobile but I get exactly 67/7 on my best days.

Old hfc network, just want higher upload but will inevitably lose download. I also get full speed all the time even arvo/night. Will eventually have to go nbn though, might stick with Telstra in the hopes they're not cheaping out on backhaul like most isps.

On cable, I reckon making the switch to NBN will make it slower.



FTTN. Paying for 100/10

kill me

>faster than 50% of AU

FTTP here on 100/40 plan done on mobile phone. Between midnight and 3pm i can get 96/37 on ethernet.

16tb cap a month for $100



50/50 Poland

How is TPG for reliability and speed overall? Have to move over to NBN in a few months and am on cable at the moment. I've looked at others too like Exetel, Aussiebroadband and all, but would rather go with a bigger company like TPG/iinet or Telstra again in the hopes that they might have better capacity/service available.

Telstra is the worse IMO i bounced through like 5 ISP's and telstras was so congested during peak hour i couldn't watch 720p videos on YouTube without excessive buffering

this is in melhourne FTTP btw

Ah well thanks mate, guess I'll go with TPG then or maybe MyRepublic/Exetel. They seem to have generally decent reviews for NBN, with the exception of MyRepublic which offers the 100mbps plans for cheap, so either they're going to be able to offer decent speeds or it'll be terrible. Mine will inevitably be over HFC as FTTN i believe (docsis?) and not vdsl. The only reason i'd consider staying with telstra is because under current HFC they're giving me full speed to where I live and own the lines in the area. Though i'd assume that once NBN rolls in fully that'll be a different story and most ISP's will more or less be equal, at least with the way things seem to be going with pressure on NBN and providers recently.

HFC NBN just came out this month in my area. I'd lose download speed (probably down to 90-95) but the 40 upload would be baller. cbf changing plans since in my experience they'll fuck everything up. i'd probably want to stay with telstra since i know their international peering is good and i dont want to risk other ISPs being a trainwreck like optus is at my parents house (international downloads drop to 300kb/s between 3PM and 1AM)

TPG used to have backhaul issues when it was rolled out in my area around early 2016. Haven't had any issues since then but their customer service is garbage.

>fixed wireless
>literally slower than my 4G phone tethered

Quiet happy with my nbn in a household of 2.

Get on my level

>Can't bother to screenshot
I have a list of people in my head (now including you) who I would kill to have that internet

Well, atleast i'm not in the Big Shitty.

why getting jewed on upload?

From your neighbour

So does Australia have any real broadband infrastructure plans beyond the NBN?

Surely you can't believe a scant 50-100mbps is going to be sufficient in 5+ years...right?

doing alright


>how to screenshot

Probably a university computer or someones workplace that can't access Sup Forums directly because it's blocked on the internal network or something.

We had gigabit plans, then everyone went full retard and voted in a criminal government with the explicit policy of sabotaging it all.

Maybe their hedging their bets that the cost to deploy FTTH will somehow come down significantly in a few years?

That's about the only thing I can think of. You're going to have to deploy the fiber optic lines eventually, once you've made the initial investment, upkeep, and OLT/ONT upgrades are all you really need to contend with at that point.

A single fiberoptic cable with advanced OLTs feeding it can currently achieve 40gbps, and 80gbps should be possible in the next few years.

Had your country not nixed the FTTH plans they would already be in a decent position to upgrade their networks for gigabit and beyond, as we stand now though, no matter what backhaul upgrades are done, the last mile copper bullshit is going to haunt you for decades.

Mobile fag here but
>30mbps down / 5mbps up on fixed wireless at home (packet loss every 15 seconds or so however)

>35mbps down, 20mbps up on Vodafone 4G, use that for gayming

Back when I had the hardwire with Telstra ~7mbps unstable

Not too bad, just costs a shit load.

>hedging their bets
You are giving the fuckers far, far too much credit. Part of their plan involved buying back the defunct copper network, wasting over $10 billion and giving the local monopolist (Telstra) the money to maintain their grip.

I'm not even sure what to do with this most of the time

For the price, who cares?

Anyone else use DFS channels for their Wifi?

Went from 150-250mbps to steady 350mbps+

this kills the Australians.

its back to 50/20 now but yeah peak times are fucked nothing can be done

>Faster than 92% of aus
No hope for this fucking country

It's not that much better on average in the US

>faster than 90% of the US

>that latency
mate what the fuck?

The west is fucked we cant even get immigration in control and we're all spiraling out of control with debt, suicide rates and employment and now we cant even get good internet

Fack sake Asia has had better internet for over 2 fucking decades

Fiber, 100/100... This is over wifi while streaming Netflix... I get the full speed when on cable...

i should have specified Ethernet/cable results only but ok cool

$22/Month btw

Look at the distance, it was the only server I could find that would handicap my speeds enough to get a result similar to yours.

Aussie here mines like $70aud which =50usd wtf
Sigh, we where gonna get Symetrical 1gbit originally, now we get 100mbit/40 most likely WAY less since we're doing a hybrid of FTTN/C/B and fucking Fixed Wireless, Cable/HFC and its all terribly congested

Sorry, there you go. (Still netflixi'n and some other people using up the bandwidth, so can't get the full speed ATM...)

>Sigh, we where gonna get Symetrical 1gbit originally
yeah, pretty sure the NBN was based off what my ISP did in the mid 2000's in the US (Verizon FiOS is the largest GPON provider in the US)

I work for a large ISP.

As you probably know, these speed issues are going to be caused by congestion on the 'cell' or in other terms: "nbn and the government don't give a shit about delivering a fast and RELIABLY fast Fixed Wireless service because it 'costs too much' to provision the tower with high quality equipment "

It doesn't matter how many cases Aussie Broadband raise against nbn, nbn aren't held accountable by anybody or anything. nbn aren't doing anything illegal. Aussie Broadband are stuck in the middle

If you can convince everybody on your local Fixed Wireless tower to talk to your MP or somebody with some form of political power, you might just be able to get something done.

PROTIP: It works because I've seen it work. It just requires virtually EVERYBODY in the area to raise their voices.

Don't bother writing to nbn or even reporting anything to nbn or Aussie Broadband.

My Home Internet is faster than the two places i work at combined at all times of the day.
One of the two places shares a wall with the
Australian internet is doomed.

Well ours was originally planned to rollout in 2010 but they fucked it up and it didnt really start until 2013 and by that time the Labor party had been in Government for almost 7 years, they made the mistake dealing with the TWC and AT&T of Australia TELSTRA who dragged the whole thing out even more so we essentially had to buy back rotting copper and sell it 3x over

Dear god its mind numbingly stupid how bad we fucked it up, 10 years later we have nothing to show for it to the point where 25mbit ADSL2+ seems like a better option at this point, pissed 30bil+ up the fucking wall along with a decade of our time.
Nah it happens at a POI level as well because our CVC pricing is the highest in the world

But yeah i realize this and your right.

Ill try talking to everyone on it, we already have our own facey group ill try and get something done thanks mate.

Been down the TIO route, nothing happened.

But yeah when they go for the Stage 3 in 202x 100mbit wireless speeeds will be even worse

Oh boy i cant wait!

50 Mega BITS is about 6.25 mega BYTES. Since you're wireless, you're never going to get full speed so it looks good to me. And for some really dumb reason, ISPs (atleast in the US) always measure in bits per second while speed tests always seem to test bytes per second. (1 byte = 8 bits)

>it'd make too much sense

go to testmy.net/ , they measure in bits per second and don't need any stupid plugins.

Sounds fucked, in the US my ISP is thinking of deploying fixed wireless but with 5G micro cell sites to provide 300-500+ mbps.

At least that's usable.

is my normal speed

it wont be by the time every cunt signs up

that will drop to 3mbit-50mbit avg like our dated ass LTE/4g shite

speedtest.net already reports in Mb/s

Also, testmy.net is garbage, their file sizes are too small to be a real test for faster connections, anything over 200mbps really is going to be shit on testmy.net.

Same thing with Speedof.me

I know how POI/CVC/Contention Ratios work and have inside knowledge.

CVC congestion doesn't cause speed drops to 5.6 megabits/sec unless you are with the shittiest cheapest most potato-tier RSP. It's the tower, trust me :)

I'm serious though. Raise your voice if you want change.

i know its the tower, its been like this for the past 3 years mate

>it wont be by the time every cunt signs up
>that will drop to 3mbit-50mbit avg like our dated ass LTE/4g shite
My ISP has already done field trials (back in like 2012) for 40gbps XG-PON2.

and they want to use XG-PON2 for their 5G network backhaul. With 40Gbps per fiber optic strand, there should be plenty of backhaul bandwidth.

Ok good to see you've done something about it


Should be good mate.

We're stuck with this congested shit for the next couple of decades.
basically all that will happen is bugger all mate, the NBN traditionally doesnt upgrade backhaul at all so


Oh look.

the LARGEST upload file used for testing was 63MB. How the fuck am I supposed to test out my 1gbps upload (125MB/s) with a speedtest that only uses a 63MB file size?

The download is better, but still shit since it's using a 200MB file size, my speed has more time to ramp up, but i'll never get close to my actual 1gbps with only 200MB, by the time it's had time to ramp up to speed it would have downloaded the 200MB file 4 or 5 times over.

Also, the BEST server it could find was in texas? I'm in washington DC, that's nowhere close.

canuck here

do u guys get unlimited fiber with gigabit speeds over there?

We have fucking 100gb-1tb caps here std

Unlimited basically doesnt exist

Living in a 3000 People village in the middle of nowhere in Germany. 40€/month

is this some sort of fiber or hfc?

weird upload

yeah but it costs 3 times more than what im paying.

for day to day use my internet is fine. just sucks when i need to download large game updates.

I imagine it's fiber but they're jewing him on upload.

HFC EuroDOCSIS is a possibility though.

yeah i remember i looked up your prices once it was like $300 for gigabit
thats what i thought en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOCSIS#Data_link_layer

yep lines up with the 400mbit option he should be getting 128mbit upload

>symmetric 50/50
how the fuck? I'm on Inea too, right now I get poor 100/4 with an option to upgrade to 150/15. How did you get symmetric connection with them? Workplace plan or what?

> Supposed to be 1Gb/250Mb
> Fucked up the installation so bad it became this.

im paying 50$... saw some 1gb packages for 150$ now.

sucks when i buy new games and have to wait a while to play them but for day to day shit im happy.

try putting up with those speeds in my OP pic for 6+ fucking hours mate

>download 19mbps
>upload 87mbps

If you are in Canada, my only advice is you need to haggle with retentions to get a better price.
it can be done.

>waiting for games

How is that possible?

It's fiber right?

Either your ONT is failing, or you've got some fucked up cables or something.

But wait it keeps getting better

why dont u get this fixed?

>51ms jitter

seriously, your ISP is fucking with you or something.

Nothing during install could effect this. This is on their network end, either the ONT, OLT, or the quality of their internal peering and infrastructure.

If your neighbors see similar shit results then it's widespread probably at your local CO, if it's just you who's getting fucked, i'd guess its your ONT, or the OLT feeding your ONT, or potentially a damaged optical fiber inbetween, OR something on your local network fucking up your speeds.

i was 7/1 up until a few months ago. i think 5 is the bare minimum for me.

are you on a campus?

> Nothing on the installation could of done this.
You'd be surprised.

internet in rural canada is brutal, i pay 100 cdn for 10mbps

my previous isp was even worse and barely worked, at least my new one never dies or fucks up

Not that bad as long as contact is good

Ur isp is fucking you you should be getting 100mbit minimum download


No I wouldnt, I do this shit at work all the time on 10G equipment. Using 10GbE and 10Gbps SFP+.

Also, if that isn't terminated properly it would take 3 minutes to re-terminate.

again not that bad

Get your fucking speeds you pay for otherwise the ghosts of Kevin Rudds NBNco will curse you with dropouts and even lower speeds

yeah I know it sucks.

I looked at xplorenet for a family member.
holy hell, what a rip off.

2 year contracts with 25/ for every month early cancellation fees PLUS a quoted 600 dollar installation fee.

So you think it's something with the ONT or beyond like said?

I would look at reterminating the CAT5e before hunting down ONT/OLT issues.

But if you re-terminate the jack and you're getting the same shit speeds, i'd really start suspecting it's on their end, either on your property, or at the CO, or the fiber in-between.

Also make sure you double check all your CAT5e drops for damaged sections of the cable. I had my internet randomly cut out on me the other week, spent 90 minutes searching for the cause and finally found that my cat had chewed through the CAT5e drop from my ONT to the Router, but in a section of the cable that was routed underneath a chest of drawers so I couldn't easily see the damage. After replacing the damaged section my internet came back and I had no problems.

fuck cats are dumb

My dog never does this shit

We're reterminating the jack today. Hopefully the termination on the ONT isn't as fucked as this jack. This was just installed yesterday, so they might just come out and redo the whole installation.

That jack is the only cable drop left that we haven't swapped out.

yup, a real piece of shit

Well hopefully that fixes it for you, as that's bullshit speeds for what SHOULD be gigabit.

> Call the gigabit specific support line
> Asks if I'm getting buffering on youtube or facebook
Gonna be a fun one.

Kek, i have gigabit and I still get buffering on even 720p youtube. Youtube peering is sadly just over saturated during prime-time hours for most of the country.

I just throw on my VPN or proxy to get around it.

Currently using Vodafone Cable DSL. I get the advertised 400 up and 24 down

>Currently using Vodafone Cable DSL
It can't be DSL.

VDSL2+ caps out at about 300mbps

G.Fast(based on VDSL2+) can do 500mbps+, but only if you're less than 100 meters from the fiber box. Once you're past 150-200m you'll be lucky to get more than 200mbps however.

If I were to take a guess, it's EuroDOCSIS. Not DSL.

> Throw on VPN to bypass peering
> Get ads for apartments in Moscow in Russian
Such is life.

Mine goes through the netherlands so I just get funny sounding german-ish.

> ONT is getting 1150Mb/s / 300Mb/s
Welp it's either the punch down, or the hardware offloading on Edgerouters is that important.