Hello Sup Forums, im a former longtime Sup Forums shitposter

Hello Sup Forums, im a former longtime Sup Forums shitposter.

Im here to tell you that Sup Forums has decided to take action against Google. i know Sup Forums hates google and also knows the most about it.

I recommend that the two boards cooperate if we have any chance at making a dent.

boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/136542735

Other urls found in this thread:


What are you trying to archive with this?

Bump for the general elimination of Jewish Control


>user trying to achieve anything with raids
You must be new here.

Bump from former google employee

I think a temporary cooperation could be beneficial. I always kind of knew our common enemy would end up being google.


I didnt like google before. I like less now after the SJW bullshit

Im hoping to have google lose as much of the foothold it has on the internet as possible, and also make it embarass itself publicly

most of Sup Forums are also Sup Forums, why make this thread other than to make the few non-Sup Forums posters mad that Sup Forums is here despite always being here?

monitoring this important thread.

This is an important post

Sup Forumss a bunch of NEETs who aren't qualified to work for McDonalds, never mind Google. Sup Forums is a bunch of NEETs who will never work for Google. You should probably start the fight at "taking a shower" rather than crying about how you feel oppressed, since that will do far more towards making you a success than anything else.

Sup Forumsanons are planning to report all the pajeet and immigrant employees of google to ICE because they are here on tourist visas and overstaying it.

We need to find those employees first. Any help will be appreciated.

>kekistan shit

lmao bye

piss off faggot, either help or leave

Also short nothing story
I went into building 3 or wherever the really important shit happens, some guy had 7 vertical monitors aranged in a circle. A normal person could barely get 2. Most of google feels unimportant, but you could tell walking into there, that was not a place to mess with.


Yes, let's keep this rolling. Any help from the former google employee?

Hello Google, Fuck off. You're going down.

more dirt on google managemnt


John Doerr -


>We would love for you to join us at the Weekend with Charlie Rose that we are co-hosting with Eric Schmidt, John Doerr, Eli Broad, Charlie Rose, Yuri Milner, Robert Kraft and Mukesh Ambani. This year, The Weekend will take place from September 24-25 in Aspen. Additional details are included in the attached invite as well as a copy of last year's program and a timeline of events. It's going to be a thought-provoking and enjoyable weekend, with an equally compelling group of attendees.

3 Attachments....1 MAJOR Labled Final Agenda, wait until you see who all is on the guest list.

>FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 POLITICAL ROUNDTABLE moderated by Charlie Rose JAY CARNEY Former White House Press Secretary | Former Washington Bureau Chief, TIME JOHN DICKERSON Political Director, CBS News | Chief Political Correspondent, Slate MARK HALPERIN Managing Editor, Bloomberg Politics GLOBAL SECURITY moderated by Charlie Rose LEON PANETTA Former Secretary of Defense, US Department of Defense | Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency ROBERT GATES, PHD Former Secretary of Defense, US Department of Defense | Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency GENERAL DAVID PETRAEUS, USA (RET.) Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency | Former Commander in Afghanistan, US & International Forces | Former Commander, US Central Command RICHARD ENGEL Chief Foreign Correspondent, NBC News CHINA & THE GLOBAL ECONOMY moderated by Charlie Rose GENERAL KEITH ALEXANDER, USA (RET.) Former Commander, US Cyber Command | Former Director, National Security Agency | Former Chief, Central Security Service LAEL BRAINARD, PHD Former Under Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of the Treasury KURT CAMPBELL, PHD Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian & Pacific Affairs, US Department of State | Chairman & CEO, The Asia Group,

Let's actually do something.
Instead of sitting around and shittalking this thread and saying nothing won't happen.



From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-02-19 12:03 Subject: Correct The Record Thursday February 19, 2015 Morning Roundup
(Date 2-19-2015)
>Several prominent Silicon Valley figures gave to the foundation for the first time last year. Ann Doerr, the wife of venture capitalist John Doerr , gave between $50,000 and $100,000. A foundation started by Sean Parker , the co-founder of Napster, gave between $500,000 and $1 million.

(That’s on top of the max donation from the last set of emails)


People in NorCal who should have packages based on giving
From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2016-05-03 16:05 Subject: People in NorCal who should have packages based on giving

Evan Goldberg **Louis (John) Doerr** III Nicola Miner
Timothy Blackburn **Ann Doerr** Harry Plant

Has an attachment: List includes - Business Voice

______ **John Doerr, Partner, Kleiner Perkins [M/Business/US]**


______ Dr. John Lechleiter, Chairman, President, and CEO, Eli Lilly
Strongly advocates regional clusters and recently keynoted an Administration conference focusing on regional innovation strategies.


eat shit moot

fuck off retard
stop shitting up the board with your Sup Forums-tier shit



>im a former longtime Sup Forums shitposter.

>Im here to tell you that Sup Forums has decided to take action against Google.

what are you, a fucking jew?

I worked there quite a few years ago so I can only hypothesize. Basically sounds like the elitist Stanford culture is being threatened by leftist San Fran Champaign Socialist culture.

Realistically the only thing we could hope to do is try making a dent in adsense.


lol, I'm straight and once when to a gay guys birthday.
And fags were constantly hitting on me, wanting to drink out of my glass and trying to give me massages and so on. Even got asked if I wanted sex and so on.
Despite that I politely told them to piss off.

looks legit

The sad thing is how Sup Forums basically spearheaded the legendary C+= "World's First Feminist Programming Language" joke years ago (with Sup Forums following).
And now Sup Forums just doesn't care any more. It's all just consumer shit now.


New thread up on Sup Forums


What's worse, identity politics or anti-identity politics?

>most of Sup Forums are also Sup Forums
nice norming bait

>Sup Forumsanons are planning to report all the pajeet and immigrant employees of google to ICE because they are here on tourist visas and overstaying it.
Intredasting strategy. Ve shall see if Schmidt veel just buy zem off.

Lol, you guys are dumb

>Man wanted Google to be more exclusive
>Man gets fired

yeah, no shit

Take it easy man

Identity politics is literally a hate spreading cancer.

>i know Sup Forums hates google

This place is like 90% GNUmale Lincucks, the sun shines out of googles ass to these people because of Android, ChromeOS and Chrom{e,ium}.


>start the fight at "taking a shower"
wayy ahead of you
>already took shower twice
what next


you mean like a circle around him or like pic related?

no u

It's a jewish trick to divide the working class against itself so that Schmidt & the executive class don't suffer the fatal blunt trauma they've earned over the past half century.


the latter because they're the former don't exist in the places i observe

>google white male inventors
>it's actually

They're not even trying to hide it anymore are they?

>thinking that accepting a gift from an imaginary friend indebts people to them
Google made something once. Whoop de shit. The correct question is ALWAYS "What have you done for us, LATELY?"
God DAMN you're a cuck. Made me use caps thrice.

>complaining about google on a google website

>doesn't even know how to cross board link threads
>claims to be oldfag
>from pol
>uses google captcha to post