Windows users:

Windows users:
>install Windows
>get to work and be productive

Linux users:
>endless aggressive discussions among themselves on which distribution is the best
>constant shit talking to Windows users
>spend 95% of their time ricing their distro or fixing problems
>never contribute in any way to society
>freetard philosophy
>can't decide whether their OS is called GNU/Linux or Linux

Why are Linux fags such inferior people?

You should be asking why inferior people gravitate towards Linux, since I doubt it's Linux that made them that way.

Dunno, installed Ubuntu 16.04 on my sister laptop and she couldn't be happier with it.

>>install Windows
>>get to work and be productive
Until update takes over

Windows 10 is the motherfucking worst Windows OS I’ve ever used. No, Vista was a fucking gem compared to this pile of absolute concentrated excrement.

I happen to own a slightly older Compaq laptop. Nothing fancy, it’s powered by an AMD E-450 APU and I’ve bought extra 4GB of RAM to make 8GB in total and replaced the crappy HDD with 128GB Crucial M4 SSD. It’s still kinda weak, but for web, music and movies, perfectly capable device. Has served me well with Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Popup came along to update to Windows 10 and so I did it. And that’s where thing went downhill. 90° slope…

There is this wonderful thing with AMD E-450 APU where latest Catalyst 15.7 drivers, the very same that also get delivered to Windows 10 through Windows Update, these drivers don’t fucking work at all. Youtube at 480p lags and stutters like I’m trying to run 4K on a fucking Commodore C-128. It’s absolutely unusable.

Gone through Display Driver Uninstaller, manually disabled automatic driver updating and installed old Catalyst 14.12 Omega, the ones that worked fine and where I could playback 1080p Youtube smoothly. All was well and then I stopped using laptop for a while because I didn’t need it.

Like an hour ago, I’ve fired it up and checked for updates since it passed quite a lot of days. And guess what Windows Update automatically without asking me a single thing. Yup, you guessed it. It installed motherfucking Catalyst 15.7 WHQL drivers on its own that don’t fucking work with HD6320 GPU found on AMD E-450 APU.

Microsoft, fuck you and fuck your Windows 10. This is by FAR the worst Windows I’ve ever used. It’s so fucking bad it makes Windows 8, Windows Vista and Windows Millennium look like fucking perfection. At least it was under MY control and it fucking worked. Windows 10 is apparently entirely under Microsoft’s control and it’s fucking non functional pile of shit.

>software installation requires user to comnect to a """"central""""" repository
Sounds like botnet to me

kek, go back to facepoop faggot

btw its called gnu/linux


How will opee ever recover?
He can't


Actually, I've had very few problems with arch since I installed it ~3 yrs ago. Only major problem was when I couldn't boot and turned out to be a hard drive failure. I was even able to get back all my files despite having no backups.

>Type package manager to install software
>Done, ready for work

windows 10 ltsb is usable tho

Imagine being so retarded you can't even use Windows, maybe macOS is more your speed

Play candy crush and minecraft isn't working op

>microsoft's flagship product is so badly designed that they need to constantly ship updates full of monkey patches, critical error patches, vulnerabilities, and fixes to stuff they broke in previous updates
>updates are mandatory, as well as when you have to do them
>windows users have been abused so much that this seems perfectly reasonable to them
>they honestly pay money to be treated like this

literally stockholm syndrome

>>get to work and be productive


So much truth in these words.

Can confirm. Former Wincuck here. Put a GNU to my head 3 months ago. Pulled trigger. Never looked back. Get your GNU

>microsoft's flagship product is so badly designed that they need to constantly ship updates full of monkey patches, critical error patches, vulnerabilities, and fixes to stuff they broke in previous updates

Man you GNUmales are funny as fuck, if anything every Linux distro receives more updates pushed to it than any Windows install, in fact you lot often even brag about how many updates to so many packages you get every single day...

Sounds an awful lot to me like Linux/GNU is much more badly designed and broken than Windows since everything needs so many updates and the fact it lets the end users who think they know "how to computer" go for days, weeks, months or even years without having to apply security and stability updates is just insane and shows what a bunch of clueless fucktards the Linux desktop camp are as well as why even after 26 years it's still such a fucking pathetic failure.

>have widows 7
>install some gayme
>Repack but doesn't come with the exe
>lol whatever
>download exe
>try to put in installation folder
>"you dont have permission to do this action"
>google everything under the sun try every permission giving thing
>>"you dont have permission to do this action"
>2AM I was on the verge of wiping my drive clean because buthurt
>rename installation folder to something else
>it works
>rename back to original name
Thank you Microsoft,every day im more inclined toward the foss koolaid.

linux gets optional updates because the community is supporting and improving it

windows gets updates because there's a new malware fucking up eastern europe, or because pajeet #3523456 broke the start menu again and nobody reviewed it before it went to prod

>improving it
Not hard when it's the equivalent of Windows 3.1.


Disable automatic updates moron

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>this is what the wintoddler actually believes

>linux gets optional updates because the community is supporting and improving it

Really... 26 years of updates and this is how far they have gotten GNU/Linux... L M F A O !!!!

Everytime you make a shitty post like this a lurker chooses to try Linux.

I've encountered a lot of Windows users that insist that Windows 7 is better than Windows 10 and WIndows users that shilled Windows 8.1 over WIndows 7. Just kill yourself.

The irony about that picture is that Arch and Gentoo fags are more likely to dwell in poorly lit settings with Windows users more likely to be using a computer next to a window that lacks a curtain.

Do I need to compile my reply to tell you why that is bs?

>when I couldn't boot and turned out to be a hard drive failure
Arch confirmed for being a shitty unstable distro.

>implying I give a shit what you do

You're honestly not that important to me, sorry.


>AMD Drivers fucking up
>It's Win10's fault!!

Windows users:
>install Windows
>get to work and be productive

Linux users:
>install Linux
>get to work and be productive

Mac users:
>endless aggressive discussions among themselves on which OSX is the least shit
>constant shit talking to Windows/Linux users
>spend 95% of their time circlejerking over muhapel or fixing problems
>never contribute in any way to society
>homosexual philosophy
>can't decide whether their OS is called macOS or OSX

Why are macfags such inferior people?


>install Fedora with XFCE
>OS is called Fedora and it's a GNU distribution that uses the Linux kernel
>everything working out of the box
>zero ricing besides a wallpaper change
>have a job that pays 75k a year
>freetard philosophy gets the noggin joggin
>winshitters run around yelling about "muh gaemz" while I run them all in Steam or WINE
You're a kike shill. No shekels for you today, Shlomo.

I don't remember subscribing to a faggot blog. Unsubscribed

Yeah, Linux is so shitty, Windows is peddling it as a new "feature". Has any other operating system had to stoop to these levels to disguise it's impending demise and dwindling relevancy?

What I find funny is that while Linux has a metric fuckton of distros that function more or less the same, people are having a hard time sticking to one distro and keep hopping from one to another. You don't see Windows users doing the same thing with their OS - they're too busy actually working.

You're not a real linux user if you use a DE

>people are having a hard time sticking to one distro
You really can't guage anything based on what you see on Sup Forums. The teenaged twits around here come from two camps, the ones who think they're trendsetters or wizards, and the ones who slurp the collective cock in an attempt to fit in. There's plenty of Linux users who are distro faithful and they get my respect, regardless of how much I may dislike whatever distro they use.
