/BST/ Battlestation Thread

This thread is about the appreciation of computer setups, as well as the time, effort and money that goes into making a PC setup aesthetically pleasing.



If someone has this wallpaper please post

>tfw this will no longer be my battlestation before the end of this month

why? Moving out?

committing suicide

Ye, currently in the middle of preparations, one of them being making a frame for this monitor so that I can mount it vertically.

I'll also have to build a desk with shelves, but I'll see about that once I have the measurements of the place.

I wish

I took this last night, I drank the vodka and now I am hungover


Sup Sup Forumsents

Inb4 get bigger desk/cramped
It's all the space I got!

take a walk on the wild side

Only good ones so far.


warm huh

I should take a picture with my DSLR. I mean I spent the fucking money on it. I'm lazy though I usually just snap a quick pic with the wide angle lens on my phone.

I live in Florida and I like it cold, so yes


lol m8 U can do it for pennies if U know how!

You will never be this lit.

Use your fancy camera to make the money back, instead.

aint shit
is the best wavy station

I mean it only cost me $450 for the lenses and the body, but still. I kick myself every time I go out and don't bring the good camera. Those are the days I usually see the nice car. Or the beautiful skyline.

The funny thing about fancy cameras is that once you've had a few, you go back to just using a compact as a carry-along.

nice pok3r dawg

Do I see a PS tripple there?


Yes it is.

t-thanks for the (You) desu senpai desu

hello everyone, here is my first since I moved out onto my own

wow nigger I really like this fucking thing right here I would literally masterbate hard while looking at this thing and holding my breath I want to live in a large plastic baggy and this ostrich ass nigger right here will be my big daddy thank you

please let the ostrich out to play in my plastic bag world please let the ostrich out to play in my plastic bag world please let the ostrich out to play in my plastic bag world

please dude

170 dollar growler

I don't think it was that much

There are a lot of very sterile looking stations here today.


wow your shit looks like a physically retarded asshole

R8 Pls

oh man cant wait to get my new setup going at my girlfriends

How do you even read shit

OP here, setting my brother's PC up. what do you guys think?

>inb4 cables

As average as it gets.

This some soft of meme I haven't lurked long enough for?

what could I do to it to make it better? I tried to do the opposite of mine, which is basically making it as minimal as possible

no, this guy's just fucking crazy or something

What is that sentence? I am neither.

You could start by managing your cables. The keyboard is covered but if it's not one then i'd suggest get a mechanical one. Could change the wall color to something better too imo.


Specs on that shit?

I'm still setting it up. I'll manage the cables. also the keyboard is a Corsair K70 Lux with cherry mx reds

he literally just changed the paint to this red, lmao. what would look better?

what table?

If it was my room i'd have chosen white just because it matches the case. That red just screams random to me.

do you ever put your vodka in the freezer

>point the C# book towards the camera to prove to us he can read therefor he is smart.


>tfw you have to learn a bunch of poorly designed programming frameworks and languages for work

Its OK user. When you get into the work force you will understand.

>Still trying this hard to impress everyone with how hard being a worker is.

>Beta males

>Lenovo P310 ChinkCenter
>Quad core Xeon E3-1240 @ 3.9GHz
>32GB Chink Ram
>64GB Swap
>120GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD for OS
>1TB Hitachi HDD for /home
>Nvidia Quadro K620 GPU
>Lenovo x24 ChinkVision monitor
>Pok3r keyboard (MX Blues)
>Steelseries Siveria V2 headset
>Steelseries Sensei Raw mouse

I don't drink much anymore but no I just bought it and drank it quickly

Is your monitor broken or something? The lines down it look strange.

naw, its just some shit being displayed on the screen not in focus

Because it's trash vodka, try titos.
Love the wallpapers, can you post the gondola one?
Thanks for helping me with that lamp ~3 threads ago, got one on the way

i don't really drink but i'll keep that in mind


Finally cleaned things up a bit

noice, but i like my speakers out wider. Are you not man?


Get something besides a middle school bake sale folding table to put it on for starters

I have a totally new setup now. It looks tasty as fuck.

That Thinkstation case is just so nice.

but now i need an ostrich!

Safe is moved to the attic, not sure what to put on the cabinet now.

squeeze it.
squeeze it.
squeeze it.


Gonna get that case p soon, you like it? Have problems with dust?

>Famous Grouse
my nigga. best cheap scotch on the planet.

what's up fellow herman miller fag. I also have an embody & flo mounts. but my desk is an envelop.


That's a lot coming from a guy shitposting on Sup Forums on a weekday.


Does anyone have the Sup Forums bingo image?

I love the look.

The airflow is great and it's ok with the dust the only problem is that it's massive. I would probably go with a smaller case if I could build my rig again but that being said I still really like it.

OP here, new pics comin soon


Nice and clean, I dig.

Why is ur case wide open.. ?

Does it have something to do with the cables sticking out of it, if so why not just mod that shit or make it look more clean?

what's on left monitor?


pretty basic but looks comfy

Thanks user!

here is my abortion project.


ayee we got the same mic

question: do you use the stock shock mount or is it garbage?

Patrician music taste

Actually good taste

Its the stock mount. Its a bit of a PITA but it works and im not one to fix what isnt broken. Im able to angle it perfect enough to stay out of my way when I have to use it. Your mount would be too bulky for my busy ass setup but its nice haha

I used Elementary a while back when it was still in early days and it was a bit unstable.

How is it these days?

It's more stable than stock Unity these days; it also tends to consume less RAM than even Debian desktop.