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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
why do fglt threads always worship some guy who didn't even write Linux?
that's some creepy cultish shit mang
Julian Sullivan
I used an old version of redhat in the late 90s and I'm trying to find some RPG game that came with it. It was kinda like diablo.
Chase Thompson
Clang is just a compiler, LLVM is an infrastructure
Gavin Hughes
Ethan Price
Funny you're not following you're own advice. >Not really funny. Just kind of irritating
Hunter Rogers
No one cares what you're consuming, you utter retard. You didn't write none of those things you listed. You are merely a pathetic leech who is using other people's work. Yet you feel some sort of pride for using software other people wrote. Millions of people are using that software. You are not special. The only way you are special is in your retardation because you think that it's warranted to feel like a special snowflake and to feel pride for using software.
I bet you post in desktop threads. Kill yourself.
Eli Scott
>You didn't write none of those things you listed You didnt write anything in your os either. Your "point" has no merit
Eli Rivera
Typical reaction response from a retard. I don't care about your bikeshedding discussion, you imbecile. I am not a retard who has to inflate his literally retarded intelligence by discussing pointless things. I don't care about your GNU or not-GNU software. I am just pointing out your idiocy you fucking idiot. I never claimed to have written useful software. But neither am I displaying pride for using software other people wrote. You have nothing in your life, so you latch on to other people's work and try to leech off a sense of accomplishment from it. Kill yourself you waste of precious Sup Forums megabytes (I am aware of the irony of wasting precious Sup Forums megabytes on this post, but it was worth it).
Andrew Turner
theres already a thread up:
Hunter Myers
No need to browse. >busybox cuck kike Sup Forums troll communist political toejam alpine gnufag install alpine cuck commie non-political jewish tricks clang It's all the same.
Henry Ross
>systemd Enjoy your botnet.
Julian Ross
>God Damned fucking idiots create their own God Damned fucking idiot thread. >Urge everyone to go to their God damned fucking idiot thread. >Get mad because it's full of people telling them that they're God damned fucking idiots. >Come here an be God damned fucking idiots. >Get told to fuck off and get called God damned fucking idiots. >But it was /flt/ first and GNU is evil. >Actually you're just a God Damned fucking idiot. >But..but..come to our thread. If I ever go to your thread, it will only be to call you a God Damned fucking idiot. You really need to consider the possibility you're a God Damned fucking idiot. I might not be the brightest person in the world, but I can tell right off, you're a God Damned fucking idiot. If I watch the Special Olympics, I don't need a program guide to spot the contestants. I have a sort of natural eye for these things. Trust me, you're a God Damned fucking idiot. I don't want to go to your God Damned idiot thread. It's full of God damned fucking idiots. I don't want to talk to God damned fucking idiots.
Oliver Sullivan
/gdfi/ thread?
Liam Martinez
,It's just linux,search the web, everyone calls it linux,only idiots would call it something else
Alexander Adams
AMD or Nvidia GPU for my Linux desktop? Don't want to play the most recent gen gaymes, just mess around in Source engine, indie stuff and other shit at 1080P. Trying to find a good mid range card.
Mason Walker
nvidia drivers are superior to amd free and blob
Owen Hughes
Can the mods create a word filter pls.
Zachary Gutierrez
Wrong website, try again on reddit.
Tyler Edwards
I call it linux myself most of the time. I use GNU/Linux on Sup Forums so i dont' trigger a copypaste reply. On the other hand, I don't believe Richard Stallman is the antichrist and the GPL is a communist conspiracy. I'm not that big of a God damned fucking idiot.
John Young
You must be new here.
Hudson Bell
Linux is the correct name. I mean, Linus wrote the kernel, why shouldn't he be allowed to call the kernel whatever he wants? The name of the kernel, used with the GNU system is simply Linux.
Jackson Cook
Quick question, I have a shell script with a line that calls "rm" and I want to make sure that there will never be any failure, since what rm removes is a variable direcory.
Any hints how to make rm "$dir"/* secure are welcome.
Isaiah Williams
- never use rm on the actual filesystem, use /temp instead - man mktemp - using ${dir:?} or ${dir:?ur gay} will print an error if the variable is empty - man bash - dont use globs, use find with a proper regex
William Nelson
You mean so you don't accidentally 4G of rars? rm -i or find yadayada -ok rm {} \;
Thomas King
rm -r $dir
Nathaniel Hall
"systemctl suspend" seems to often lock my computer up when I switch it back on later, I can run the command once, then power back on fine, but always on the second time my waindow manager and programs are unresponsive, I can still move the mouse around and switch to a working different tty then log back in, but can't unfreeze my main session, it's just like a screenshot.
Any ideas how to resolve this, or which log files to check for errors?
Leo Flores
you might have multiple apps doing powermanagement
disable acpid.service upower.service as systemd loads them when needed
Blake Wilson
William Smith
Before I transitioned from Windows, I exported the magnet links from qBittorrent.
Now, I have qBittorrent on Ubuntu and I know how to add the magnets, but adding and forcing recheck doesn't do anything - it still tries to redownload everything, despite the files already being there. Also, when I add all at once, my screen freezes and I have to restart because I don't know how to just kill qBittorrent.
How can I add the magnet links and make the program recognize that the files are already there? I don't want to redownload my whole collection every time I switch distros or torrent clients.
Brandon Nguyen
get the program to re-download the folder info exit program cut paste existing files into fresh folder
Eli Smith
Can someone link me to a good noob friendly arch install video on youtube? I'm a noob and this would be my second distro after ubuntu.
Gavin Rivera
Oh, it's that retard again. Long time I didn't see you with that shit pasta. I thought you finally had died.
Hunter Brown
how about debian, do a minimal netboot install and set debian-backports to highest priority before installing desktop environment
Tyler Sullivan
this is why I try to avoid reading jewtube comments
jesus christ
Jacob Nelson
There's some file I believe it's in /proc which you can cat to see which modes are supported. I'm too lazy to google.
Alexander Reyes
i wanted to eventually move to arch so thought jumping on to arch directly instead of distro hopping would be a good idea.
Ethan Lopez
What if they're actually the world's greatest trolls?
Samuel Cook
ubuntu is a debian derivitave, so doing a cmdline debian install would be the next logical step before pacmanning -Ss nano /etc/fstabbing your way into a whole new world
Noah Baker
arch is a stepping stone
Jose Davis
to people who use distros that are "above" the babby distros like ubuntu and mint: why?
not trolling, just curious. i have been using ubuntu for the past year and loving it. i installed arch on a virtual machine and just kind of thought "ok, what's the difference?"
i am interested in moving up the linux pyramid for nothing else than personal curiosity about computer systems but i am interested in knowing what are some real, concrete benefits to using something like arch or gentoo? or should i move on to something more "intermediate" first?
When it comes to long term support, should I get 16.04 of Ubuntu or 17.04? My main concern is stability.
Nathan Price
one day you decide you want to encode mp4s with fdk_aac codec in ffmpeg
Dylan Wood
To be honest I just wanted to try if I could install Arch since Sup Forums said it was hard. Then I simply stuck with it since I didn't see any reason to switch. so basically I'm pretty much like you, except I started with Arch. If anything is especially good with it I guess it could be the out of the box customization, that you can directly choose your DE/VM etc. other than that I don't really know, haven't used other distros so much that I can compare them actually.
Jose Gray
I'm pretty certain it's supported as it use to work fine, just I stopped using it and when I started suspending again recently it fails.
Jack Stewart
distro packages < locally built packages
Logan James
>The kernel used with the SystemD system Ftfy
Nolan Powell
could you elaborate on this? i really want to know what exactly are the advantages to using more advanced distributions rather than just charging in blindly and not taking advantage of them
Landon Thomas
There's so much happening right now with Wayland, GNOME3, KDE Plasma.
What RAM usage do you guys get on boot-up with GNOME3 on Wayland and KDE on Wayland? Do any of you use it with Intel GPUs and does everything just werk because muh intel open source?
Would a 1.5GB RAM + intel GMA950 machine be enough to run GNOME3 Wayland or KDE?.
Carson Barnes
I use gentoo for no particular reason, i just like using it now
Nolan Reyes
In the windows if i want more bass i do in the pic related, but in linux? how do?
Samuel Ortiz
for a distribution package to be compatible with a vast array of systems it has to be built with a basic minimal configuration with no cpu specific optimizations, and even still a package can randomly crash if it wasn't built by the maintainer properly, but when you compile the packages locally they are configured to be optimized for that system and this makes for a stable environment
Carter Allen
Initially I chose Arch mostly because I wanted to know more about what actually makes up my system, and wanted to become proficient enough with linux to be able to not only use it, but comfortably resolve problems with it. When I first tried Ubuntu and other distros, if something broke, I had no idea where to go to fix it. After struggling through with an arch install, I then had a fairly good understanding of what was what.
Also none of the other linux distros I tried I liked, most of the DE's are ugly or bloated, and I always found myself immediately uninstalling shit just to get an environment I wanted, with Arch that wasn't a problem as you built up what you needed, and when you finished, you had a system that was perfect for just you and met all your needs without bloat.
I don't use any of the arch alternatives either as I'd rather be using the main branch, not some other version with slight differences that might run into problems that take weeks to fix instead of a week.
Chase Robinson
Alpine Linux is the best Linux OS for serious business.
Asher Powell
any hints for saving battery life?
Jace Bailey
>when you compile the packages locally
do you have to have a lot of knowledge about your system hardware and low-level settings to do this, or does it somehow know how to optimize itself within the environment in which it is being installed?
btw thanks for the response
Julian Watson
Xavier Watson
Arch uses scripts to simplify the installation. Things like pacstrap and arch-chroot. Try reading the gentoo guide or even the linux from scratch books to get a real understanding,even if you don't actually install them. Try chrooting from a live session just as an exercise. Arch is a solid distro and any de I've tried on it is quite nice out of the box. And the wiki is great. Don't let Sup Forums meme you into feeling you must use a lightweight window manager, or that more packages = bloat.
Joseph Brown
also id like to add to this, can you locally build packages on the babby distros like ubuntu and mint as well?
Luke Cook
I fixed my audio issues on chrome (didn't get audio) per HDMI from one of the last threads.
I did it by typing: pavucontrol ...and then setting the correct audio device: HDMI2. Weird, because I had thought I went through each of them.
There's a new problem, though: I think I accidentally uninstalled the gnome settings program. When I click on the settings symbol in the dropdown menu in the top right and when I search for system settings, nothing happens. (In the latter case, Ubuntu settings show up, which are worthless because you can't set shit there.)
Aiden Martin
Is possible to turn off the hd in linux like windows for better battery life? i have a ssd and a hard drive and most of the time i don't need the hd.
Jose Robinson
No answers he. KEK
William White
you should be familiar with using lspci -vk to find your hardware and dmesg shows how it interacts with the software, optimizations require a basic config and is automatic on a per package basis, how fine you wish to tune your system is up to you most of the default configs will work and yes packages can be compiled on regular distros but aren't as integrated through automation
Aiden Thompson
Try checkinstall for building your own packages on rpm or deb distros (also slackware) See debian page about building debs. Learn by doing. Read the READMEs. Read the github install instructions. Try ./configure --help
Owen Sullivan
Isaiah Sanders
battery life, use the tuxonice kernel or compile kernel with the conservative governor as default, and make sure the proper power management interfaces are selected, acpid for amd and older intels, if newer intel make sure p-states is enabled
Jacob Long
>I fixed my audio issues on chrome I closed pavucontrol and now it's broken again. Doing the same thing didn't bring the audio back. ;_;
If I wanted to grep or awk specific lines from a file, not containing s. how would I go about that? can't figure it out.
Elijah Ortiz
grep -v 'pattern' file
-v inverts the search
Ryder Young
yes I know that, it's the wildcard part that's fucking me over. .*s\..* didn't work for finding any string containing "s."
Chase Evans
Maybe encapsulate the regex in [^regex goes here]? Not sure I totally understand the question.
Christopher Morales
Nevermind I'm retarded, it was my piping that was broken. Thanks anyway user, you did actually help
Charles Hall
Which programs exept your browser do you firejail?
Zachary Russell
has anyone here used antergos? how is it?
Nathaniel Morgan
Julian Howard
I'm surprised nobody has answered with tlp ( TLP brings you the benefits of advanced power management for Linux without the need to understand every technical detail. TLP comes with a default configuration already optimized for battery life, so you may just install and forget it. Nevertheless TLP is highly customizable to fulfil your specific requirements. (...) - Hard disk advanced power magement level and spin down timeout (per disk) just install tlp, check if the service was automatically activated (most likely), and enjoy twice the battery life. My thinkpad e450 has 4-5 hours on windows, and up to 11-12 hours on linux, no joke
Isaiah Kelly
>install Ubuntu >install some scripts to improve hardware functionality due to Cherry Trail processor >fuck up somehow
And now I can only boot into TTY mode, and I can't swap into the normal GUI because it appears to be straight up inaccessible despite still being installed on the hard drive. I also can't seem to figure out how to boot into GRUB so I can reinstall Ubuntu from scratch; holding down Shift or the Function keys doesn't work.
Carter Miller
use hdparm with the -S operator
refer to the manpage for further info. This will turn off your hdd if not used for the specified time.
Connor Roberts
I can't figure out how to make a USB formatted in Linux work on Windows: >create an exFAT/NTFS type system using cfdisk >create a primary partition >format it using mkfs.exfat command >mount it >copy files to mount point >unmount >insert USB into W10 laptop >error message saying device needs to be formatted before use
Luis Hughes
>switch over for the first time
>tearing outta the ass, even after doing Compton shenanigans and trying different drivers >mouse doesn't work >none of my previous programs except for browsers available, but I expected that, so that's okay, BUT all the Linux alternatives suck >NVidia Optimus just straight up doesn't work, always uses the iGPU and I have to switch it manually to the dedicated one >audio crackling >have to spend >80% of my time going through outdated wikis and fora to find fixes that introduce new problems If I had to sum up my whole experience so far in one word, it'd be: frustrating.
Especially the tearing thing is insane. It's 2017 and 4 out of 5 distros I tried had huge problems with it.
Maybe I'll come back in 5 years when Wayland is established and more programs are crossplatform, but I'd rather get fucked in the ass by Microsoft spyware than have absolutely nothing working properly. I probably lost a year of my life on the anger and stress, and I definitely wasted a month of time to look up things that really should just work. It felt like I was working for the OS, rather than the OS working for me.
Grayson Harris
Hudson Murphy
What's a good VM to run Kali in?
Ryan Price
running /fglt/ what are some cool terminal commands full of regex I can't decypher.
Cameron Parker
Absolute beginner here, finally managed to put Xubuntu onto a laptop. Where do I go from here. Also, on startup it flashes with like 5 hardware errors. Is that an issue? Everything seems to be working, though...
John Robinson
If it boots completely, no
Austin Lee
Is there anyone else that can't get to work with Deadbeef? After spending half an hour fixing multimedia keys not working it's the only thing I have left to do. Other sites such as Gensokyo Radio work just fine.
Justin Gutierrez
Is it possible to reboot Ubuntu from the terminal and then from a USB, without having to enter BIOS settings? Because apparently my laptop still won't let me touch the BIOS.
Otherwise, would it be possible to access my laptop over a Wi-Fi network from a different computer and try to fix things that way? FTP, maybe?
Alexander Gonzalez
Can I run a LFS build on a rasberry pi or repurposed phone without large complications?
Michael Martinez
What is the correct way to import a color theme in .Xdefaults without copy pasting it?
Evan Parker
are you using GPT or MBR(msdos) for the partition table?
Jeremiah Nguyen
how to fix no lie? running manjaro btw
Jayden Gray
Got a question regarding Wine, and I'm not sure if I'm just searching the wrong terms or if the bug is somewhat unknown.
So games that require mouse warp (where the mouse is effectively locked to the center) have started behaving in a rather irritating manner somewhere between 2.0 and 2.4. Instead of locking the cursor to the center, it acts as though there is a bounding box after about 30-60 seconds of use. This issue is temporarily undone if the window loses focus and regains it, but the bug returns in the same period of time.
Does anyone know about this, or better yet, know how to fix it?
Caleb Ward
Check if your game has an entry in WINE-HQ. Thats a place where people rate how good a program/game works and share fixes.
Cooper Perry
You have to mess with ALSA drivers, it's a pain in the ass.