Only interesting this is to see if they leave bing bus behind and regress in gaymin performance like their skylake-x conterparts, the good goys will have nothing left to hold onto.
Only interesting this is to see if they leave bing bus behind and regress in gaymin performance like their skylake-x conterparts, the good goys will have nothing left to hold onto.
They could still regress if the clockspeeds are lower due to moving up to 6 cores.
Kill yourself, housefires spammer.
woah, that was fast
are they feeling desperate? how will they keep those 60% margins on old node?
>amdfags completely flummoxed
If it's 6/12 at ~320$ I might upgrade.
>Lower than 7700K MSRP
How about $40 higher?
I forgot how much the 6700k/7700k were.
340$ then.
I bet they raise the price to $390. More cores, more price.
just release it already you fucking faggots i need a 8700k to finally replace my 3570k
Don't think so. They'll want to keep it a little cheaper than the HEDT equivalent.
Besides the price has been basically static ever since Sandy, even when there was no pressure.
wait till 2018 and 10 nm cannonlake
It will not be any cheaper than the 7800X. They're not going to undermine their own product by offering something probably better (and certainly for gaming) at a lower price point.
>another rushed generation
all in all I'm thankful to AMD for getting intel to deliver something more interesting than 4c/8t consumer i7. While ryzen isn't for me, 6c/12t i7 may be the sweet spot.
I may even replace my trusty 3770k.
I hope it's not rushed, we don't need another X299 on our hands.
>7740x is 340$
>7700k is 340$
At worst it'll be the same price.
we definitely need another X299 on our hands.
That's literally what I said you dumb sack of shit.
What the hell? My Haswell still feels new to me.
If you're waiting until then, just get Zen+.
Please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered .
Are you me?
same lmao. intel been pumping these generations out like a trailer park hooker off birth control
They didn't even solder their $1000+ HEDT CPUs. You are wasting your prayers.
14nm is a stopgap
Ayymd will shat out 7nm next year and completely kill Intel
Please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered please be soldered.
They surely can't be stupid enough to make them with TIM again, can they? 7700K + 2 extra cores with TIM is going to be an absolute house fire. Plus now that AMD has actual competition, they have to solder them. There's no way people are going to run out and spend $350 on something knowing they have to delid them day one, risk breaking it and lose their warranty, when AMD has offerings that has better multithread and doesn't have any of that bullshit.
>They surely can't be stupid enough to make them with TIM again, can they?
They haven't shot themselves in the foot enough yet.
please be another overpriced, hilariously underperforming housefire
As someone that doesn't know anything about computer hardware what do you mean it's just a stopgap?
I have a laptop from 2010 that was shit even then that I want to replace
No thanks mato, will buy amd again in 7 years when my current gen ryzen die
Ok so go out now and get a ryzen desktop.
Laptops are basically dead outside niche business and gaming leaving Intel to pick up the scraps literally haven't changed since 2010 on the couch side of things in fact they have gotten slower.
If u must get a laptop get a 1080 gtx GPU at the least if ur a gamer.
If you're building a desktop avoid Intel and vega
Going to have some serious IPC gains so it will maintain a solid lead over AMD. Really wish AMD would focus more on IPC.
>Going to have some serious IPC gains
user, here is newsflash for you intel own slides call it a refresh with more cores and less clocks
that is all it is
>less clocks
Pardon my ignorance but once 4000+ mhz ram becomes a reality won't ryzen get even faster?
7nm will hit 5ghz on the cpus won't it?
Or am I thinking of ddr5
Don't worry, you can OC it.
Only at a small price of your house burning down.
>IPC gains
t. intel
seriously though their panic is both funny and pathetic
>damn AMD's ryzen is breddy good what do we do?
>release new chibset xDDDDD
>moar gigawattz xDDDDD
enjoy paying $400 for RAM
>AMD fanboys on suicide watch now that they don't have the 'moar coars' advantage and are going to get absolutely raped thanks to intels better IPC
Holy fuck this will be delicious.
>Pardon my ignorance but once 4000+ mhz ram becomes a reality won't ryzen get even faster?
yes ryzen will get faster with faster RAM, because it's interconnect speed is tied to IMC speed
>7nm will hit 5ghz on the cpus won't it?
basically GFs 7nm will have an optimal frequency of 5GHz, for reference 14nm lpp has an optimal frequency of 3GHz
so it will depend on the architecture, maybe it will hit 5GHz, maybe it will even hit 6GHz, but most likely the architecture will hit a wall at less than 5GHz (just a guess)
>6 cores vs 8 cores
>10% IPC lead negated by clockspeed regressions
>still using jizz TIM
>will likely cost $390 because oi vey those new cores aren't cheap, goy
I'd feel bad if I just bought a ryzen rig. Oh wait, I did.
It's 14nm++ goy, don't you forget it. The housefire levels .. er, clockspeeds are going to be off the charts this time.
Wtf Intel fan are you that don't have your own delid kit?
>he thinks a 5ghz 6 core intel chip on bingbus isnt going to absolutely dominate in gaymen
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
You sure are fucken stupid.
You mean unicorn ram for ryzen?
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
>he thinks intel is really dumb enough to use TIM and not solder
But they are that dumb.
Kill yourself, BR glueeater.
Dumb BR shitposting monkey.
>5ghz 6 core intel chip on bingbus isnt going to absolutely dominate
In temperatures and wattage, sure.