How do we destroy this evil and dangerous company, Sup Forums?
How do we destroy this evil and dangerous company, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Acquire as many viable alternatives to YouTube as possible
Destroy the advertising market. Short term that means things like giving adblockers to normies. Long term it means getting parents and schools to teach young children that advertisements are lies and that you should regard them, and any company that uses them, as untrustworthy.
Trump needs to break up the google monoplogy
Stop shilling for Android, Sup Forums
> Acquire as many viable alternatives to YouTube as possible
Vimeo won't destroy Google singlehandedly, we need a full range of alternatives that are both fast and user friendly. That is the only way to take down the gbotnet.
You can't. They are tied at the hip to the US Gov't now.
>Google turning into ‘censorship engine’ – reporter
We're so deep in this botnet, it's not possible unless some catastrophic event occurs and all of their Enginiggers die.
We don't. It's only if asked iPhone vs Android, as Android is objectively better.
Around here we usually shill SailfishOS.
need a good alternative to gmail / contacts / calendar, maps, play store, youtube etc etc etc
basically not going to happen because all these services work well together and are very well established
switch search engine
switch browser
switch phone OS
use adblocking software that clicks on ad links and destroys their revenue.
adblocking software that clicks on asds does not destroy their revenue. its like not using an adblocker at all
>adblocking software that clicks on asds does not destroy their revenue
It does. They have to return the money and it's opportunity lost.
it actually increases their revenue
>AdWords won’t charge you for displaying ads. Instead, you pay only when someone clicks your ad, views your video on YouTube, or calls your business.
more ad clicks = more money flowing into googles hands
retard, their advertisers lose money and spend less money with google in return.
google also refunds money from fraudulent clicks.
you've obviously never used adwords.
Obviously the strongest competition is a fragmented competition. It's worked so well for Linux's plight against microshit
>RT America
you're making it too easy, Sergei
step up your game, or lay off the Vodka
Stop googling.
>le evil russians meme
stay retarded, Tyrone.
slam it with a textbook
The more alt services you use the better they become I main Yahoo or Bing for search. Don't go tinfoil anti Google in normie places like facebook and twitter but maybe share stuff that is only on Vimeo.
Hammers are dangerous.
You can hit your thumb if you're not smart.
Google is just a tool.
A tool that wants to hit your thumb.
You just need to be smart.
Use ddg or startpage or ixquick to google for you.
Whatever the tightness of your tinfoil hat permits.
But be aware that constantly tightening your tinfoil hat eventually reduces your cranial capacity.
>stop using google as research engine
>stop using chrome as browser
>stop using chromium based browser
>stop using Youtube
>stop using Android
>stop using 4Kanker since it use reCAPTCHA
Defect to Russia and make the case that you can build a technological network to rival Jewgle. Using their long term project funds creating government funded companies, like South Korea did, you will topple the Jewgle Magna Carta if you have good engineers. The biggest problem is needing to be a strong negotiator and leader, considering it's somewhat a deal with the devil,as well as a good programmer.
i don't think thats possible at this stage of penetration.
>cloud for cheap rates, same as aws
>machine learning open sourced library
>fluid services actually according to customer liking
>duckduckgo with !google returns encrypted searches from google itself, if u wanna use it
>Smart Home Bots
>huge servers
Use Bing
they are doing it to themselves
lol build something better if you can...