Australia is 50th

Australia is 50th

Let that sink in.

T. Aussie

Other urls found in this thread:

I've never met an Aussie who wasn't self-deprecating about their tech infrastructure.

We where poised to be top ten until we literally started ripping 60billion worth of fiber out of the ground to replace it with a 30 bill copper network...
That flopped so now we've spent 90bil+ by 202x for literally nothing and barely 1/10th of the population have access to either network

please tell me this isn't real

This is what happens when the government decides it can just leave it to corporations to build infrastructure.

they only serve areas where they stand to profit
colour me shocked

internet in the uk is really not bad
not great, but it could be a lot worse

just wish i had higher than 10mbit upload to compliment my £40/mo 150mbit dl

uk is a tiny country tho, and how would the gubament spy on people if they don't have internet

No wonder you shitpost so frequent, you have to make the most out of your limited bandwidth.

It's not terrible, and we certainly get a better deal than our American friends, but compared to other European countries that have higher state involvement in internet infrastructure projects like this we're really lagging behind.

thats similar to american speeds and price. your not special

no one's special

Just you wait till four corners is done with their new special.

The rampant corruption and complete lack of industry or govt ombudsman watchdog oversight left people without internet for years at a time contractors not getting paid and to top it all off there is posts on Whirlpool forums says that fttp users have had their fiber ripped out and replaced with fucking copper

you're not insightful

no one is

>this post
the internet spying is irrelevant if you dont use the internet

"elsewhere in europe" is invariably romania and other former communist countries
what most people fail to realise is that while you may get gigabit in romania, even in surrounding countries, once it leaves the eastern bloc its barely above average

rest of europe isnt much different than uk, some pay less, some pay more


everyone uses the internet

i pay £40 for 50 down 7 up.
fuck this country and its """fibre""" internet.

>tumblr steals a phrase
>person uses the phrase, unknowing of the aforementioned fact

fibre to the node baby, fibre to the node.

not only did they axe it like 20 times they also backed out on every speed promise, and lie non stop about the infrastructure. Turnbull said this is what the people voted for (having no minimum speed) yet part of his campaign was about bringing 25/5 to everyone. now most people end up having no speed increase at all.

Yeah come on m8 its the staple of tumblr culture.

go wear a manji in public

Basically zero fiber was 'ripped from the ground'.

Costs have blown out. Its fibre to the node or fiber to the curb. Not defending it. But they didn't rip fiber up.

Unless youre talking about the clusterfuck that was Optus's HFC. Its hard to claim it was laid then just immediately ripped up again.

There's no data caps though

>what is northern europe

whats the difference between fttn and fttc?

This is amazing.

>higher than 10mbit upload


what the fuck is with the uk and shit upload speeds

What does it want now?

they need to spend their money on arresting people for making twitter jokes and paying muslims to create gangs and ghettos

trying too hard

t. mohammed

maybe the dude was gay and didn't want to be decapitated

you type like a faggot. knock it off with your dumb catchphrases anyway

Based NBR



I'm a Brit and I get 11Mbps down and 5Mbps up. Fuck my shit up, lads.

i dont want to look it up for .de
you are not alone .uk