Hillary BTFO

Hillary BTFO


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Hillary wins in that map...

233 > 191

It's obviously a monkey butthurt about trump or Sup Forums

going to need a source on this

>tfw americans treat elections like a bad tv show

btw for non americans and kids, this is basically just a map of what direction each state usually votes during presidential elections. Using it as any type of argument is pretty ignorant of how the system itself works.

What? See this table again. Most brown numbers are on Trump side.

Now I know why Americans hate California so much

Look at the numbers above it you fucking retarded ape

This is a landslide Hillary victory


i think hillary is going to win but trying to predict swing states is retarded

You're not fooling anyone monkey

>yuppie ass ivory tower coastfags determining the course of our country

If we burn in the next 20-30 years I'm going to stay comfy in some white part of the midwest and let you fucks enjoy your ruination

Both candidates seem like shit really. Its hard to take what Trump says seriously and Hillary is dishonest.

1 - The south is all Trump
2 - California, New York and mini Sweden aka Minnesota is liberal as always

Independence when?

That's wrong nigger. Trump is behind in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, and Colorado.

Spoiler: That's ALL of the brown states.

You've had a far right nationalist in your Presidential election as well.

yea like i said i think hillary is going to win but trump's been 'behind' since he started running for GOP nomination until he won

I think they will have a civil war if Hillary wins

i am too eager to farm pol's delicious butthurt.

> thinking any politician is honest
Stupid mistake on your part.

>far right nationalist

We're too depressed to do anything else about it

thank u for your opinion

a chimp out is way more likely if trump wins but im not sure what actually would cause a civil war here

how many negro and female presidents does it take to ruin a country?

sounds like a joke right now but we are getting more and more divided as a country with Democrat identity politics

Nothing radical happened economically under Obama but he sure went ahead and tore our society further apart by race/sex/orientation

That's false. Trump was pretty damn consistently at the top of the Republican primary polls.

Hillary will ruin America. It's very obvious.

Women, not even once.

trump is a lot of things, but he is not a far right nationalist. you are very impressionable and idiotic if you actually think he is.

> thinking he's not

There will be a civil war if Trump wins too. Literally the worst candidates possible won the primaries

She's on a whole other level.

So memes aside is Trump actually better than Hillary the murderer

didn't take many for Brazil/Argentina

he is quite central on social issues, most liberal out of everyone running for GOP this time, and equating isolationism and protectionism with nationalism is ridiculous

He's literally a nativist who hates foreigners, openly praises dictators, and has explicitly stated his desire to legally reclassify the way the law treats ethnic and religious minorities.

how do we save brazil after dilma?

>There will be a civil war if Trump wins too
>these people
>civil war

This really the only reason I hate her. She would be exactly like Dilma. I would prefer her husband running again

yea unfortunately trump is the better choice, crazy that im actually saying that

hillary is literally everything wrong with american politics condensed into one person

We dont its ogre

Trump isn't even remotely isolationist.

Not really. We just have a more saturated and tabloidish media environment than ever.

I see you have no idea how the electoral college works.

Can she really fuck up that bad, or will everything just stay the same, i mean for you guys not for some country in proxy war she may start

>actually believing this

Trump will have won entirely legitimately, Hillary is a literal felon who committed treason by her own definition of the word.

>He's literally a nativist who hates foreigners
hyperbole, he's against the unchecked and absurd amount of illegal immigration that's been going on in this country for well over a decade. somehow this has gotten spun in our media as equating to fascism and jingoist.

>openly praises dictators
he is taking a realist's stance, because he finally looked at our track record of deposing dictators and realized that things just turn out for the worse whenever we do that. last example being hillary's decision to depose gaddafi,which turned libya into the new isis hotspot

>his desire to legally reclassify the way the law treats ethnic and religious minorities
switzerland just banned the burka today, good on them

It would be the same. She's just a slightly more conservative version of Obama.

Weird that I'm looking back fondly on the days of Kerry vs. Bush

looks like lighthearted banter in comparison

liberals will unironically vote for the biggest establishment-puppet, corrupt farce of a candidate in history because she's 1. a woman and 2. doesn't say meanie things sometimes

No joke, and I say this with absolute certainty, Trump is a better candidate for black people, but they're so hooked on that Democrat/Clinton /race baiting dick that they refuse to see it, it's amazing

Oh well whatever at least you guys didnt get Bernie desu

im not sure if things will get worse here, at least the everyday citizen won't notice anything different, but the rest of the world should be supporting trump looking at her track record.

Trump explicitly went on the record in 2011 as saying he was in favor intervention in Libya.

>You've had a far right nationalist in your Presidential election as well
>far right nationalist
>far right
>trump is far right
kek. are you 12?

bernie would have been 20x better than hillary, he legitimately means well even if 90% of his ideas are quite impossible to implement in a generational span let alone 4 years, but congress would just block all of the sillyness

Because he only targeted the fringe.

You understand that the overwhelming majority of the world prefers Clinton, right?

people like Nixon were singlehandedly brought down by journalists you fucktard

>Beleiving what politicians say

Why do people ALWAYS do this? Heres EVERY United states presidential election;
Step 1 they beleive the bullshit their candidate says. "THIS guy knows whats up"
Step 2 their guy gets elected "Alright things are gonna CHANGE now!
Step 3 their guy doesnt do ANYTHING he said he was gonna do during his campaign and everyone gets disillusioned

Step 4 new elections are held 4 years later and a new candidate emerges "THIS guy knows whats up", then repeat steps 2-4 ad infinitum

Its like when does it get through to you that none of these people are trustworthy. They just say shit that the focus groups tell them people want to hear. Then once their elected they jist do whatever the fuck they want.

>believing socialists

Before digital media ever existed. It is many, many orders of magnitude easier to rile people up today.

most musleafibg pic of all tine
most of Sup Forums didnt believe romney would win or even supported him.

It depends on whether her party has a majority in congress too.
It's usually better when the two parties end up with a stalemate of power an can't do anything. Like the last half of her husband's presidency.

>You understand that the overwhelming majority of the world prefers Clinton, right?
the overwhelming majority of the world has ~zero~ grasp of our politics and only supports hillary because she's running under the democratic party

i stopped believing what politicians say after i voted for obama in 2008, not sure why you inferred that and sperged out on my post

That's why voting based on stated issue stances is better than voting based specific promises.

Yeah no shit, check out BLM

but she's still avoided indictment so our government has gotten that much more corrupt in that time frame

She's not going to be any worse than Obama.

Fun fact: The vast majority of American voters vote based on party, regardless of the candidate.

The FBI not doing what you want doesn't make it corrupt. Fact of the matter, whether or not you like it, is that nearly all cases dealing with similar issues did not result in charges.

yes, like you

Trump has publicly stated he wants to curb outsourcing, immigration (including H1-B's), and free trade, all things fantastic for your average american working citizen

this pisses off both the GOP and Democrat establishment and people still paint him as an asshole who's going to bring the country to the ground

You literally just admitted that Americans and foreigners being asked who they prefer arrive at their conclusions in largely the same way. Congratulations for proving the point.

Economists almost universally reject that Trump's economic plans would be beneficial. IN fact, they rated Sanders' and Trump's plans as pretty much equally bad, just on opposite ends of the scale.

source is your ass

regardless I don't care because if she was charged then we'd have Bernie stepping up to the plate and he has a better chance against Trump, and while I understand he means well he's still an idealist idiot with no backbone

You're retarded as fuck. You don't understand polling and you sure as fuck don't understand the difference between your opinion and established legal precedent.

Economists 1. don't know everything and are all over the place with their theories and 2. don't stand to gain much from slowing globalization

I'm sure our total GDP would slow but this is literally what "le 99%" would want as it buffs the average American worker's rights and leverage while staying the power of executives and large business owners


>The vast majority of American voters vote based on party, regardless of the candidate.
well thats probably a good idea, as the majority winning party has more power in decision making than the president himself

bs, they were only able to avoid most precedent by claiming she "unknowingly" had classified info in a private server

as if

That's exactly why Republican strategists are terrified of Trump's potential to do down-ballot damage to the party.

Read the article you willfully ignorant dog shit nigger.




I did

she's a Secretary of State, why the fuck would she not know

now let's give her a promotion for a huge fucking fuck up on the job, right

Go ahead and keep making yourself look stupider by ignoring the facts of the legal approach to these issues.

The funniest part is that Republicans were gearing up to praise Comey to no end and no have to turn around and vilify the shit out of him.

that's what happens when you say one thing and do another

Nobody really wants Hillary, she's just a safe bet because of the way our voting system works

Trump is for people who would never think of calling someone "colored" to their face but call all brown people niggers at home.

There is no win condition for this country. We all lose, no matter who gets elected.

Hillary is winning on that map you retard, you have no idea how the electoral college works

Where should I move to Sup Forums?

Hillary not being charged with crimes has pretty much put the nail in the coffin for this country.

I was thinking Sweden

The great thing about the legal approach is that you can twist and contort words to create a favorable result for yourself, especially when you're in power

hilary clinton is a sure loss

trump is an unknown


t. Zayden Cody Cletus Johson-Smith III

yeah, that's what they said about us the first time too asshat
"soft city folk who won't stand up or fight"

generalize less.

So now you're alleging a conspiracy participated in by a guy who was a Republican for his entire adult life, contributed to the Republican Party, and was appointed to the DoJ by Bush?


Germany maybe?

At least Merkel isn't a criminal.

>not voting for Hillary because she's a woman

This is why no girls will ever touch your greasy penis

You mean the country that harbors a guy who knowingly facilitated the theft of public property from country all over the world?

He explicitly laid out the nuances and differences. You chose to ignore them. This is fact.

it's not like neo Republicans are huge Trump fans, nor immune from pressure from actual powers and not screaming idiots from the Blaze
