Thanks EU

Thanks EU

You're welcome bro.

cheers mate

>third world dont understand how infrastructure accelerates the economy

what he said

>Third world


I thought Spain and Portugal became net contributors last years.

What are you greentexting, mate?
Latvia paid for that road. we take out less than you do.
Enjoy your highway mate, cheers.


Netherlands so high because eberybody take it as a proxy

Wow, so mean.
Are you a Russian (millionaire) immigrant?


you take more then give, also Latvia is a small country, if you scaled that up you would be much lower in that graph
are you triggered?

if you take more than give then how did you pay for that road?


Sorry lad, but actually, a lot of people use your flag as a (easy) proxy. It's not about you tho. Just actually, a thing.

thanks EU

Why the fuck are you talking about this

But that graph is about money contributed to the EU.

Your mum told me so last night

lets scale that up
Latvia population: 2m
Poland population: 38m
Just imagine how much lower would you be in that graph if you were as big as us

Last night ? And it's only kow you do it ? Get in your room right now young man

what do you mean?
you take out more than we do. hence, we pay for your shit.
imagine it as this you and your friends have a party.
First friend brings lots of food and doesn't eat all of it.
Another friend (latvia) brings food, shares with others and eats some of the first friends as well. Then you come along, eat all of the food the first friend and another friend had left over and shit on the table.

Thanks EU

But I'm just so drunk. Just wanna have fun

Will it transport tanks to Königsberg?

Nah, EU not third Reich bru.

Isn't rail better suited to transporting tanks? Ost Europa still does not have the rail infrastructure of the West.

And you are basically in because of us, yet you allways make up crazy conspiracy theories about us doing you harm.

that doesnt make sense,
if you leech more than you give then how the fuck do you pay for our roads?
Total EU spending in Poland – € 17.436 billion
Total Polish contribution to the EU budget – € 3.526 billion
Total EU spending in Latvia – € 1.062 billion
Total Latvian contribution to the EU budget – € 0.244 billion
you contribute as much as we do so dont say that we "dont bring food and shit on the table" you goof

The only reason for these fantastically wide and wonderful roads is . Troop and cavalry transport in case of war. Economic improvement is a lucky side effect.

But Nato might well use some EU infrastrcutre to fuck with the Russians.

As NATO has no budget for railways EU has to invest into some good Railways so the Tanks can advance properly to Königsberg and Moskau.

Crazy. This time Poland isn't cooperative but even pushing to free Moskau.

Rails require ONE tiny explosive/team with shovels to be unusable, in which case vulnerable and expensive engineer teams need to move out to do precision work in a proven killzone.

Roads are terraformed, no matter what you do to the asphalt. Big roads are not chiefly big slabs of concrete and asphalt, they're big flat spaces of excavated ground.

Most of the vehicles I drove while in obligatory service could manage broken roads just fine until you get a team of lads with a few sacks of cement and water to fill it back up.

Railways are more efficient, indeed. But they're much more vulnerable in wartime.

Keep in mind that you didn't do it for our good, but to get access to cheap workforce and gigantic eastern european market.

>fantastically wide

>dem inefficient interchanges
denmark confirmed for having superior clover shaped junctions

3 lanes, 4 lanes, yeah. That's wide enough to bring two columns of tanks safely through. Or one column pushing cars aside if need be. Roads were always primarily for troop transport, mate. That's the biggest reason germany could expand so fast and so well within europe.

You're welcome. Just don't complain when we retake western Poland for Germany.

>But Nato might well use some EU infrastrcutre to fuck with the Russians.

Yep, but they don't allow you to invade Poland.

Let me explain ; contain Putin madness : OK

Invade Poland : Not OK

Get it?

Thanks EU

Did you mean "thanks UK"?

He was true tho.

Haha. There are 3 lanes +emergency lane- what's "extreme" in that.I believe this is the interachange in central Poland, so it needs to be wide enough, the rest of the road hass 2 lanes

We build roads which we need, not german tanks. They need them too, because they have many suppliers here. But we ask for funding for the road we need, keep dreaming about another blitzkrieg, Anders.

Poles are kinda pushing everyone to make a napoleon/hitler move towards Ruussia.

Also it's no invasion if you build the transport and they invite you to pass throu.

we would never do that! Are you crazy?

I would rather gift them East Germany than rebuilding Posen, Schlesien &c.

They are just starting to stand on their own feet after decades of disastrous foreign totalitarian rule, they do not want to invade fucking Russia.

What about French, UK, US Tanks?

They are kinda provoking them 24 / 7 don't they?
Also there is official rethoric 24/7 that makes one fear Russia .
It feels like Poland wants revenge and stuff.
It's war diplomacy not peace diplomacy.

But that's just my bs perspective.

Gib monis.

C'mon Spain, don't be stingy, you know we love you.

Never going to become a net contributor.

Do you know what a slave mind is?

Even if we were to become net contributors we would still have no say because you and France pretty much own the EU, so I'd rather stay a net benefitor with no say on EU matters.

That's bullshit, there is a parliament and votes and everything. Now, the people in the European Parliament are mostly clowns for some reason. And I am not shitting on the sad British, we've produced some colorful local characters.

You're already paying for that, though

>That's bullshit
It's not. The EU is ruled by France and Germany, and they'll repeat votes until they get the result they want.
The UK is leaving for a reason.

Most of the developing world don't have the tax base to fund the development of infrastructure without giving up something vital

>The UK is leaving for a reason.
It's not, actually. That is a failure of democracy. The poor and the uneducated should have half a vote.

And the young? Should they have double votes to make up for their lack of participation? Ridiculous. The UK made a decision, stop being buttmad. There was no failure, it was absolutely right. That's how democracy works, a small margin can flip a large hill.

Votes aren't repeated without modifying the proposal to make it more acceptable.

For example, we voted No on the lisbon treaty. The government reviewed why people voted the way they did and went to europe where agreements were made to deal with those reasons and we were given a second vote under new conditions. Ideally its how democracies work.

Can someone post those Czech buildings in the forest that are built with EU money?

EU don't build useless buildings in the forest.
We aren't scouts or the US or Egypt.

No useless White elephant here.

But Czechs do


Simply bEUtiful.