Europe and the world without America

Hey /intl/ what would the world be like without the USA, historically, technologically, and socially?

I feel like the USA and the way it developed had a big impact on the way the rest of the world grew, almost as if we would all be living under kings and queens in pre 1900 conditions using guns barely better then the first Lebel rifle. I know things would continue without the USA, but it was a big part of our modern history.

Where would Asia be for that matter?

Other urls found in this thread:

World peace and a Mars colony.

We would still be in the middle age right ? Btw god bless america

No skyscrapers ( William Le Baron Jenney )
No modern agraculture (John Deere)
No Television ( Philo Farnsworth )
No Films (Eadweard Muybridge [worked in america], Thomas Edison,
No radio stations or police radio ( Charles Herrold, Bayonne, New Jersey police department )
>Two way radio at all might not have existed if WWII never happened
No modern weaponry or tactics (Christopher Miner Spencer, John Browning, Samuel Colt, Smith & Wesson, Richard J Gatling )
No phones ( Alexander Graham Bell )
No Internet or computers ( The US government supported both of these, but wouldn't exist, ARPANET )
No Electricity (Thomas edison, and Nikoloa Tesla who lived and died in new york)
No Mass produced well working cars beyond that of any form of steam powered wagon on wheels ( George Brayton, Henry Ford )
No vidya ( Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. )

no we'd still be in the industrial revolution.

There'd have been a much more civil unrest and wars in Europe unless there'd been a place to dump umemployed young people.

That's pretty much what some of the Middle East and Africa are doing now and they're still more or less at war.

Europe couldn't invent shit without trying to have the church or crown crush them.

>le evil anti-science church

Yuorpoors would have killed each other for another few hundred years then the world would be pretty similar to what it is today.

also soda, pizza, and well all the good tasting food. a fish head, and cow intestine in a pie isn't good food yuropoor.

>If I turn it into a meme, it didn't happen for centuries

Most puritans left Europe to found your country in the new world.


they then died off or the next generation of some of them simply grew new and bretty gud beliefs.
Seriously the founding fathers were pretty enlightened fellows, Deism is pretty cool.. "God is nature and doesn't really get involved in shit"


But we fucked whites so hard they're crying to this day


in all seriousness
if it wasn't the USA it would have been another cuntry
you're not special
no people are

We'd be far far better off without your country bullying everyone and hogging everything to yourselves

worldwide german empire followed by communist revolution

>bullying everyone

Lol cry more zika monkey

Thats an outrage!

Why, we give more in foreign aid than any other country on earth. We are the most benevolent superpower the earth has ever seen


American retarded arrogance.

There are plenty of studies pointing out Germany would've probably lost even without a successful D-day


Have you SEEN the size of our military?
If Putin or Xi or Mugabe or Castro or whomever had our military power theyd be annexing motherfuckers till San Gennaro.

What the fuck has Australia invented? The fridge? Very extensive list

You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to rustle my jimmies

Not really. Your "foreign aid" is normally used as means for power projection in whatever place you want to dick around or gather resources/intel
You are, for instance, the major cause for the whole middle eastern problems we're currently facing thanks to what Iv mentioned above
It's just that as an american your opinion is biased towards the whole super hero complex mentality, which is a shame


Thats what I mean though, if the people who inhabited it were the natives up until today, sure some Europeans could live there, just as much as a few scientists live in Antarctica.

Blah blah blah.

Bottom lime, we give out more foreign aid than anyone. How much forein aid does russia amd china give out?

>middle east
>americas fault

Mossadegh would disagree. You want Britain and France for than one, friendo. They started the entire shit

>its an "America is evil" episode

If we were really that bad youd be speaking better english than you do

When something like a tsunami happens somewhere like India or Japan, whose navy is the first to the scene?

for you

That doesn't make any sense

It means we would have annexed you.
>biting the hand that feeds you

Poor form, Joao

Well, in the Sri Lankan tsunami, India showed up within hours, not that it really matters to anything.

the two way radio, although it was improved during WWII by multiple countries.

Wow breaking news, the country directly bordering and most familiar of neighbors arrives first

for jew
and African countries that are trying to climb out from the pit that European imperialism put them in.

Notice how you and your countrymen are the ONLY ones supporting OP's cause.
You are the guys who at one hand feigned friendship while plotting overtake our country back in the cold war. You do this kind of covetous shit all the time and worse than all, you trully think you're some sort of hot shit paragon of justice because you tossed some meager amount of gifts
I'm not saying your country is outright evil or anything like that because superpowers have always abused their power. What makes you guys worst than, say the Mongolian empire, is that you have global range

Thanks for proving my point that you're not special then. I just replied to your post.

Also, we're at the very least 90 years in and those countries are still in the apex of poverty

>all this foreign aid
what the hell are we paying them for?

ego boost I suppose

I don't have a cause only a claim that the US was a big part of our modern world.

They are our proxy to fight in the middle east.

>One faggot with a telescope has an argument with the church that has pioneered science and education for centuries and continues to do so today ruined their whole image.
Fucking Galileo meme, the Catholic church has done more for Humanity than America ever could.

Your claim is that you guys represent a mostly positive big part of our modern world.
At the very least that's the message your posts have been conveying so far in this thread.

Memes aside the Soviet Union probably would have easily fucked up Europe and taken over after WW2 but on the other hand the Europeans might have gotten together and prevented this, a federalized Europe has been a concept since WW2 and the Soviet Union would be a good reason to do so.

Other than that the Middle east would probably be better off.
Black people would probably remain a myth in smaller European countries like they were in Ireland twenty years ago.

Seems to me you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose and function of countries. If you think ANY country does anything out of some misguided sense of altruism you're sadly mistaken. Sure we have interests like every other country. Of course we look out for our well being first. Do we do dirty shit sometimes? Yes, because thats a prerequisite of being on the global stage period.

What I'm saying is that we're the best of most possible superpower countries because at least we make an attempt to do the charitable humanitarian thing. Other countries would just annex everyone

If you consider starvation of the masses and tyrannical rule from "ZUH MUZAHLAND" peace.

We send aid to starving countries and starve countries with AIDS.

I propose you to go around asking everyone else who isn't American about this "best of most possible superpower countries" thing of yours and come back here posting the results for us to see. It's going to be amusing.

Having interests is one thing. Reaching out with one hand while making everyone's lives miserable, ending up screwing up whole populations is a completely different monster.
For instance in Europe: You guys helped yourselves from their misfortunes amidst the war

I don't have a very positive view about the guys I'm about to mention but just for the sake of comparison regarding this one issue I wanna tackle: The best possible superpower is probably going to be China in about 20 years when it's expected for them to overtake you in the global field mostly because they don't seem to be hypocrites and don't give a fuck trying to "help" others, dicking around foreign policies

World wars would still happen every 30 years or so.

>pretending that america hasn't been the biggest publisher/founder/instigator of radical science projects for the last 100 years

Yes, the western world has definitely helped, but the shoulders are all american (Re:giants).

It really doesn't matter that they 'moved' to america, as they moved for funding and to commiserate with the other greatest minds - look to chess and math in the 1900s to see why other countries would not have been able to support such a large diverse scientific community (RE:money)

by ascending strength, here are your best arguments,
>here are scientists who were forced to identify as catholic
>some very smart people identified with the predominate ideology
>the middle ages did not persecute new opinions contrary to the ideas of the church because these people made it to the history books

Honestly I agree with this Brazilian. I can't think of a good US foreign policy decision in the past 100 years

> economic warfare (tariffs, undercutting, int'n buyouts, price-holds/ product available for free for 'x' time)
> buy the government
> force a coup
Yeeeeeeeeee, america has held the world back and amassed a ton of wealth in the process, but centralising wealth allowed for ludicrous spending in R&D, centralised expertise ( big projects ), and led to brain-drain/brain-gain for america... so it's likely the R&D pace would have been comparable... the cost of research is always high (re: cutting edge)

US foreign policy very much resembles the other hegemonies (read about the french-UK black ops against america in the Suez canal crisis).

The dutch recently showed us that countries are willing to buy and sell corporate information.

The world has always been the same, and america has simply been richest longest and wants to maintain it.

At least the UK had the sense to advocate what would make British people stronger and what would be best for Britain. The USA seems to do that for Israel instead.

>the Catholic church has done more for Humanity than America ever could.
Yes, like removing countless irish from this earth and burying them in shit where they belong

Yet another big empire that gets the juicy parts of the cake.
It didn't HAVE to be you, you just happened to be the ones with power after the industrial revolution, and it couldn't have been Europe because they dun goofed with all those wars.

why wasn't it colombia

We dun goofed too with internal wars ever since our independence and division after division of our territory so that's that.

>Near middle east tier oppression, and imperialism, also mass greed of all the wealth all for personally gain.
>Better then the country that has been one of the main nations defeating some of the most vile evil monsters of these centuries, but then also stopping the other nations from tearing apart the crippled nation. Have you never heard of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, or Paris Peace Treaties.

We've pioneered some of the biggest steps in both science and medicine.
We were the first to reach not only the sky, but beyond that all the way moon and even mars, We cut travel between east and west through the Panama Cana in half, Created the Trans-Oceanic Cable Communication, Founded nuclear power as a usable energy, We even cured polio.

The Catholic church only caused mass murder of Muslims and all of south america that still effects us today. the Spanish inquisition wasn't exactly a good thing.

Just because you don't know shit about history, doesn't make your claim correct.

>tfw no gran colombia superpower

World Peace.

You're operating under the assumption that no country would have ever stumbled across any of those inventions.


>the Spanish inquisition wasn't exactly a good thing
This is how I can detect you're not worth wasting any time.

I don't feel sad about it anymore. But i still miss Panama (fucking gringos de mierda), and we should take back some jungle from the hues.
Perhaps if we pull our shit together we can join an union with Ecuador and Panama. Venezuela can choke on dick and die.

Also you're listing people who aren't American? Alexander graham bell was Scottish and lived here in Canada.


They may have, but clearly without the US it could have been delayed for decades, why do you think Nikolai telsa, or Eadweard Muybrige moved to the US before claiming their inventions when they could have done such with Serbia or the UK respectively?
He lived in canada during the summer, but worked in and for the US..

This image is purely false, I mean you'd have to be retarded to believe that Leonard Kleinrock was a British man who worked in MIT of the UK.
Seriously you know how many people claim inventions during before and after other people? It doesn't matter what you scribble on a piece of paper, it matters what you can create, and Alexander G bell created a working telephone for patent and business of the US, not canada, scotland, UK, or any other nation

Nice meme friendo
>if I show him pictures of a book that has nothing to do with anywhere outside of europe and is mostly referencing points before the United states even existed then he'll have to know he is wrong.

Ever single person on that list either worked in, became a citizen of, or was born in the united states.

>Thomas Edison and Samuel Colt aren't americans

>Americans trying to take credit for European ingenuity and invention


A Scot living in Canada who occasionally takes a trip down to Boston to work does not make it American no matter how much you want it too be.

That image was published in a book by the university of Pennsylvania. America is largely irrelevant in the achievement community by comparison.

>No proof
>He still thinks that makes them American

Fat idiot burger. Also nowhere in this image does it say Thomas Edison and Samuel colt aren't American.

But in almost every source he is considered an american inventor, not Canadian or Scottish.
Who cares where he was born, or if he had a summer house in Canada? I spend a summer at my aunts in San Francisco before becoming a senior in high school doesn't mean I graduated from San Francisco.

My proof is researching information on those inventions before actually posting, each of those inventions were created by improved, and or perfected by people of united states citizenship.

I don't have anything against America or Americans, but if you want my honest opinion:

I think the western world would be much better off without American influence as it is today, at least culturally anyway. America has massive cultural influence on the rest of the world, however it also seems to be some of the most degrading to society. Your country's music for example is popular all over Europe, however a lot of it is trashy pop about going to the club and popping dat pussay, or nigger music about fucking hoes and glorifying violence. Video related is a perfect example of this:

The lyrics, glorifying materialistic desire, bragging about monetary gain and ignoring criticism by 'not caring bout dem haters' are popular themes within a lot of American music. The original version having over 700 million views on Youtube, it's fair to say this song has reached a large number of people and can be considered fairly representative of this kind of music.

You claimed that I was listing people who were not american, but all of those people had american citizenship..


I'm sure American sources credit him as an American inventor even though he was born in Scotland and Lived in Canada lmao. Sounds a little desperate.

>My proof is researching information on those inventions before actually posting, each of those inventions were created by improved, and or perfected by people of united states citizenship.

So you're not going to back up those claims?

Meant for

More than a Few had Canadian citizenship too. Are we KANGS too?

Then are you operating on the assumption that other countries would have?
American free market economics really supported innovation for a time, and during that time the world began to be shaped by these inventions. I know of no other state that had a similar thing happen to such a degree.

I guess you are correct, but most of that is only modern pop culture of the last decade and a half not actual culture.
I don't want to list proof every single person. it wouldn't take long for (you) to look up info on the names I posted.
More than a few had UK citizen ships not exactly Canadian.

Aww, poor butthurt euros. Maybe you'd be better off under the rule of soviet russia?

>Le church meem

Ah so alleviating yourself of responsibility with the old "You can look it up yourself". We both know why you can't be bothered, because most have zero interaction with America.

that's a fuckton of history that would be changed.

it might have ended in nuclear holocaust, might have ended in eternal peace and space colonies. point is nobody knows.

All of them lived and created their inventions in the US, most also studied in the US.

World without America? Euros still control Africa, most of Asia, and the Western Hemisphere as colonies.

Internet: I didn't know that Massachusetts was in the UK. ARPANet and the NPL Network came from the same US/UK design team, and the modern Internet if anything owes more to ARPANet than the NPL Network.

Clement Adler never flew 300 meters before the Wright brothers, none of his proto-aircraft flew as long or as far as the Wright Flyer. Historical note: many French sources called bullshit on the Wright brothers after news came out about their achievement.

Space Travel: The first liquid-fueled rocket was invented by American Robert Goddard. Without that invention space travel as we know it would have been impossible.

Computers: the ABC and ENIAC, US inventions, were the first digital computers.

Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. Much like with the computer this was the standard for the designs that followed it.

Automobile: Automobile was definitely not a US invention (modern automobiles were invented by the German Karl Benz), but Henry Ford invented the first car that was more than just a plaything for the wealthy. Ford's production methods also set a new standard for the industry.

Movies: Thomas Edison did the electromechanical design for the kinetograph, created in 1891.

The others I've never heard credible Americans claim they were inventions. 1/10 attempt at trolling.

this is the most butthurt europoor thing ever


Anyone who seriously claims the Wright Bros didnt invent the airplane is retarded. No one gives a shit about some gay glider.

>the GOAT polygon is literally HRE + Denmark and England
DEUS fucking VULT

Actually that is pretty accurate, america was one of the only places with enough power and morality for all to stop Europe from cutting china and using it for their own colonizing and thieving ways.

With america Europe continued to fairly trade with the Asian continent instead of plunder and pillage it. America is very similar to rome in that aspect, and many others.


I'm glad we get to spend our money on education and health care cos the murricans spend all theirs on defence
Thanks for keeping us safe murrica

without US there is no BLM riot every month