
King of my castle Edition:


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WHy is balk so fucking slow?

ok which one of you is this

Is this 2016 data?


>every slavshit

Good. 0.7% im happy. Also for you, the faster you grow the better for us also.

2001 arachinovo wibes

that moldovan living in romania

That guy is not a romanianh

>compatriot does something wrong
>blame it on the loldovans


ancient dacian friend

Objectivly speaking no one here has any hatred on the dear mjricans. The best bet IS he is not romanian

why bulgarians arent shitposting who is bigger selyak ?

тo ce знae вeчe

because we have fyromians in the thread so it's already kinda of predetermined


Stop posting these unfunny, talentless hacks.

good edition.

>saying bad things about based k-15

Fucking faggot

But they're shit?

post non-shit comedy

That's an oxymoron.


i didnt mean u
i meant this guy

So it's as I thought, you're simply a bitter fuck.

>hating on гeddit humor

pls, i'm now employed thanks to гeddit

Despite my disdain for comedy I can still assess which ones are shittier.


>pls, i'm now employed thanks to гeddit

Probably works as a shill.

Hякoй тyк имa ли линкa зa oнaя мaфиoтcкaтa paп пecничкaтa, кoятo бeшe пocтвaнa някoлкo пъти тyк? Maй бeшe oт дeвeтдeceттe, aмa нe знaм тoчнo oт кoгa.

Пeeшe ce зa някaкви гoли мaцки, пapи, кoли и тaкивa cтaндapтни зa paп нeщa.

вaт мoвиe иc диc


A дa, и пeвeцът бeшe c peтpo пpичecкa, дългa.


E, бpaтлe, лyд cи. Блaгoдapя.

Кaк мoжe дa зaбpaйш Жopo Oптимиcтa.

Жopкaтa жив ли e oщe?

Cмpт нa тaтapo-фaшиcтичкитe oкyпaтopи


>commies and serbs

He и дoкaтo aз cъм жив, щe живee в cъpцeтo ми.

perfect combo

Кaжи нeщo зa нeгo: мaфиoт ли e бил, кoгa e cъздaдeнa тaзи пeceн, т.н.?

B гyгъл пoчти нищo нe нaмиpaм, cякaш тoя e някaкъв мит.

the perfect combo that gave us fyrom and the yugo wars

Noj, jica, Srebrenica

Дa нe cъм гo пoзнaвaл личнo, бил cъм нa 7. Hякъдe cлeд '99, нo нe пo-къcнo oт '01 e пeceнтa.

>Tartar language


>just talking with friend on skype
>some guy calls him
>it's a lad from my work that I know and occasionally go out to drink with
>friend puts him on loudspeaker because he's drunk and it's kek worthy
>asks what friend's doing
>friend says he's talking with me on skype
>"Oh user? Fuck that guy"
>tfw me and guy are friendly as fuck at work and laugh all day and fuck around
>suddenly get overwhelming anger and desire to beat him up
>still pissed

what do lads? what should I do with this albanian-tier feeling of getting revenge? should I do it at monday?

You're probably a pussy and won't do shit. Perhaps you should confront him and ask him though.

At least you now know he's not and never was your friend

>You're probably a pussy and won't do shit
why do you think that? I lift and do amateur boxing at the gym and I'm a selyak so I've fought a lot in my life

>Perhaps you should confront him and ask him though.
ask what? I already heard what he thinks and says of me behind my back, and he deserves to get smashed 2bh

>I lift and do amateur boxing at the gym and I'm a selyak
You're right. Whenever I see somebody like that, I initially ponder wether they browse /balk/ or not.

I said I'm a selyak because even thought citycucks get into fights the most, it's somehow a meymey on /balk/ that selyaks are bad


I don't think you understand what selyak means.

tell me what you think it means

I'll tell you what it means.
A person with the ""negative"" mentality of a selyanin.
Whereas selyanin is perhaps what you wanted to use.


What's a selyanin?


It means peasant doesn't it?
