Ask a bored Pole anything

Ask a bored Pole anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Give back Danzig


Give back Berlin.

My question is are you still paying atention to rhis thread??

Probably not. Too bad, I had questions.

>Bóg chce Polski, żąda Polski, wymaga po nas Polski, tak jak się jej domagamy od Niego, wymaga zaś jej przez czyny zacne, porządne, wielkie, nasze, bo to prawem wiekuistym Boga, że inaczej stanąć ona nie może! więc do czasu doświadczenia różne spuszcza na nas. Dozwala krajowi skosztować po trosze owoców Centralizacji i przypatrzyć się rozkładowi społecznemu Europy. Stawia nas w położeniu spartańskich dzieci, którym efory pokazywały pijanych ilotów. Cząstkowe plagi też spuszcza na nas i prób nam dopuszcza pewnych próbowanie, i tak się musi stać, że kiedy Europa dojdzie do największego nierozumu, my do rozumu przyjdziem i będziem jedynym porządnym narodem na ruinach świata!



Who is more bro tier - Jews, Ukrainians or Russians?

Did you had it better under the polish lithuanian common wealth than the ruskies did back in the day, or was it just some sort of western slavic baltic union that resembles the austro hungarian empire?

Pact of two not-so decent countries agains common enemies and other common shit. Seems like that for me.

a srasz?

PLC times are the most romanticized ones in our history. But yeah, the polish side was, that while it lasted things ere pretty fucking great for us, not so much for Lithuanians(belarusians). Still, a pretty decent union, one that really was ahead of it's time

wanna kick it?

Why is your POEPLE so shit and why all the nations around you are better

Particulary Ukraine

Do you enjoy having women dance on you?

you need to go back

Do you think you would do better in history if you went full Orthodox early and sided with Byzantines and Russia instead of the Pope?

Do you have the macro of Woodrow Wilson describing his goals, not of leading America, but of preserving Americans' right and ability to lead themselves? I can't find it anywhere.

It reminded me very much of Jeffersonian liberalism.


Did you guys really fight the Christians?

How do you feel watching this video?

Do you really think the EU is the best for your nation, and thus the future may seem bright?

I mean, your people always had a very strong sense of nationality. Let's do some math about how history has been mean to you.

You've accepted christianity by the year of 965, since then you've always been catholic. You were western all along until the ruskies invaded you after ww2, in 1945. Even though you didnt play a huge part in the industrial revolution, you've always been nice for western standards, even napoleon made some efford for giving you back your autonomy since the old dissolution of your nation.

You've been western for 980 years, then the ruskies came along and now you are considered eastern europe because of just a few decades of communism. I mean, I dont hate ruskies, but I can get why you guys hate them.

Do you think your country may be better in the near future, or will your people just keep leaving for working in germany?