Why are nords so autistic?

Every single nordic person I've ever known has had a strange autistic way about them.
Usually very indrawn and socially inept, any boisterous spirit is usually just a facade.

Nords are tall, beautiful, and have the largest brain size in the world. And yet they have this one achilles heel that just dooms their entire society. I could never imagine a nordic empire with the same fiery spirit of the British or Germans superpowers.

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real people are not Sup Forums memes

>German fiery spirit

Germans are extremely stuck up, cold and distant people.I've never met a German who was fun and sociable.They are probably same as Swedes.

I like the Nordics, they are friendly here because we play hockey together a bunch of them work on the ski-resorts here. Maybe we don't get the autistic ones though because they are always friendly.

Don't talk to me.

Remove beautiful and you described me, I don't know how I became like this. Years of not having any friends or a strong male figure to look up to maybe.


Never seen something like that

Stupid internet propaganda

binland :::DDD


We hate laughter, happiness and clapping. Is that really so hard to understand?

We just don't care about you and your American ideas of small talk and fake friendliness


No, we don't believe we are exceptional in every way but I don't see that as the doom of our society.

Don't lie, you guys don't know how to initiate conversation but once we talk to you then you're all friendly and drunk.

See shit like that all the time

Taciturnity is an attribute of smart people.

Nords are like we but with more sex freedom that's the only thing i dislike about them.


we are nothing like you filthy Russians

This reminds me of waiting at the bus stops of Oulu in winter, weather is fitting as well

I wish I had Israel flag. The funposting possibilities are endless.


But germans are baltic race, minority of you are nordic. Anyway you can belive in what you want.

I am a Finn

>Vi vuz nordic und scheisse, pure viking blut in deez veins

He wasn't talking about you haha

>largest brain size in the world
What mashes tout think that?, serious question

Nice thread

Oh, then i understand your asspain. See ya in Saint-Petersburg.

How big are your personal space guys?
2 metres here

Americans are just as autistic always asking everyone about how they are and so on... pretending to care about strangers... extreme autism



I can never get a gf abroad because everybody will think I'm shy and autistic when I'm just a normal Swede and I can't get a gf here because I'm not black.


nobody thinks swedes are autistic and shy. most people know nothing about sweden except dumb shit like blonde hair,ikea or zlatan

Go abroad and show that you're not shy and autistic. How was that hard?

Sex tourism?

I chuckled

You can try it here. Russian girls are conservative in that way so it'd be easy for you if you're not Sami lol. The only problem is the stereotype about Swedes aren't manly.

Please kill yourself


>if you're not Sami


This to be honest I'd go around calling everyone a filthy goyim I'd type big paragraphs out on Sup Forums about how I think whites are trash.

how so?

Oh okay I don't know what to tell you then bro.

>Nords are tall, beautiful, and have the largest brain size in the world.
So we don't need everyone else's acceptance and enjoy living in peace


Yes, we
Sod off slav

Are you saying that i can get a russian qt if i prove my self to be manly?

That's my plan B now



I'm a half swede by myself so i know what i'm talking about. So yeah if you'd show yourself as a gentleman and manly, like you solve all possible problems by yourself, you'd be stunning for the girls. Also the bonus is you probably look more attractive than an average russian. And for the knockout you should know a bit of russian language. Young folks these days are ok in english but it's attractive.

Every single one of those points should be easy to do, Except maybe learning russian because for some reason you said fuck the latin alphabet i want to play with runes.

you literally want the worlds most ugliest flag bindland , we can trade if you want

>for some reason
because those runes were made exactly for the language kek

Latin and Cyrillic are almost same, belive me. I've teached two of my swedish friends so they're okay in basic russian. You'd strugle with the cases and some vowels like Ы. For the russians it's hard to pronounce sk and ö. So what i'm trying to say is swedish and russian pronouncement are really close to each other so as to german.

You can learn the Cyrillic alphabet literally in a week.

Cool, So did you ever live here in Sweden ?

Nah, Stockholm-Helsinki boat trip only. But i'm planning to study in Uppsala.

We just like to keep our personal space, nothing wrong with that.

I don't get why muricans insist on harassing other people

It's a good university, the city is also nice but damn the people are kinda SWEDEN YES. I want to visit russia sometimes i just dont know where.

Saint-Petersburg is a good start. It's just big Stockholm but filled with Russian culture and architecture.

Morocco has a faar worse flag imo

Brain size doesn't really make a difference between humans, you niggoloid.

>I could never imagine a nordic empire with the same fiery spirit of the British or Germans superpowers.
I don't know about northerners but Germans are the most asocial people I've ever met. But, you know, that's not their problem.

Achilles heel?

Saint petersburg looks nice, My Estonian friend said that the people are kinda stabby tho, But i think hes kinda baised thanks to his eternal hatred towards russians

Not seen this but i see simmalar behaviour every day. For example in a buss och movie theatre or wherever place where there is free seating, people will to the greatest extent possible try to avoid sitting next to somebody else. In many cultures immigrants come from it's oppisite behaviour is expected which leads to nervous situations for autist swedes

Saint Petersburg is the most "western" Russian city

Totally normal behavior. It's the rest of the world that's weird.

He's not objective, you should look on it by your own eyes.

I know. I like old architecture and history so Saint petersburg might be a good trip next summer.

It's not true. Moscow is. SPB may look more western cuz of old russian architecture, but the moscowians are westernised and Moscow is big and all.

>I chuckled

You say that, I bet you only grunted in approval.

ja det är ett bra beslut

Petersburg is more European though. Both design, people and some details. Not like I'm saying it's bad or good, lol.

Nah, but it's always an argue about spb and moscow.

Fuck off u swarty fuck

They just didn't wanna socialize with lowly Bosnian. Nothing weird about it.

>a dane calling someone swarthy

hey pig

I am a Finn

Literal danskjävel.


You obviously mean Pietari you dirty fucking slav

It's Nevanlinna you alcoholic snow-mongol

It's actually Piter, my dear Pomorish Estonians.

same reason why introverts are smarter than extroverts, they spend more time thinking, listening and observing

We have a saying:

"Even a snotnose will grow up to be a man but not someone who laughs at nothing."

Why are Americans only 60% white?

I'm very indrawn and socially inept because I can't speak Finnish

Move to Sweden.

Why live in a country where you don't speak the language ? It takes 4 year tops of regular study or a year of intense study to learn a language. I will have a job in Germany soon so I enrolled in German classes at a junior college. A little effort goes a long way

