Go to Chile

>go to Chile
it's fucking hot

>go to Israel
it isn't real

>go to New Zealand
it's not new at all most of the buildings are outdated

>go to Hungary
lose my appetite

>go to denmark
>no dens are marked

>go to Turkey
nothing but roaches

>go to Germany
>there aren't many Germs since most of us are obsessed with hygiene

>go to great britain
it's not that great

>it's fucking hot

Dumb considering that Chile has a freezing cold alpine spine and frozen fjords. Shit's like Alaska in a lot of places.

>go to Israel
>it's not real

>go to Spain
>a lot of people are indeed in pain

>go to Russia
no one ever hurries

>go to Turkey
>they're all kebab

>go to the United States of America
everyone has different opinions and is not united in anything

>go to Uruguay
now I'm a gay

>go to the Isle of Man
>there are women

>got to Canada
>there are far more cans than nada

>go to Paraguay
never see more than one faggot


it snows there dood.

>go to New Zealand
>people have no zeal
could have worked too, sonny

>go to Africa
just kidding I would never go to Africa

>go to Singapore
>nobody sings and they aren't poor

>go to Montenegro
no one's mounting negroes

>go to Chad
still a virgin

>go to Bahrain
everyone is thoughtless

This is some top humor right here my north American friends

>go to new england
>They speak french

>go to old England
they speak paki

>go to Egypt
got e-gypped

>go to chicago
>it's shit and the congo

>missing """"le wordplay joke kek so original guise""""


>visit Czechoslovakia
>no oslovakia to czech

>Go to Greenland
"It's not Green here at all"

No I definitely got it... just thought it was stupid af.

>go to Vanuatu
>there's no vans

thisis an american "jokes" thead, play along so they dont feel bad

>the flag of nothing
>that gives the world nothing

That was pretty funny though, wasn't it?

>go to the bathroom
>it's a room with a bath

really makes you think

Didn't have to leave your country to find that, burger.

>go to El Salvador
>nobody is safe there

Dumb frogposters

>no one celebrates Thanksgiving

Laughed at this one tbf

>go to Christmas Island
>no presents

>Goto India
Too much technology, development and progress. Looks like they'll be superpower by 2020

>Go to Grand Rapids
It isn't Grand. I can't find the Rapids

>go nowhere in life
>still die