Deploying to Papua New Guinea in less than 24 hours

>deploying to Papua New Guinea in less than 24 hours

Pray for me lads. I don't want to go.

shouldn't have joined the army then should you.

do you best for her maj and your cunt tho, good luck.

What's going on there?

Are the Papuans revolting?

Nope, but civilian workers (engineers etc) require armed guides accompany them.

You're fucked m8.

Why? Cannibals?

>joining the army of an isolated island country that doesn't even need an army

ya blew it

we should have taken those shootings of students as an excuse to annex them again tbph

fucking papuans are corrupt as shit, we need to put a gun to their heads for them to shape up

Might as well apply that to every corrupt state yah.

Port Moresby is a very "go outside and you'll get mugged" sort of city.

it's fucking somalia tier unrest

they used to be our colony and they're right next to us though. Plus we already have heaps of police and army there, training theirs and keeping the peace.

We intervened militarily in like 2003 or something as well, took over the government kind of and calmed things down because shit was going to hell. We should do it again and just stay.


what is life in somalia like m8?

>posting at 06:31am

Hi Sven.





You'll be fine. If Honduras has taught me anything, it depends on the neighborhood.

I join the navy next year, no cannibal island visits for me. Just clear sailing

good lad
joining the navy in september))

I won't be any special role, just crew maintenance. What are you doing>

Technical seaman in the submarine fleet.
Either propulsion tech or systems tech.

Fucking bellicists

It's my first job though

I'm not an army chump.

Poor fucker why'd you join as an officer. Let alone the NZDF at all

Become the big man