Who is living in a /shithole/ here?

Who is living in a /shithole/ here?

How bad is it?

I love where I live even if I live in a poorer neighbourhood it's still a nice house.

Australia is as far away as it gets from being a shithole.

Dunno, haven't met people since like a week

Going by socioeconomic parameters, Hungary is a shithole.
Going by geographical parameters, it should be an okay place.

So, what is it?

I just watch anime and shitpost on Sup Forums all day man, fuck if I know

I live in Oulu, the worst shithole of the first world.

We all do, and even so, we have knowledge of what is going on outside - from the internet.
You don't qualify either.

>hungarian internet
Okay let's see
Something about importing fish, China taking over some islands and something about people gathering snails and herbs for a lot of $$$ well shit I should go and collect some snails

Hopefully when Europe is finally butt fucked into oblivion by Muslims, I'll have some nice popcorn and a good seat to watch

>niggers killing policemen
>but y-yurop will d-die

why are you so fucking retarded, stupid polfag

>t. country where Blacks and Latinos decide elections


They elected a nigger

I live in Häme, 5/5 nicest place in Memeland except it's quite commie region. Oulu and Pohjois-Pohjanmaa is shit desu.

>No niggers are running this cycle

Stay in your containment board, Sup Forumstard

But dad, Hungary started it!

Nah you started it.

Bydło, bydło everywhere.

I didn't join the axis.

What does someone with a brain and education do?
Immigrate or stay in Poland?

>I didn't
Well yeah, you were born decades after the war, I doubt you had influence about any of that

I emigrated, then I returned because I missed my beloved shithole. I have a decent job now though.

Im here