ITT We trigger moorberto moorbosa

Really makes you think

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Mission accomplished.

Thank you for giving us the holy catholic church instead of heretical nonsense.

>Basque shrinking over time




Country side looks batter with gravel/shitty roads. You Spaniards have zero sense of esthetics.
who viva espana here?

A waste of money really.
Where I live all the gravel roads have been asphalted in the last 30 years. Roads with bad asphalt at +1,500m of altitude end full of bumps.

why would this trigger me

You will always be a sandnigger

Nothing wrong with being a moor, lad.


It's a miracle that it still exists desu.

But you are half sandnigger, half beaner

that's perfectly okay in any portuguese man's eyes
unlike being mexican

tremoços fired tremoços fired

eu sou o alberto barbosa
t.alberto barbosa

Why did Castile win? Was it Franco or was Castillian already the lingua Franca of peninsula and empire before him?


>not heretical
Don't you guys worship death personified?

Castille was the widest area before unification.

good times

Yo soy Fernando Martínez.
t. Fernando Martínez

Nah, it was just was a natural process since the 13th century but it's true tha Franco tried to remove the rest of languages.

they backstabbed lion and cucked aragon
also franco for sure forced castillian

You all stood up together.
Now all you seem to want to do is to separate.

not portugal, we're fine

Yo soy Rigoberto Aguilar
t. Rigoberto Aguilar Pico

Are those dreglings?

Remember when I was in Portugal during the world cup and everyone started to cheer for spain once Portugal lost the games.
Pretty nice imo.

spain also cheered for us when they lost in the recent euro cup
we're good neighbors

Is it true that Portuguese and Castilian speakers can somewhat understand each other?

Portuguese can understand us but we can't understand them. But we can understand eachother when written. It's basically the same shit.

t. pro reader of bath products while shitting

yes of course
my experience is that portuguese speakers (portuguese, african and brazillian) understand castillian better than castillian speakers (spanish, latam and phillipines) understand portuguese

lol i do this with breakfast cereal
flocos de maizzzzzzzz

I am going to tell the full story despite none asking me for it.
The Christians and Muslims were having a rather big battle against the last great Muslim Dynasty in Iberia, the sultan trying to advance further northwards into the peninsula. When it was clear the Christians would win he ((According to the legend at least)) chained his African slaves to his tent and run of with his court, having the slaves fight to the last man against the impending force of Christians, the drawing depicting them storming the encampment. As a side note to the story, the Christians is said to have found a big emerald in the camp, which is what Navarra got its coat of arms from. The chains representation the slaves around the tent of the sultan and the green stone represent the emerald they found.

i didn't know that, very interesting

Well, desu, we pretty much hate frogs so it wasn't a hard choice, also Tsuman and Pepe play for the Real Madrid.

>Colher personalizada

Question to the portubros: If I travel to Portugal, should I speak in spanish or english?

A shame Mozarabic died in the process. Now the only Southern Romance language we have is Sardinian.

>mfw i was told that portugese find funny our accent because their porn movies are in spanish

Dunno if this is accurate. So when you ask for a beer looks like the beginning of a porno.

speak whatever you like, everyone understands you, if there's any question just use english i guess, but spanish is fine. btw speak slowly, usually spaniards speak fast and i have to ask them to speak more slowly, just my personal opinion


mozarabic is actually quite related to aragonese, which is still alive

I always speak spanish when I go to Portugal.

We hate it when foreigners speak Spanish to us instead of English or Portuguese.

Although if that's your own language, we don't mind. We just don't like when we're mistaken for Spanish, because it shows some ignorance for a country you're visiting. It's obviously not the case with Spaniards in Portugal.

If you like this kind of dead language. This is how this language sounds

It was a shame that castillians decided to kill a language spoken by christians for "muh moorish". In fact I live in the last zone when this language was spoken. We conserved some shits of that language but we just speak spanish.

Makes sense if you want to leave Spain as fast as possible, kek.

Although to be fair, this happens in a lot of roads both ways. We just do not coordinate which roads are updated. Ours are probably more destroyed because all the money is always going to the coastal stripe, so only smaller, rural villages and roads are on the Spanish side.

It's funny because they can understand you but you can't understand them. Then you grab a portuguese newspaper and understand +95% of it.

It's the accent I guess. I struggle to understand some andalusians like Risitas.

Y'all open your mouths too much and separate each sylabble too much. It's inefficient.

Also this. Some Azorean accents are to us as Portuguese is to you. They have to subtitle some of them, it's insane.

>mozarabic is actually quite related to aragonese, which is still alive
Both had some contact, sure, but Mozarabic belonged to the same Latin branch as Sardinian and North African. Fragments of the language show words as "lupu" [wolf - cf. "lobo"] that hint the language did not undergo lenition (PTC > BDG between vowels) or short vowel opening (IU > EO). This ties them more with Sardinian than to "true" Iberian languages as Aragonese, Castillian and Gal-Port.

This is incredible, thank you for posting... it's already influenced by Iberian languages ("totu"/all was already spelled as "toto"), but it does look a lot different from Spanish.

The emerald was -supposedly- from the Batalla de Tolosa, in 1200~1300, the Reconquista was still not clear to be over.
It was after the Batalla del Salado that it was clear.

i didn't know that, i was always told the closest language to mozarabic was aragonese, thank you. how much do we know about north african?

I know, it was the last serious attempt from Muslim forces to advance farther North. There was someone after that, which was thwarted quite quickly.
It wasn't that many years after that battle the remaining Muslim factions got the form we all remember from the start of Europa Universals and they would pretty much stick with till the end of the reconquista, right?

Actually, there was a major invasion after that from the Moros, but it failed: it's the battle I mentioned.
It was after this point that the Reconquista had basically ended, with Granada having to pay ridiculous amounts of money to Castilla to remain independent -for a century.

>how much do we know about north african?
Directly, very little. People would write in Arabic instead, very rarely in Classical Latin.

However it's assumed that, outside the Arabic influence, the African Latin dialects/languages were very conservative, since the region was Romanized earlier. For example, what I said about Mozarabic and Sardinian would apply to their dialects/languages, as not opening short vowels and keeping consonants "hard"/unvoiced.

thanks, this is very interesting.

Sorry if seeming ignorant, but did that campaign have any chance of not ending in a failure? They seem to have been pretty instantly cut off from their supply lines from what I have been reading.

I don't really know the details to that extent, but the section "consequencias" talks about how much of a moral victory this was because it marked a complete defeat over the Moros completely forcing them out of Spain.
Regardless, it could be argued that as soon as the Christian Kingdoms worked under the same ideal of reconquista and the Omeya Empire broke down, the victory was written.