I used to work in a Mexican morgue


I don't like where this is going.

mexico IS a morgue

I'm not gonna get hardcore, just because i don't want this deleted.

Just tell some shit or gtfo honestly

whats the worst you've seen

What you wanna know?

Cartel revenge type of shit. I'm sure you've seen the pics on Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

I don't fucking know just post whatever

Jesus Christ

get specific you autist

worst ama thread

why are americans such pricks?

What did your job involve doing I don't know how you could work at a morgue it would be extremely depressing

wow you guys are lazy as fuck
just ask a specific question or get out


You'd be surprised that around 20% of the bodies i got were from revenge for cheating. I once got the body of a Canadian man who had a wife from Taiwan. She caught him cheating and shoot him (in the chest and back) right in the act. Poor guy.

You know. Ripped faces, chopped off legs, arms, heads, bodies with shotgun shots, etc.

Eh, when i finished my carrer i needed some money asap. The morgue paid well so i was like "why not". It wasn't that depressing. I guess living in this country makes you insensitive in the long run.

Did you grope any body?

Do you have a collection of heads you steal from corpses?


No. Some one working with me once stole some fingers. She got fired for it.

What were the qualifications needed to get the job?

>I once got the body of a Canadian man who had a wife from Taiwan. She caught him cheating and shoot him (in the chest and back) right in the act
Yellow fever fags everyone

Do you now feel like humans are just animals like any other. I'm a med student and I cant help but feel like we are all just meat, bones, and blood.

Really puts into perspetctive mortality.

What? Why did she do it? How did she got caught?


From an email they sent me when i was applying for the job. Used google translate because i'm too fucking lazy right now, but you get the idea:

· Apply basic medical knowledge to rule and solve cases that are presented
Evaluate cases of natural or violent death, ruling causality
· To determine the effect of drugs on those cases requiring medical-legal opinion
· Apply the techniques and procedures of technical and medical areas to determine the assessment of injury, identification of individuals and psychophysical evaluation of cases to rule
· Implement the legal framework to the field of forensic medicine, law ruling figures corresponding to the cases handled
.Develop research in the field of legal medicine, defined by local, regional and national contexts

Yup. They never learn.

I feel you my man.

Boss caught her putting the fingers in little bags and then in her backpack.

Did you play with some dead tiddies or pussies?

I take it you've never seen a drained corpse. Its not pretty.

>Do you now feel like humans are just animals like any other. I'm a med student and I cant help but feel like we are all just meat, bones, and blood.
rlly maks u thik

I mean, i touched here and there but to play with them as a freak? No.

I once got the bodie of a female with fake tits. She looked really good tbqh. She was killed by her sister (for jealousy i think).

thats the job description fool, not the qualifications

how much was the pay


what's the worst smelling body you ever got?
and could you describe the smell?

Creepiest moment?

I was getting paid around $30,000 MXN a month (that's like 1600 USD). It may sound bad, but in Mexico it's pretty good. Rent in a decent place here is around $5000 or $6000 MXN.

The body of an old man. He commited suicide and the police found him like 2 weeks later in his house. I really cannot describe the smell, but i can tell you, it was beyond horrible.

A cartel revenge body. The man was left like black dahlia.

>Do you now feel like humans are just animals like any other. I'm a med student and I cant help but feel like we are all just meat, bones, and blood.

>drained corpse


Let's not. For the sake of the thread. Look it up on google m8.

I know that smell. A family friend died in a single car crash when I was a little kid, he drove off a sort of cliff in the countryside, not a proper cliff though, it was just on a hill. The car landed out of sight of the road, it was a 35°C+ summer, and his body just laid there for a few weeks stewing because nobody could see it, but eventually people could smell it driving by.

The car that he was driving was ours, so we had to remove it once they'd removed the body. Even after the body being removed and the car sitting empty for a few days, the smell was awful. You could taste it at the back of your throat as much as you could smell it. Much, much worse than the smell of rotting flesh on a fly struck sheep.

>I used to work in a Mexican morgue
So you worked on the streets?

Did you ever take pics of the bodies?

Not asking you to post any I just want to know if you did.

I heard that you gotta burn down the house and car if a dead man was there for long

like you cant get out the smell and possibly some bacteria and whatever

wonder if it's jsut superstition though

did you manage to clean that car?

Nah, i don't like to save that kind of stuff on my phone.

What's some fuck up shit done someone's mouth?

When the body putrifies theres a layer of skin covering liquids and gasses in the decaying body. If you pop that layer then getting the stench out would mean removing everything in the area and deep cleaning. You dont have to burn the house down.

Why don't you work there anymore?

> deep cleaning

No, the car was a complete wreck, we just had to remove it because it was ours. We just put it out in a paddock, we had a kind of car/tractor graveyard in one paddock on the farm that we never used for cropping, as well as a Christmas tree plot, where my great-grandfather planted a bunch of trees like 150 years ago, so we could chop one down each year.

What was you did in the morgue?

i once i got the body of someone with his mouth fucked by acid.

You ever have cartels get involved with your work?
Idk what you really do so I can't give an example, but maybe they forced you to discard evidence or misreport something?

That must've been pretty grotesque.
Did it effect his teeth much?

Yeah, he's dead now

I got a better (and less gruesome) job.


Nope. Most of the cartel related people i got were just junkies that owe them mony, and kidnappers. No one to miss or hide anything tbqh.

What you did in the morgue?*

Any prior experience?
Or did they take you green?
Did they train you?
How was the training?
Ever molested the bodies?
How much $?

Did you ever jam any black metal when you were performing the autopsies because I know I would

>Any prior experience?

>Did they train you?

>How was the training?
It was... different. Of course this isn't a job for sensitive people, so part of the training involved eating breakfast in front of a corpse. Some people even fainted, others vomited.

>Ever molested the bodies?

>How much $?
$30,000 a month

Music wasn't allowed lol.

One of my sister's friend's sister worked at a morgue. She said it was neat. She did have to deal with Robin William's body though, said that was rough.

Why do you get a set pay per month and not a set price per corpse?

I dunno. That's how it works.

yeah he can't eat anymore

Escuchame viejo, como es la onda en una morgue por alla? Cuales son los especialistas que intervienen en las pericias y autopsias? Que sos vos y como terminaste ahi? Aca en Argengonia hay que ser directamente licenciado en Medicina y despues especializarse como medico legista, y tambien estan los evisceradores que son como ayudantes pero solo entran por acomodo. A mi me gustaria laburar en ese ambito, pero ya estudio biologia, y no tengo ningun enganche para entrar de alguna manera en el rubro, ademas de que, por lo que lei, no se abren muchos puestos y siempre hay fila.

How many headless corpses?

so is the holocaust real or not, i figure morticians and crematorians would know THE TRUTH

*Escribo en español por que estoy apurado

he's giving us his time to answers that Sup Forumsfags might have. Might want to give some courtesy by asking politely, prick.

any murdered tourists?

Are you a qualified doctor?

Que tal camarada,
mira, puedes estudiar infinidad de cosas para estar en ese horrible lugar! Jaja, pero bueno... ahí va:
medicina forense
ex. criminalistico
policía forense
abogado con especializad en criminales o penal

Yo salí de medicina forense y luego luego conseguí el trabajo. La mayoría aquí se meten a médico cirujano y todo ese rollo, así que lo bueno es que hay mucho espacio libre para los que queremos este puesto. La verdad no sabría decirte si puedes entrar a esto con la carrera de biología, pero no esta de más preguntar.


Post pics of dead people

Not many. Most of the cartel related bodies had been by gun shots.

Here and there. I once got the body of a Danish woman who was kidnapping boys from poor towns and was using them as sex slaves. I think she was killed by the army, i dont remember well.


Don't have

Osea que tenes la carrera universitaria de medicina hecha y te especialisaste en medicina forense, supongo? Si es asi, vendria a ser como aca, claro que por tus post, y digo esto sin intencion de joda, parece que alla tienen morgues bastante activas, por lo que yo anduve investigando aca supuestamente las morgues estan "muertas", hay pocas y no tienen mucha actividad, ademas los laburos son ocupados por tipos que tienen ponele 25-30 años en el mismo puesto y no lo quieren largar, y si lo largan hay 200 tipos disponibles mas que felices para entrar.
En la universidad te hacian enternar con cuerpos o todo teorico?

Ah thought so. What's the pay like as a Medical Doctor in Mexico?

*Also que edad tenes hermano mexicano?

>Osea que tenes la carrera universitaria de medicina hecha y te especialisaste en medicina forense?
Así es amigo

Y pues sí, se podría decir que aquí las morgues están más activas que en Argentina. Aquí sí hay de esos tipos que ya llevan como 20 años en un puesto, pero son pocos y no te quitan la oportunidad. Aquí buscan muchos chavos. En la universidad sí usan cuerpos para demostraciones y todo ese rollo, también le meten teoría.

Tengo 34!

Pay is really high (for Mexican standars)

Gracias loco por contestar, ya me buscare otra manera de aprender anatomia humana aparte de los libros (aclaro que hablo puras boludeces, para que no me caiga la AFI en mi casa) pero por ahora me voy a dormir. Saludos locura.

What do uou miss from your job there, what was the funniest/most interesting thing happening more or less frequently ?

I miss the aura.

The most interesting thing were burned bodies. They smell like roasted chicken.

>They smell like roasted chicken.

Really ? That's surprising i thought it would be more like sharred pork.

Also, by aura do you mean the general ambiance ?

Yeah. Peace and quiet. The dead bodies around are a con tho.

But aren't they mostly in "drawers"

Have you ever been asked by someone to let them use the furnace at the morgue to bake bread?