Mfw uncultured anglos insult superior mexica art

>mfw uncultured anglos insult superior mexica art
Stay low eurodoodles

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Is that a parrot coming out of his ass?

seems more like a quiver but yeah why not

what did they mean by this?

Literally the niggers of Mesoamerica

That's so fucking cool!


I'm guessing that the dots represent paths or distances. They used dots in the numerical system but not dots forever and ever... at 5 it'd be a solid bar. At 20 it'd be a shell with a dot.

So probably not counting ... in a numerical way. Maybe a sort of map. Fuck it, I dunno. But it ain't Mesoamerican math in the normal sense.

>says the colonial bitch with no continental ancestors


Yes, niggers had a written language, advanced mathematics, monumental architecture, roads, irrigation and fucking indoor plumbing...

look, it's a getthoized American negro, go back to your country

Mexicans are not related at all to Aztecs. Modern mexicans are the descendants of the dirty indians that helped the Spaniards kill them all

Tribute records

Nope, leaving aside the Tlaxcaltecs shared in the same Nahua culture as the Aztecs, most Aztecs did not die in the siege of tenochtitlan, the infrastructure and manpower of the Aztec empire is precissely what enabled the conquest of the continent, there were Aztecs with Pizarro when he conquered the Inca and there's a reason many places outside of the original Aztec sphere of influence, including in the US, bear Nahuatl names... I barely have any Native American ancestry (1/16th Yaqui) but simbolically /spiritually all Mexicans are heirs to the Aztec... That's where the country's name comes from ffs

>grandmother is from chihuahua
what can you tell me about the based tarahumara/raramuri indians?

I'm from Sinaloa, the raramuri I know are very conservative, family minded people. great endurance runners, those people will move through hard mountain terrain like fish in water. A proud people altogether, although they've suffered disproportionately in the Drug War...


found the chilango


Do Mexicans actually think they are the descendants/ the continuation of the Aztecs?

> Sons of gods
> Gets defeated by bandits, pig fuckers, and iliterates enroled in the spanish army

I have bad news for you...

this is pretty much a mexican WE WUZ post


rad as fuck
post more please


all due to firearms.
isnt it crazy?
same thing that ended the samurai age and the era of the sword worldwide almost defeated an entire culture. Gunpowder truly gave cowards wings.

>>when you bust a nut and she keep sucking

Ive heard of many running 80 km+ with little pause.
as with most of the country. the lack of access to resources and connections limits the expression of their true potential. Could you imagine them going to the olympics??

gonna dump some images


back to facebook meme pages you fucking underage troglodyte

And the site of the infamous ballgame where the losers where all sacrificed.

and the mysterious Mayans...

suck it mate


England is not Europe.

stop the meme


Firearms were pretty much useless. Spaniards just sneezed over them and waited.

personally, I am 2/6rd Yaqui, 1/2 Morelian and the rest is a blend of Portuguese, Spanish and English blood. But I thoroughly enjoy the rich variety of art and style each region had.

considering ball shot was bone shattering and the subsequent infections would be absolutely lethal, they didn't have to aim much. It's obvious who the winner is with the gun vs the axes and spears of Mexico

my cat is running across the keyboard...

this kinda looks like an abstract Vatican desu

In demographic terms Mexico is a continuation of the Aztec Empire, of course Mexican culture is a different thig as it mixes that with European culture, so it's neither but both. Is like asking Scandinavians if they're a continuation of Vikings, yes they're their descendants but what they have today is Western culture (classical Roman and Greek) and Christianity mixed with that. Are they any less because they stopped being pagans and learned things like science and philosophy?

There's apparently quite a few self hating Mexicans in here, the Aztecs/Mesoamericans were a real thing and left quite a few very large buildings to prove it. This isn't we wuz kings, not only do we have not have to make shit up about our past but we weren't slaves, many of us are descended from the Conquistadores and while it wasn't always pretty the natives did rule themselves...

>In demographic terms Mexico is a continuation of the Aztec Empire, of course Mexican culture is a different thig as it mixes that with European culture, so it's neither but both. Is like asking Scandinavians if they're a continuation of Vikings, yes they're their descendants but what they have today is Western culture (classical Roman and Greek) and Christianity mixed with that. Are they any less because they stopped being pagans and learned things like science and philosophy?

No its more like the Ottomans claiming they are a continuation of the Roman Empire

>In demographic terms Mexico is a continuation of the Aztec Empire

This is what the descendants of the tlaxcaltecas and texcocanos actually believe.

> Cowards
I'd hardly consider most soldiers from any age a coward mate.

i thought the captain of the winning team was sacrificed, as it was an honor

Pretty much this, only add a lot of other cultures in there (Purepechas, Raramuris, Zapotecas, Toltecas, Olmecas, Mayas, etc.) and we are done.

Actually gunpowder was prettu usless, crossbows and specially steel swords and horses, plus the style of warfare were the cause of pwnage of native armies. Cortez was a master strategist too, he griped the natve dynamics and all and secured his logistics using locals allies, and even convinced the Tlaxcalans to send warrior to wreck tenochtitlan, and he defered the battles to his best tacticians than were veterans from the wars of Italy.

He also dismantled his ships and ordered them to be carried all the way to the lake of Texcoco (where Tenochtitlan was) to use them against the city. He was quite a lucky and smart cunt.

Yeah, it was one of the most insane logistical action of the entire century, 13 bergantins in pieces to be mounted in the lake using only native porters. He was a genius and charismastic as fuck, like the time he convinced the army than was send to arrest him to fight at his side after a night atack. The conquest of America is a pretty fascinating period, shame politics muddy it so much.



In this scene the lord of the dawn injures a woman, an anthropomorphized turtle and a conch shell

Every 52 years the high priests lit a bonfire to close a full cycle of the calendar and link the next one. The shift of cycles was thought to be unstable and people feared the coming of the Tzitzimitl, star dieties with many attributes who were visible during eclipses as those stars approaching to the sun. (It sounds less exaggerated when you consider all those massive stars roaming through space:
During the five previous days, the ceremony preparations involved abstinence from work, fasting, ritual cleansing, ritual bloodletting, destruction of old household items and observance of silence.
After the ceremony the priests would use the same fire to lighten up again the cities.

This guy carries a pokeball on his belt and the creatures below him are his Pokemon collection.
What is even happening here?
Is this porn?

>What is even happening here?
no clue

Were the Aztecs autistic furries?

>This guy carries a pokeball
Either that ot an eye, being the red part an incarnated sign.

I don't know why, but some things had that attribute and others didn't, for example half of the eye of the first creature below him is blue, while the skull one doesn't even have an eye. Perhaps because that first creature represents the wind.

was being devoured part of their plan?

found the Chicano

This god lost a leg while capturing the earth-beast and replaced it with a smoking mirror

no clue either

better pic

90% of mexicans have no relation to the Aztec at all

most of you were the nations being sacrificed

Japan had more guns than any European country you mong
Guns are what secured the authority of the Tokugawa Shogunate

and horses had a MUCH greater impact of the Spanish victory than primitive matchlock ever did, even then it was hardly like Cortes just swept them with ease, it was a brutal and costly war where his forces were nearly wiped out many times.
they won because Cortes was a genius, he even destroyed the Spanish force sent to arrest him.

is this a relic or is this recently made art?

but mexico hasnt claimed that you nigger

theyre claiming theyre descendants of aztecs, which is true, not a continuation of the empire. mexico had its own empire.

the Ottomans did claim that though
and Mehmet II was a direct blood descendant of the Emperor with a claim on the throne

Found the nigger.


It's a religious calendar for a 260 days cycle.

I saw this on the weekend and when Carradine is talking to a museum historian about Quetzalcoatl and Aztec art, they're surrounded by northwest coast (Haida) art. I laughed and laughed.



the aztecs where a trbe of nahua indians and there are still millions of full blooded nahua's in mexico

>let me tell you about your country

most soldiers at any time in history have been cowards

Looks hideous

>forgetting mexico gave you your independence with no hassle whatsoever

be nice you fucker

In 1821 we decided to held election in 1822 if we were going to become independent of Spain or not. Mexico annexed us before we could decide.