Is Russia gonna have another socialist revolution in October 2017?

Is Russia gonna have another socialist revolution in October 2017?

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New genocide of Russians and Mongoloids incoming

people always have positive feels to their old days.


i hope so

You sure? I'll help

WTF I love Russia now

Not Russia but our government gonna make gulag great again.
Soon Russia will collapse again, "elite" needs a time to pack its bags and run away to England/USA/anglo-saxon proxystate.
prepare to meet Tatarball, Chechenball, Tuvaball, Kareliaball and others.
gibe muh 1913 back please T___T

Shut up chicken, we'll devastate eastern europe and make rich countries feel butthurt, ist is our style, read history stupid piece of shit

let's wait for 5 years, time will show us who was right.

you must be in jail acoording to your ideas. I won't wonder if you support gay rights and other western values

I don't think so, I think they're just nostalgic about being a superpower.

They're trying to be a superpower again, and their geopolitical strategy is based around getting their old Soviet/Russian Imperial hegemony back.

>we'll devastate eastern europe
you've managed that like once before

Yes, all countries easter Germany except Austia belong to Russia

but i hate liberashkas, they are even worse than Putin and his guys, at least Putin doesn't say something like this:
"Mнe кaжeтcя, нyжнo ocyщecтвить нeкyю caмooккyпaцию и пpизнaть вeщи, кoтopых мы дeлaть нe yмeeм. Фaктичecки этo oзнaчaeт, чтo нyжнo фyнкции Избиpкoмa пepeдaть ПACE, избиpaтeльнyю кaмпaнию пpoвoдить пoд кoнтpoлeм мeждyнapoдных opгaнизaций, фyнкции Кoнcтитyциoннoгo cyдa пepeдaть Гaaгe и т. д. Этo дoбpoвoльный oткaз oт чacти cyвepeнитeтa, нo мы этo дoлжны cдeлaть дoбpoвoльнo, пpeкpacнo пoнимaя, чтo мы бoльны шизoфpeниeй и видим тo, чeгo нeт в peaльнocти"
Ho нeльзя caдитьcя нa oдин из cтyльeв. Этo вceгдa пpивoдилo к paзвaлy cтpaны, и нe дaй бoг, чтoбы пpивeлo eщё paз, нo вcё к этoмy и идёт.

come @ us kacapie

we're ready for you this time

we'll leave moscow in ashes.

Islamic revolution. Kadyrov will be their vozhd.

Just like it was in 1612, yeah? :-------------DDDDDDDDDDDDD

There's no beautiful sight like the sight of kacaps getting rekt


>just Suvorov my warsaw, man


like I give a rat's ass about that kike and communist infested shitter

I remember a saying that a ruskie friend told me

>Any man that does not look back fondly on the glory days of the union has no heart

>Any man who wants it back has no brain

Is your friend Putin?

Please Russia, become communist. I can wait for killing communists from my country or report them to cops like my fathers did.

It will be finally legal.

My favourite proverb, at least here in Croatia, might be a Slavic one since it cobtains so much anxiety and hope grinded all together with anger, using tears as an emulsion:

"Bill, ne bilo" - "There was, there was not"

>"Bilo, ne bilo"*

We'll be in Poorland soon and rape your woman


Can Finns get a free Russian passport by ancestry yet?

that only applies to ex soviets.
a gypsy from latvia can get russian passport if he wants.

yes, but there are plenty of bureaucratic issues. but techniclly it is possible

Yes, we don't wanna see hitler worshippers among our citizens

>Possible to prevent
Pic related.

in 60s' maybe

You mean restoration of the monarchy. And not of those filthy Romanovs buth the proper native one. Rurikids.

german rulers > swedish rulers tbqh

Post butt

Wait, Poland still has Jews?

You won't be laughing when the day of the rope comes

If only liberal revolution. But after this Crimea annexation everything is getting worse.