I'm a poor subhuman polack and this is my food

I'm a poor subhuman polack and this is my food.

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Put some onions on it, improves it at lot.

Is that minced salami? Not looked bad though.

tell me thats cured pls

thanks Franz

is that salami paste? i need that shit

i am a poor subhuman too and i wish i was dead XD

That's Mett/Metka. And yeah I think it's cured. We don't have shit meat here.

Piotr come on,you are descendant of an honorable Iranian tribe of Sarmatians. You can do better.

is that salami paste?

i'm interested

enjoy your tapeworms and eventual cysticercosis

pro-tip: if you are really poor, adopt a vegetarian lifestyle

t. vegetarian/not poor but comfortable

see We don't have burger shithole meat filled with estrogen here. We have healthy pigs and good quality meat.

>We have healthy pigs and good quality meat
handled by pollacks. i rest my case

Poland has one of the best quality food in Europe.
Fuck off and stop insulting my nation in my own thread, vegan scum.

We have something like that. Minced meat with cheese on bread, then grilled.

Jak jestes chuju biedny, to się tym nie chwal, cwelu smierdzacy, bo tylko niszczysz PR Polski, jebany podczłowieku z karaczana. Dlatego własnie czany z udziałem Polaków są takie zjebane, bo żaden dobrze sytuowany Polak z nich nie korzysta, tylko same meliniarskie scierwa. Tymczasem posterzy z innych krajów, nawet biedniejszych niż Polska to dzieci biznesmenów albo dobrze opłacani programisci. Polska biedota powinna mieć zakaz korzystania z Internetu imo.

zajeb sie

Ty sie podczlowieku zajeb, jebany pauperze.

ssij mi palke, spierdolino

that shit is the tastiest

typ ma racje, polaczku podczlowieku

>typ ma racje
samociota wykryta, wykurwiaj atencjuszu

In Germany we eat it un-cured. And judging from the light red colour, this is also un-cured. Cured Mett looks a bit brown.

Raw minced pork is perfectly safe on the day it is made

I am poor too and this is my food


>He fell for the "u cnt eat raw meat" meme
>He's a vegetarian

looks like raw meat for ćevapi , wtf

Mett is a preparation of minced raw pork that is popular in Germany and Poland. The name originates from mett, either meaning "chopped pork meat without bacon", or the Old Saxon meti, meaning "food". It is normally served with salt and black pepper, and sometimes with garlic, caraway or chopped onion, and eaten raw, usually on a bread roll.

Poles and Germans are two biggest pigeaters in the world.

I thought Danes like pigs too.

you are what you eat

Heh, Germans aint such pigeaters as i thought though.

Raw mince meat is fucking delicious

I thought that Belarus likes pigs

We are a nation of farmers with a habit of eating healthy food.

Ayy that looks Middle Ages tier.

I really, really like how bulgarians just pur a shitload of cheese on everything and heat that fucker up. Cheese is love, cheese is life.

No wonder people with faces looking like pigs would like pork so much. Polacks are untermensch trash.

90% of workers in all meat factories in Poland are Ukrainians now. Don't forget about their contribution to our meat-eating habit


Rezun power!


Cmere lemme gib you a hug

>rabota v Polshe
>robota w Polsce

jedno gówno słowiańskie
rozstrzelać i tyle bo nawet beduini arabscy z pustynii mają więcej kultury

"pozdrawiam", Niemiec z Opola

>Niemiec z Opola



>Niemiec z Opola

looks not bad. mayo would go with it

>Polska biedota powinna mieć zakaz korzystania z Internetu imo.


Looks tasty. Raw meat is good.

Not a veggo here, but meat is more expensive than plants. If you are poor, not eating meat, or eating less meat, is a good idea.

Acha, pamiętajcie jedna sprawa- shift+lpm i takie ścierwa znikają. Nie ma co podibjać dalej takich tematów, bo to do niczego nie prowadzi. Oni karmią się tym, że ktokolwiek im odpowie, w końcu tylko "udają" że są popierdoleni, jak ich matka, co ukradkiem z cygańskiego wozu o północy wychodziła... No to tyle.

Przecież wiem jebana kurwo, że to ty. Dzisiaj postujesz w każdym jebanym temacie.

Atencjuszu za 2 grosze.

stul pysk smieciu

>USA talking shit about Poland's meat
You do understand that you're supposed to bant cunts about things you are better at, not far, far worse at, right?

stul pysk smieciu

>na czanach

I took marinade herring. It was very cheap and tasted good.

ojeb mi gale, podludziu

>We don't have shit meat here.


piekny kurwa jestes

>Niemiec z Opola
dobrze zmemione, daję 3 gwiazdki i kciuk w dupę

nu tak przed lustrem mówisz polski robaku

>wyzywa kogos od polskich robakow
>mowi po cebulacku
look how down throws himself