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/balk/ more like /balk/ LOL

that's a big doner



they write in cyrillic
Illyria (kek)

some road signs and also written in latin for tourists.

most people can read latin because of internet and some western products in shops

its been destroyed a few times through history kek
but its hard to recover from a nuke
I really wanna see some terrorist cell steal a "misplaced" nuke from Russia and use it on that shit, muslims will be so panicked

First for Ali




might have to stop buying kebab lads

didn't want to make this radical measure but the terrorists have pushed me over the edge

Why is France shit?


buy gyro kek, I eat it over kebab because it comes in pork and pork + tzatziki is tasty as fuck
t. ancient hellene
vid related macedonian singer yugonostalgia-ish song

>financing Greeks

even at times when I was starving and was smelling the delicious smell of gyros I have NEVER given money to Greeks and I won't start now. I have the same policy with Lafka shops

why lafka shops? who r they owned by?



Northern Greece is the best place on Earth.

kek thats why i asked i remember a bulgarian posting a pic of that guy near a lafka shop ahahaha
it says hes a christian in wikipedia, but he works for DPS? wtf? aint he a turk

Volen's and Barekov's sponsor.

he's the lowest form of life, a non-Turk working for DPS. At least the turks can claim they are defending their ethnic interests, the Bulgarians there are pure mafiosos in it for the money. Of course he's ultimately a nobody, a pawn of Dogan who actually runs the country

That is the son of Ilia Pavlov.


I will never go to Greece because it involves giving Greeks money. If somehow they crash with no survivors and become poorer than us I might consider it

>I've never given money to Greeks
>he's deluded himself that's real

laughed my ass off wtf is this ahahahha
feels youtube in 2007 nostalgia
the islands are nice but mainland is overrated, croatia > greek mainland
nigga looks like a pig

You are a dumb shit, the world does not end at the border.

I've probably been to more country than you, why do you care where I go to holiday

Why is france turning to shit?




>the world does not end at the border

the pope is literally satan

wow just reading isis attacked frenchies with trucks

they're getting desperate and ingenious in their ways of attacking people (meaning they weren't able to bring in guns and explosives because of tightened security measures)

the people from the truck fired shots before ramming frogs

indeed. I just don't understand why these people refuse to acknowledge the problem.

They bring muslims in, refuse to police them. terror attack happens, it's nobody's fault (except evil terrorists far away), no real measures are taken besides ineffective policing (stopping only arabs is racial profiling), the news dies down, fast forward 6-8 months, ANOTHER terror attack, REPEAT IT ALL AGAIN.


France will seek help.

the West is being governed by people who built their careers on spouting multikulti bullshit, they can't renounce everything now

They will need to.

no, they'll just be replaced by populist idiots. But the bigger idiots are the establishment who let it happen

it's not the establishment it's overpopulation

so why aren't there massive terrorist attacks in China?

indeed, just read about it

that's some sickening design on their part, no surprises though for the people who've been executing hostages by firr, head smashing and drowning

and after all that they'll be people spamming #notallrefugees and other cucked shit while victimizing those who got tired of Islam and the "poor" refugees (from Pakistan and Afghanistan)

Meanwhile Isis will be planning a new attack ever 6 to 8 months and laugh at everyone's faces

Docile citizens, like in India.

Nothing to do with overpopulation just too many immigrants and ISIS members coming in.

women in germany were literally mass-raped by organized muslim gangs in germany and nothing was done, modern-day western europeans are fucking pathetic, i can only imagine shit like that happening in the east, would cause a revolution
stop spewing bullshit kek

Because Chinese are not cucked.

they're pretty redpilled about islam, when their muslim minority tries something they BTFO them, russians and americans do the same, its europeans who are the most cucked in this day and age

Chinks can be based as fuck sometimes.
>cuck daily mail putting terrorists in quotes

just to show you what's being coming to europe. This happened today in the old Hellenikon Airport in southern Athens


And the majority of those "poor refugees" are waiting to be taken by European countries


there is literally nothing wrong with being a selyak

afghans are fucking savages kek, their shithole was ravaged by war even before soviets and americans took their turns bleeding them, afghanistan is possibly the worst country to live in after like liberia, i can't imagine what they do after arriving in europe from their wartorn shithole where they live in caves

those maslini look salty as a motherfucker

>be fyromian
>be poltard

>/balk/ comes alive at 4 AM on a Friday

>i can only imagine shit like that happening in the east, would cause a revolution
gang rape nope
but islamic related terror attack?
it has happened numerous times in russia

what's with all the brown bread memes
my parents only eat that

it tastes worse than white bread, there's less of it, and the texture's worse

wtf is oцeнихa
>interviewing a subhuman mudslime convert
d r o p p e d

its the fact that they went out in organized gangs and mass-raped german women kek, that shit would be intolerable in poland for instance, but westeners are cucks so


Expensive non-white bread has a lot of fiber, you shit easier.

hwhat? i don't care what's in the rest of my food, why would i care about what's in my bread

2 gyppos killed 2 Bulgarian kids while speeding and we had massive race riots and we burned down the house of their leader

>tfw no bulgarian gf
I need to visit Bulgarian beaches to meet your bitches :^)

there are no bulgarians in sunny beach
just tourists

Some Plovdiv football fans, vigilantism at its worst. What the fuck were the police doing?

>What the fuck were the police doing?
protecting the murderer's house. Didn't do a good job, kek

Nah, the Black Sea coast is unironically shit.

p much this
you're much more likely to find a tourist looking for dick than a bg

Really? I thought I had cool things to visit there. :(

depends on where you go
many places are good for family stuff (bringing kids, buying some caca s bira, etc)

Maaaybe there are still some remote undisturbed beaches in the North. The rest is tourist pandemonium.

So I should basically avoid places where there are a lot of tourists, got it.

>I just don't understand why these people refuse to acknowledge the problem.

I don't think they refuse to acknowledge the problem, there's just not much they can do about it. Close the borders? That would give them a very bad reputation, it would shit on core values of the French people, not to mention it would be ineffective as a preventative measure, considering many of these terrorists were people who had lived in France for quite some time. If there is one fault of the French government, it's that they neglected reinforcing their secret agencies after the big terrorist attacks, I mean, they should've known that more would follow, they are at war after all.

What else do you expect them to do? Support the far-right? There's a good reason people STILL don't do that, and that's because the last time the far right took control, things didn't end well for Europe and the world.

Well you'll meet more interesting people outside of Sunny Beach.

far right doesn't mean anything anymore. If you say you want to curb immigration you're a far right extremist in the West

if they don't wise up and support based le pen they deserve it
pretty much, in sweden they consider sweden democrats who all they want to do is slightly decrease immigration far right

But we are being discriminated against when traveling to the West and we don't like that. Many think we are gypsies.

tl/dr The French gov shall let people getting massacred 2 to 3 times per year so that they won't be called names

kek if that's true, it'd be another level of cuckoldry

so what, fuck them. Let them get an arab for every Bulgarian and Romanian and Pole they kick out. In the end we'll be the winners.

One thing to remember - NEVER let any disgusting bucktoothed inbred Brit or smelly nigger Frenchman tell you you're inferior. It's easy to be patriotic when you got dealt a good hand. It's hard to be patriotic form a relatively poor country

Dude I've been to America and treated like a white person by the minorities, even though I am an Eastern European. Fuck all haters.


It's different in america. Americans don't know anything about Eastern Europe. They just assume we are all russians.

Are you him?

yeah I've seen that

>visits disgusting dirty gypsy ghetto
>hey do you want to come to the UK
>but what about if we give you free money
>what about you, Hasan?

>visits university
>hey come to the UK boys and girls

>entire point of video is ruined

They just assume we are all russians.


Nah, I'm prettier. And my dick is enormous.

I laughed so hard when i watched it.

>Nah, I'm prettier. And my dick is enormous.
post face + dick

stand by

>hey just assume we are all russians.
Only if your slav accent is heavy enough.

I feel its just going to be a slow burn of nothing. The right and left will just be in an eternal deadlock and nothing will ever get done. Democracy was a mistake


poor people need to die, really



I mean, poor people excluding us.