Mfw people will use the Nice Terrorist attack to excuse their islamophobia

>mfw people will use the Nice Terrorist attack to excuse their islamophobia


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>normal Muslims



lmao ISIS couldn't care less how "islamophobic" we are. They still want to kill every non-muslim

If a few naughty words are enough to turn """""""moderates""""""" into jihadists, they weren't particularly moderate to begin with

Worst part of the troll. Blame is obviously and clearly on the murderers themselves

nice try, Pasheed



Why dont you just let them go die in their shitholes who cares


We don't even know if the people were Muslim. When you think about how France is 90% white, chances are the culprits behind this attack are white.

Normal muslims ? just like humanist nazis or communism with a human face ? Guess what ? it doesn't exist and if anything Stalin and Hitler are mentally sainner than the average antiracist

when will people learn the difference between real muslims and terrorists. you are supposed to learn not to generalize in primary school

British soldiers killed more civilians in Iraq than ISIS has ever killed

there is nothing wrong with being a communist or a muslim (in fact I am both) but there is something wrong with being a nazi. try again pierre

He was a white convert to Islam

You suck McBain!

Where were you when Muslims worked out that cars are easier to use and more effective than explosives?


I wasn't a fan of muslims before these attacks, what makes you think I'll be more inclined to like them afterwards?

This. As the famous canadian thinker and minister have said - if you fight them and refuse to let them in your countries, they win.

this is an incredibly evil position to hold and there is little question your fate is sealed

>mfw SJW's try to tell me there's no link between Islam and terrorism

Can a single picture be more haram?

>mfw britbong is still getting replies


The dead people are NOT the primary victims. It's sad they died, sure, but where they are they cannot be hurt any more. You know who IS hurting? The Muslim community who must now suffer an Islamophobic Holocaust like they do after every attack.

Don't forget.

Nazi's are literally morally better than Communists

woah racist reported for hate speech. expect angela merkel in your area. resistence is futile

Learn2bait, roachie


> associate themselves with retards
> get called retards
fuck them, maybe just maybe they should join another religion

>normal muslims

Is that an extinct species I need to know about

is this shitty bait? theres literally nothing morally wrong with communism

Hell, they want to kill most "Muslims" too.
ISIS is bat shit insane and incurable. They need to be exterminated. No prison, no attempts to "help" them normalize. Just kill them outright on sight. Then kill all their sympathizers.

How many Muslims are lurking here other than me?

>Denmark delivering the bants

Nope, in fact it's better be a nazi, then an old school communist( aka you can fuck off because your brand gommunism is a an an aberration), but islam can fuck off.

In fact shitskins should be deported ASAP


Then deport all Europeans to Europe too.


If you're going to pretend to be a lefty then you need to use their arguments.

Rape is the fault of the rapists. The only people who caused this are the terrorists themselves.
They need a society that teaches them not to kill, and since their home societies are not doing that for them, the only logical next step is to invade, conquer, and set up a new society.

>Hell, they want to kill most "Muslims" too.

All muzzie is a potential Islamic state sympathizer, they disaprouve the action but they support the ideology.

Please fuck off leftist scum

why is it always france and not the other countries with tons of muslims like germany of the uk?


>implying it's a bad thing

Actually I'm OK with that, shitskins out

I don't see the difference.

The ones in Germany are Turks, which are a tad more civilized. There's still a gap, but the Ottoman Empire used to play with the big European guys; Ataturk tried his hand at genocide, too.

They kill everyone who isn't there sect of Islam, which isn't abnormal historically. Muslims hate other sects of Islam more than non-Muslims due to the implications of there being more than one sect

What about pakis in the UK? They literally throw acid to women and rape street children in Pakistan. It's objectively worst than any french ex-colony.

Nazi's had a centralized organisation with established policies and published proscibed beliefs, so if you support them, it is clear what beleifs you support. In contrast, Islam is decentralized though, so in terms of behavior, it is not immediately apparent what beliefs a Muslim has just by knowing they are Muslim (apart from the bare-bones theological beliefs)

Killing is no good.
If you kill your enemies, they win.
Lock them in a tiny cell for the rest of their lives, let them die forgotten in that tiny cell.

yeah, I know of a few muslims who would never hurt a fly
but fuck em, I'd gladly deport them just to get Islam out of the country

Is that Pepe's hand?

I reconfigure that nose

>Nice Terrorist
Have I missed something? Is this a new meme?

They've been better integrated. Also, British police isn't quite as incompetent; see all those Euro 2016 pitch invaders

Arabs. I have lived among them for many years; learned their way of life and pursuits. They are at least as much to blame as Islam is for terrorism.

You already admited they are just "potential sympathizers", so you know that not all of them are sympathizers.

let me show it in a picture

>if you kill your enemies, they win

This is the most stupid trope in videogames and movies, im baffled someone thinks like this in real life

Turks are annoying shits, but Ataturk did somewhat defuse their full on muslim mode, sure they still do honor killings and will stab you for no reason, but it's not nearly as bad as arabs.

In real life, the thought is "If you antagonist these non-enemy versions of your enemies, the enemies grow in strength"

i get why extremists are bad but why also hate the law abiding hard working ones? like i dont know, what if there's this one muslim guy who is pretty chill, cures death, aids and cancer in one day, and never harms anyone, wouldnt you want to have that guy at your table?

super ai when? a being of pure logic, an algorithm perfectly equipped, a creature that can not make a mistake, armed with one of those huge 50 cal high precision rifles, we should build those, and those would instantly snipe all criminals and there you have it

i do admit i have a strong sexual attraction to busty beautiful blondes and i dont want those to disappear and as long as i have a supply of those i honestly couldnt care less about the rest of society


>A non-explicitly anti-Muslim or anti-(Muslim-associated ethnic group) post by a Serb
Holy shit.

>american education

Seriously what happened?

[Nice is a location, they aren't being sarcastic]

Truck Simulator 2016: Allah Akhbar Edition

Whic is the same thing because it only need a spark to turn a muzzie into an Islamic state sympathizer.

>implying implication

Shitskins should be deported ASAP, no shit given, I want my country back

one on the right's slobber knockers can feed me for a month

>i get why extremists are bad but why also hate the law abiding hard working ones?
Because people here are of the opinion that if a Muslim isn't bad, he can't actually be a Muslim. So conveniently to the mind, all Muslims are actually bad. Is the thought process.

Ah, Nice on the south coast? Good beaches
>these nonbelievers will taste the rubbery wheels of Allah!

Fuck a cuck is here...

I don't give a fuck about muzzies I don't like them, so they need to be deported alongside with other shitskins, enough with this invasion, enough with this faggots trashing my place.

You should kill yourself for being an autistic idiot.

We don't punish people for beliefs they don't even have. That is literally what we grew out of. The spark argument is retarded. Reducing sympathizers is reasonable, but reducing anyone who could POTENTIALLY become a sympathizer is inane, impossible, and fundamentally against enlightenment values.

If only there was a way to get it back, again.

All shitskins should be deported by the way, I've had enough of them already

Pakis haven't been better integrated. They are just under constant surveillance, and they prefer to Islamize the capitol of London gradually. Rather than outright killing, they just become the mayor, pretend to be peaceful, push their ideology, and rape children. Think of Rotherham. My theory why they attack less is because they're so inbred thinking of how to commit a crime properly is too hard.

i am a really simple and basic guy, i am interested in a high quality of life for myself, and if a muslim actually ends up boosting my quality of life i guess he's in
and busty blondes are a high portion of that, so hell even if the muslim is the good guy he is still polluting the gene pool, i dont want fucking arab women walking around instead... not even to mention that it is far more likely that the muslim would negatively effect my quality of life

so i conclude, in case it is not an emergency, and there are resources for analyizing muslim individual in great detail, we do this
in case there is not enough resources or time to analyze the muslim, gonna go with the higher %, deny the poor guy, reality is fundamentally unfair and i must consider my quality of life if i want my quality of life to be good, this seems perfectly reasonable and logical to me

We don't have any problems with any religion but Islam though, we should probably reevaluate the status as a religion.

We don't allow people to cut out hearts anymore either.

Some religions are just too harmful to be allowed in our society.

Surely we had enough time to judge Islam.

This, the holy guillotine should come back

I don't give a fuck about enlightement values, they are not my values and they are bullshit, beside they were replaced by other values a few years after


>implying we don't hate arabs and niggers because they turn our quality of life into shit

Ever heard of insecurity ? race mixing ? riots ? rapes ? not to mention the constant push of the islamic BS in all the medias, the bullshit about multiculturalism...

Hell if the muzzie we had were albanian, bosnian or chechen maybe we wouldn't had a problem but with arabs and niggers there is no discussion possible.

europe needs Islam. It's for their own good.


im an exmuslim and this word bothers me. a phobia is an irrational fear. would you call jews naziphobic? even my family is OK with death sentence for apostates, my fear of islam is very rational and real. :(

he's right though


cannot stop laughing, holy shit

that's actually true if you kill a few of them, and get the rest of them pissed

it's like giving a man a minor wound, he will hate you now and he will be able to respond... this is why you either keep them as friends, or you give them a wound major enough that he will not be able to retaliate

so why dont you deport the bad ones? let's say someone commits a crime, why still keep him around? just throw him back into the sea he came from and problem solved, good ones remain, bad ones do not, and final outcome is good

why and how?

>the Nice Terrorist

Sounds like a youtuber name.

Nizza or Nice?

>why and how?
>adopt islam
>free reign to remove the shitskins because muslims are minority and cant be racist ;^)
>return to secularism once the muslims are gone

full proof plan.

>he's right though
>that's actually true if you kill a few of them, and get the rest of them pissed
No, you just don't take them into your nation.

A small dose of Islam is good for stemming some degeneracy though, is it not?


Brown people have no reason to be in Europe.


>A small dose of Islam

Give them a finger and they'll take the whole hand.
Literally. :^)

Did you take them into your country on 9/11 ?
Is it okay to kill a bunch of them, rile them up, and leave the Middle East on a constant state of chaos and violence ?
This is the fault of the USA and it's allies.

Ironically, cucking is a leftward-oriented phenomenon that a small dose of Islam would stem.

>No, you just don't take them into your nation.
This. Pic related.

give them a finger and they'll take your head

Why does Ukraine have a notable number?