I'm in Nice...

I'm in Nice. No I don't see anything but we have the army everywhere in the streets and I don't want to leave my apartment

seriously what the fuck is happening in this country

>I don't want to leave my apartment
Sounds like a normal day for me.

>what the fuck is happening in this country
Radical Islamism.
Now, I'm not victim-blaming here, but France has been fucking around in the Islamic world and you've made yourself a big fat juicy enemy of all sorts of nutters. Not only that, you've allowed the cancer of Islamism to metastasize. Radical preachers are in your country, spreading their hatred, and you're playing whack-a-mole. Africa is in France. Islam is in France. No, they're not going to become "French", they'll make France into just another Islamic country, which is to say, a shit hole.
The more Muslims you have, the worse it gets.

The cure is still unpalatable: mass deportations, or extermination.

Muslims will not integrate to the western civilization, because Islam is not simply a "religion", it is an alternative civilization.

stay safe m8

oh, and remember to vote for Le Pen

You got truckolded

>oh, and remember to vote for Le Pen

Kek, it's the more important part of the post

have a nice day

It's just some kind of curfew
It'll be over soon

>It's the Sup Forums neckbeard that survives

s m h

Hey Frenchbro? You wanna invade Iraq?

you have to leave the house to get killed by terrorists

most of us will be fine

>army everywhere in the streets
The army probably felt it unfair that they only paraded in Paris, and now they're treating Nice to the same privileges. Expect a big fat parade tomorrow :3.

>not going out and watching the happening aftermath

s m h t b h m 8

I like this

like being part of a post-apocalyptic movie

putting the shocked-woman face and everything

don't lose the opportunity OP

when are the french gonna wake up and declare war on islam?

2late already i think but you could still socialize with people who have been there maybe
but the fat bastard rather stays in his room and masturbates to nice anime

nice joke

almost as funny as your president

>seriously what the fuck is happening in this country
You're decades late to be asking that sort of question.

>I will never watch the world burn


We don't have a President..


The hero we deserve.

go to a nearby truck shop and try to buy a truck
say them you urgently need it
