
thank god its Friday edition

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legalise weed RIGHT NOW

thursday in america you cuck

Nth for Sargon






Heard some kids were among the bodies.
Feel terrible now.

>Counting out her benefits, jumping up and down.
What did he mean by this?


always hoped that my future wife acts exactly like a sesame street character

I'm attending


arent these pictures pretty

>Europe was at war with Arabs/muslims for thousands of years since the days of the Ancient Greeks
>suddenly in the last century the Western governments decide to import these people into our countries
>terrorist attacks are now commonplace
really makes you think

My politics in a nutshell:

Foreign policy: non-interventionist and strict observer of international law.
Social policy: Liberal with strong support for privacy and minorities.
Economic policy: Mixed economy with strong state interventionism to solve market failure.

Which one though?

Hopefully not Elmo, that'd be fucked up.


>Liberal with strong support for privacy and minorities.

What does this mean ?

>brother is back from study abroad
>is a raging leftist who feels the need to talk about politics all the time

Reckon it's time for me to move out of me parents house


Tomorrow is butthurt negro day.
We may have to import some crazy truck guys from France if they block the highways.

My politics in a nutshell:

Get rid of the fucking pakis by any means necessary

Hmm yes all of this is definitely true

>Europe was at war with Arabs/muslims for thousands of years since the days of the Ancient Greeks
Ah yes, all those completely unrelated wars that took place over centuries for different reasons were in fact part of 1 giant war.

Well if it suits you to construct this ever so simplistic narrative.

>France's Socialist President Pays Nearly $11000 A Month For Haircuts

actually need a wee

I like your style m8




those actually are though.

imagine being so much of a cuck in your own country that you have to hang out in another country's general

lots of runts of various nationalities in here at this hour

How much do you pay for your haircuts?

simple science obv

actually need a girl who needs a wee so I can watch

about 1000THB a month (20 quid)

That's including tip and shoulder and neck massages from my milfy hairdresser.

It means I'm pretty liberal when it comes to social attitudes and hate the attacks on privacy. I don't like old fashioned authoritarian conservative attitudes that interfere with personal freedoms.

I also support minorities who don't get equal rights (LGBT community for instance).

hmmm yes they are

Thailad what can I do about my leftist brother?
He talks politics damn near every waking moment and it's agitating

I don't ever talk politics IRL because I believe one's political views should be kept to themselves and talking politics nonstop is just going to make all parties involved a lot angrier than they were before the subject was broached

The only people who like Staffs and Pitbulls are violent chav criminals

>getting a haircut monthly

So you support trans rights?

what rights do LGBTQr1XYZ not get?

fuck me lads i'm a lorry driver and i fell asleep at the wheel and you wouldn't fucking believe the uproar it caused


You think this bitch is serious or taking the piss?

yes they are

holy fuck lads CDC in my house

>$11000 A Month For Haircuts

Even if he got it cut everyday (impossible) that would be $366 a haircut (impossible).

hhhhm yes im agreeing definitely all true


woah thats pretty intense



watching got s6
Sophie is a pretty terrible actress

Textbook error. I'm sure nobody noticed


Yes. Why shouldn't I? It's their bodies.
Face quite a lot of discrimination in the private sector.

oyy veyy

>Face quite a lot of discrimination in the private sector.

and what do you propose is done?

watching 11.22.63

le weed man is actually great in this


what on earth

Trotsky was right. These people need to die.

why is it that the only good drivers (rally, F1, etc) are all white?

Just make him feel like a twat for constantly bringing it up, somehow.
That's twice a month which when I think about it again probably isn't accurate at all. 400THB a pop + 100 tip.
It's obviously not really """haircuts""" he's just taking the piss.


>The state of emergency, which was due to expire on 26 July, is to be extended for another three months.
inb4 they never get out of it

Legislation to punish businesses found guilty and positive discrimination laws

jesus how is anyone supposed to qualify for these rental applications

I don't make 1500 a month for the past two years and have solid housemate references and a crazy high credit score

I'm just a poor student

tory britain 2bh

another false flag to keep it going in 2 months 29 days

the king of thailand is a slit eyed little faggot who sucks dicks

no they fucking don't, the only ones that get discriminated are ones that are in your face about it and rightfully so.

Kelly Brook looks different these days


that youre autistic

lads how do we know thailad isn't black
he has questionable political beliefs

>positive discrimination laws
nice b8

I'm so offended!

Honestly now lads, if the UK had 3 serious terrorist attacks in the same short space of time that France has had what do you think would happen? I refuse to believe we'd be as passive


the girl i like does not like me

shes a woman now

You didn't actively disagree with the opinion posted. You may now be sent to prison under Thai law.

Imagine all the rorkes here would sign up to join ISIS


I said the same earlier. I simply don't see us reacting the same way if literally hundreds of Brits had died in terrorist attacks on British soil in the last few years.


I mean in dealing with the threat within

but that's wrong.

You seem to be a very silly person. Sorry about that.

What would we do then?

But that's not relevant though is it

My willy is growing right before me eyes!

what the fuck

get over it, fuck her

>War on Terror
>not relevant to terrorism

Post grime lads


>So what did Patnaree do to get charged? According to her lawyer, the only evidence the police have produced is an exchange on Facebook between her and a political activist, in which she responded to comments the police say are defamatory with the Thai word "ja", which translates as "I see", or "ok".

>The police say she should have condemned the comments.

so glad tomorrows friday and my jewish overlords will allow me 2 days rest

I think we'd see at least a few minor retaliations against Muslims in the country and a massive public demand for military action in the middle east, shutting down mosques etc.

These are the middle class Tory snobs who sneer at people like Corbyn.

want thailad out of business

>ban all muslims from Europe
>terrorist attacks no longer happen

why do some canadians think they're french?
