Le Pen and her Russian friends from FSB killed French civilians again to increase her chances in elections...

Le Pen and her Russian friends from FSB killed French civilians again to increase her chances in elections. Could somebody stop this crazy woman?

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She will ask Putin to kill half of France to blame muslim people for it and boost her political career. It is sick.

Le Pen truck has no brakes.

And then we crash that France with no survivors. OH SHIT DELET.

Traitors who voted for the leftists deserve death, but the attacks were commited and ordered by muslims not by the FN, don't be delusional.

Bullshit. Muslims are only a scapegoat. The only one who gains on tyese attacks is this nazi bitch funded by Russian banks

Really makes you think

I thought you were based but you're an anti-nationalist cuck, I'm disappointed, Poland

Can russianbros annex Poland and uncked it pls ?


Well, half of my nation doesnt vote for nazis who want to get out of NATO and who take money from Russian banks, so we have nothing in commmon, i guess.

>who want to get out of NATO and who take money from Russian banks, so we have nothing in commmon, i guess.
>who want to get out of NATO

So this is the true reason, you're butthurt because we will not help you when Russia will try to create USSR 2.0 ?

Our country can be ally without NATO, you know, but you seems to be hostile about this idea. .

If Russia decides to make second SU, you will have 38 mln Poles in Western Europe cutting your throats for fun. You dont think that somebody is going to fight Russian army here? :D

Well, maybe only 30 mln Poles because pensioners will probably stay in their houses. It will be like refugee flood, only 30x bigger )))))

I see there are still some jews in Poland

Our actual government is anti white if he see poles trying to enter in France he will expel you. .

And if the FN is in command you can forget about migrating you'll be bombed before you set a foot in France, even if you somehow successfully enter, it will be your auschwitz.

Russian "patriots" says that this is a revenge and it is good. Sending it to KGB right now

Fuck off nigger loving scum, if anything you will be removed from Poland by all the people who voted PiS, Kukiz or Korwin, actually I heard of that 2/3 of polish youth voted for them so you should keep quite and shut your filthy mouth

Never leave your home. Street can be dangerous

She and her party failed iirc. Does she have chances?

> will expel you

You dont know what war is, huh, sissy boy?

Neither you lad

Fuck off commie scum, you are a well know faggot on this board why do you even come back ? If you die nobody will miss you neither here neither IRL

Only paupers and pensioners voted for PiS. And most of them already regrets it. Besides PiS is pro-EU and pro-NATO. Real problem of this country is lack of immigrants who would want to live and work in this shithole, increasing depopulation caused by emigration, and growing army of pensioners who consume most of income generated by this poor country. Islamists and niggers are our last concern because they dont exist here.




I will explain you another time, 20% of polish youth voted PiS, 20% for Kukiz and 20% for Korwin and nobody will ever again vote for your retarded libshit politicians


Remember that nobody will never support immigration because nobody want nigger nor arabs, so please fuck off libtard


Only poor people support right wing. Thats result of the fact that most of Polish youth are poorfags working on "umowy smieciowe". When Poland goes bankrupt and they will lose jobs at all, they will miss liberals from PO.

>Missing PO

Never m8, people litterally hate them and don't think Swetru is anymore loved.

Beside what you called only poor people is basically the fucking majority, if you don't like this then fuck off to some shithole.

Basically all upper class liberal need to be shot down in the street, Stalin was right on this one.

Russka blamed again.
Out of the blue. Not really.

M8 don't listen to this fag, he is a retarded libshit, the kind who would have supported Yeltsin or Yabloko because it's trendy and western

Every single time russia is mentioned here, it's by some assblasted pole.
Get it together Paweł

Wow, you are really stupid. I only try to say that problem of Poland is poverty, not immigrants. Most of Poles would want to have immigrants, egen black or arab ones, but they dont come here, because Poland is poor. PiS is not antiimigrant party like National Front in France. If you look at antiislamist street protest in Poland, it is made only by paupers in shitty clothes and with gray poor prolet-faces. Nobody who is well-off protests against islam and immigrants. These guys who do it possibly suffer from psychosis caused by poverty or smth, because Poland doeznt receive any immigrants at all, it is not our problem. Or they take money from Russia like Le Pen thats why they protest against non-existent problems

>. Most of Poles would want to have immigrants, egen black or arab ones, but they dont come here,

Nice b8

>Most of Poles would want to have immigrants, egen black or arab ones

Nope it's only in your head, the poor people you are talking about are actually the fucking majority, even in the West no proper poles like your immigrant scum.

Keep deluding yourself but nobody will ever belive your b8


By the way, PiS, Kukiz and Koewin campaigned a lot against immigration, especially the third world one, but hell what to expect from a PO idiot appart from denying facts.

Nobody from these parties protested against immigration. They didnt support idea of obligatory refugee quotas, because they found it immoral to force somebody to stay in Poland, but they have nothing against immigrants. How can you protest against something fhat doesnt exist? The only migration that exists in Poland is out of the country.

Kek you are an idiot aren't you ?

Here for Kukiz


Here for Korwin


And here for Kaczynski


Please get fucked ignorant leftard scum

Damn Poland. First the CP posting when things don't go your way and now this. You're fucked up.

French people can't vote themselves out of this one.

I am in work now so i cant turn speakers on and listen to these links. But try to think rationally: what kind of political party in Poland could protest against immigrants who dont exist? First option: Russian agents who try to marginalize and ridicule Poland. Second option: scammmers who want to persuade stupid masses that their problem are non-existent immigrants while in fact their real problem is bankruptcy of retirement system and whole country in result because of lack of enough of taxpayers and massive depopulation connected with aging society. Poland doesnt take any immigrants because everybody who moves here wants to go further in aestern direction to Gefmany f.e. and Germany will be always richer than Poland and always attracting all immigrants including millions of Poles. Poland is doomed to not have any immigrants at all only being depopulated and aging. You got that? We will be probably the last monoethnical society in the world for this reason

And ? no fuck given, most of eastern Europe is monoethnical, Japan is monoethnical, Korea is monoethnical and the shit goes on.

Appart from western leftist nobody in the entire world support this fucking shit

I think that life in country of poorfags and pensioners who take away 80% of your salary to survive is much worse than living in multiethnical and young society

Then you are simply an idiot who know shit about real life.

The mulitiethnical society you are talking about are nothing more than abominations only leading to chaos.

Actually it's better to be dead than to live in this kind of bullshit.