I've been on this website for 2 years now. I've tried to leave, but I just keep coming back. There hasn't gone a gone a single day where I haven't checked it. I'm even begining to say kek in public...
I've been on this website for 2 years now. I've tried to leave, but I just keep coming back...
been here since 04
youre here forever
Been here for 7 years. If I didn't have a dynamic IP address, I would have left years ago
I've lurked since that same time but only started posting last year
>dynamic IP addresses
i wonder who is behind that
So... what's the problem?
I just got a 3 day ban on Sup Forums but I'm to lazy to reset it
The website is absolutely consuming me.
10 years.
Every single day.
>There hasn't gone a gone a single day where I haven't checked it
check these
8 years. I don't reallyregret it. Chances are I would've offed myself since I had nothing to do
~10 years for me.
Thought I was gone for good when the cancer took over in like '09, but I came back sometime last year. Maybe two years ago, fuck.
You really do never leave.
Think of an estimate of the no. of hours invested in Sup Forums, and direct it towards a practice. Chances are you would've become expert/genius tier (le 10K hours limit)
thx for advice sudanbro
Love you HKbro, I was thinking about how I failed to respond to a few of your replies a few months back, and how it may have affected you psychologically
I suffered physiological distress & mental breakdown rip
>tfw expert shitposter
>I'm even begining to say kek in public
So what? Who cares?
>2 years
Fucking newfags. You haven't even begun to delve the depths
>tfw 7 years going
what boards have you left behind in your years here, Sup Forums?
left Sup Forums around 2010 and /jp/ around 2013. Sup Forums is like a dying elder in a retirement home.
Sup Forums to Sup Forums to Sup Forums VERY BRIEFLY then moved to Sup Forums cause it had flags and was a lot nicer.
I was a Sup Forumsirgin for fucking ever.
Used to be a decent board believe it or not
I've left Sup Forums and Sup Forums. I mostly post on Sup Forums Sup Forums and /vr/ now
>tfw browsed /r9k/ throughout my adolescence and some of college
>believed all their opinions on women, literally thought that I was damned to be alone forever because I wasn't Chad
>didn't acknowledge my conditioning and compulsive self pity until a few months ago after almost 7 years
How the hell did I let neckbearded fogeys nearly ruin my life over the Internet? One of you should fucking slap me for being so stupid
Sup Forums
/fa/ went to shit quickly after it stopped being a trial board
Sup Forums which I still hit from time to time
Sup Forums
Ive been lurking the chans for over 8 years and posted less than 30 times
feels bad man
I left /x/ because it got too political and /an/ because it was way too slow.
Take a few days off
You won't miss anything
Been here since 2006.
I have an emptiness in my life that was once filled with video games, then women, then music.
now it's Sup Forums
It's too easy to get lost.
You got to keep ideas and their creators in the same basket or you end up letting some losers run your life. I wasted many years making that mistake. Prioritizing someone else's ideas (opinions) over my own.
>pic related
When I read this book, despite my opinions of his ideas, I had to keep reminding myself that he was a lonely dying cripple.