Why is rural US/Canada looked down upon and the people are seen as uneducated and of a lower social class whereas in...

Why is rural US/Canada looked down upon and the people are seen as uneducated and of a lower social class whereas in Europe rural life is pretty much the best life there can be?

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Because there is no rural Europe, not in the sense that there is rural North America. "Rural" Europe is still always organized into towns and are within commuting distance of decent size cities, and are therefore susceptible to the propaganda spewed at the city folk. Rural NA is far from cities and has next to no access to internet or TV (for more reasons than I care to list but it's the providers' fault), so it does not get the propaganda spewed at cities so city folk are taught to look down upon these unenlightened hicks and not to become one of them.

>has next to no access to internet or TV

Last century, maybe, even then you could still get TV pretty god damn far out there. Nowadays, unless you live in the arctic circle, pretty sure you can get internet and TV.

Not totally sure about TV but I've looked into getting internet outside a major city. You pretty much get dial-up or bust.

Rural Canada/USA is pretty much the best life there is though.


Is that for real, even over here i think most small towns have tv

Of course not, this ain't the 40's. Even bumfuck nowhere areas here have high speed (Although still shit) internet.

Because you're a poof that cares about what Euros think

>Why is rural US/Canada looked down upon and the people are seen as uneducated and of a lower social class

The leftist Jews are statist city dwellers and hate unapproved of individualism so their media constantly bashes anyone who doesn't live in one of their cities.
Also every heterosexual white male is an ignorant redneck to be tamed in their version of the world, which is what you watch on tv from childhood and become ingrained with.

rural america is basically meth farms n sheeit. suburban american is where everyone else lives.

same with canada. it basically means you aren't doing anything non-agricultural.

problem is, farm-owners and land-owners here are sitting on millions. farmlands are great fucking investments here in canada.

More diversity in Europe. You jusmp in a car, go through 5 countries, every city is different. You're in a modern megapolis, village, medieval town, etc. Education, medical care and safety are everywhere.

>The leftist Jews are statist city dwellers
stopped reading there

>leftist jews
>statist city dwellers
>herding people into cities

this is legitimately crazy and believable. there are maybe a million americans who think like this and are read to wage gorilla warfare against big gubmint.

He's right though you anime loving spic fuck


>even bumfuck nowhere areas here have high speed internet
Well that's Canada. Clearly you haven't researched the States.


>gorilla warfare

I blame the American south.

aside from PA, I haven't heard looking down on the rural areas in the northeast

In my state, they are the more expensive places to live, after the downtown high rise condos.

hope you like dialup
as for tv its dish or nothing

fairly accurate. I'd add that given our population density land is at a premium compared to the new world, even in the most undesired areas. The countryside here really does tend to be rich people and farmers -- although there are some exceptions, obviously, vid related: youtube.com/watch?v=KfDtylU8ZEA

Don't your rural areas have cell service? If you can get cell service there's no reason why you can't cell internet. That's what I use.