French population: 66.03M
Islam population in France: 4.7M (11%)
USA population: 318.9M
Islam population in USA: 3.3M (1%)
Canada population: 35.16M
Islam population in Canada: 1.05M (3.2%)
really makes you think huh?
French population: 66.03M
Islam population in France: 4.7M (11%)
USA population: 318.9M
Islam population in USA: 3.3M (1%)
Canada population: 35.16M
Islam population in Canada: 1.05M (3.2%)
really makes you think huh?
Should be less desu
hey...the muslims are the real victims here.
#IslamophobiaIsReal #illridewithyou
>Islam population in France: 4.7M (11%)
I thought France didn't collect that data, how accurate is this figure?
doing numerical calculations on the likelihood of terrorism versus percentage of population is pointless and a waste of time
don't think too hard
why I'll ride with you?
>11 percent
>USA population: 318.9MIslam population in USA: 3.3M (1%)
they are not even religious they hide their religion
Remember the France is pretty small compared to a big state from both North American countries.
i believe some french didnt want to ride buses with ragheads after terrorist attacks
It was trending after the attack in Australia.
Australians were offering to buddy up with Muslims that felt unsafe after it.
So I guess its the environment and how muslims in America are generally wealthier and therefore less desperate. Or maybe "muslim" extreme culture is less tolerant in america so theres a lot less extremists here, only the reserved muslims.
>countries neighboring islamic countries get more muslims than countries no neighboring islamic countries
Indeed, really make you think
*on public transport specifically
They probably know they'll get fucking murdered if they act up
Not by those numbers. Should be 7.1 %.
Yeah, also the muslims in Europe came from the war torn sand dunes, plus the fact that they are poor (dont have the education and wealth to immigrate to America) so theyre much more prone to commit these violent acts
except for all those times they've acted up and nobody got hurt except (except the victims and an unlucky Sikh or two).
We have more moderate musliims. They hate the kaffir, but they hide it well
>French is literally an arab race
that one time in Texas we got 'em purdy good
I do hate that we're dumbasses and attack Sikhs. fuck I hate it
Hey now, Germany has a lot of Turks, but that's a bit harsh
There aren't ghettos full of muslims in America for obvious reason, stop acting like Cletus and his AR15 was what's stopping them. Replace the black dindus in America by Ahmed and his brothers, Mexico by some islamic country, and you'd get the same shit
sry no
it has to do with their slums/projects, poverty and insulate culture means breeding ground for extremist i forgot the official term they are basically being brainwashed, it is easier if you are surrounded by other jobless islamic youth
66.03/4.7*100 =/= 11%
What I find interesting is that most terrorist attacks are carried out by citizen, who spent most of their lives in the western world, not asylum seekers who recently arrived or some kind of isis agents.
>California is 1%*
Huh, I thought we might have more than average but I suppose the infrastructure (mosques, annual conventions) is here mostly just for the sheer number of Muslims despite the low percentage (38 million people in CA, 1% = 380,000) and perhaps some Muslamic tourism.
This was the logic behind Japanese internment camps ;)
Ennui is the greatest challenge of the modern age tb h .
because it is the second citizen status that makes them angry
>muh camps
the worst part of that whole thing was the families losing their property. otherwise they lived better than the poor farms they neighbored
That's sorta what I meant. They live in poorer conditions in Europe and get brain washed by the more "extreme" muslims that come from these war ridden countries, because they are geographically closer.
I think its because theyve already pledged allegiance to Allah, so they keep it to themselves and see all the "western" folks being happy with freedom and things and they brood on it until they explode (literally) one day. Also the brainwashing coming from other Muslims in the Muslim community
Terrorism has always been the pursuit of people born and raised in a society they feel don't belong to. Most Muslims in Finland are raised in non-religious families that can be characterized as almost repressing the original culture/history. Identity crisis is inbound when they start being proud of their heritage.
>that come from these war ridden countries
not quite, preachers and the like are relatively well off middle class with good connections, maybe even native born
Not really surprising, they radicalize in their ghettos or in prison.
The story was completely made up tho
Maybe so, but they're will still be plenty of those scumbag, degenerate Muslims that will say things about how they hate the western society that they will come in contact with on a daily basis
uh I have a Tumblr account mate I'm pretty certain I saw the posts
i personally think it's because 1st generation immigrants still have their old lives to compare to living in western countries, so while they are worse off than white locals they are still way better off than in their islamic shithole.
2nd and further generation don't have those experiences so they just think it's white people who are mean to them
Really makes me wink ;^)
nice numbers
also ew this sounds pretty accurate. Maybe that's why older black folks don't seem to get too crazy about whitey in the US -- they know things could be a lot worse? idk man
Just curious, are there any actual ties between jews and the recent immigration/terrorist crisis?
The irony is muslims are the primary victims. Never forget ISIS, just like al Qaida before them, is a tool of the West. They kill magnitudes more non-durka Muslims than they kill Western plebs.
bretty much
they also have to be surrounded by youth like themselves as well
Hopefully once the Muslim population goes more than 50%, it will just be Muslims killing Muslims.
I think Europeans should just start flooding to Syria and the ME, and let all the arabs go to Europe. While Europeans grow richer, harvesting all the oil, the Muslims in Europe will be making Europe into a hellhole, then they will demand their homeland back but it will be too late as Europeans will have made a giant fortress around the ME because they willhave learned from their mistakes.
>Islam population in France: 4.7M (11%)
Holy fucking shit I had no idea it was that high my god. And I thought our 3.2% was bad
4.7m out of 66m is NOT 11%
stoopid koofar
Yes the it's more of the second generation who have an identity crisis and they often go overboard trying to cling to the culture they have at home and rebel against the alien culture their parents have dropped them into.
Here they are the ones wearing foreign flags and blasting music from their "home" country and rebelling against the language, generally making a spectacle because they feel threatened by this "outside" culture trying to absorb them.
That's why it's bad (besides economically) to bring in so many at once, because they band together and form a counter culture instead of assimilating.
They are at the head of everything terrible.
In this single incident though, non-Muslims in the west are way more the victim than Muslims in the west. As it has been for every similar incident in the west.
I relate this with chicanos, 1st gen mex-american (from what I know) are usually good, then their children get this identity crisis and go full LA RAZA
That combined with an identity crisis in the second generation. Someone born in Egypt is always going to feel Egyptian, even if they immigrate here, An ethnic Egyptian born in New Zealand is going to feel not quite a New Zealander, and not quite an Egyptian.
|#IllRideWithYou ||l “”|””\__,_
>what is Köln
I don't want to act too Sup Forums here. But consider the words of Israeli leadership regarding ISIS in Israeli press: