Explain this meme

Explain this meme

Famous Tunisian knife fighter

he looks like Descartes

He looks like a terrorist Frank Zappa.

He looks like he plays the guitar and enjoys songs like super freak

>antwan kumiya

Looks more like he was tripping on LSD than doing it in the name of Allah tbqh

how come i didn't know him ?

Why are tunisians so fucking insane
The shooting at the museum, then the shooting at the beach and now this



weld 7oumti

Why are austrians so fucking insane?
shooting at the germany, then taking over and then attacking the rest of the World

Give her the D

It's Anthony Cumia from the formerly Great Opie and Anthony show
he s sicilian and you know,the moors

its weird al-lahu akbar


No way this man wasn't a musician of some kind.

Looks like a guy we arrested last year on the border with Turkey.

Kirk Hammett?

There is a famous radio personality in America called Anthony Cumia, people make fun of him for not being white.

thanks senpai

more like 57 years young