why did ISIS used such a convoluted way this time, instead of just shooting and blowing themselves up?
Why did ISIS used such a convoluted way this time, instead of just shooting and blowing themselves up?
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They probably planned to, but didn't get the chance. Firearms and explosives were in the truck too.
For fucks sake mowing down a field of people with a truck is fucking horrendous. Never before have terrorists fallen this low.
its actually a fantastic idea
>don't have to buy explosive and all the material needed
>don't have to carry them
>no risk of malfunction
just steal a truck some hours before the attack and become a madmen
They hired the best for their creative department
Renting a Semi Truck is less suspicious then Buying Firearms or Explosives
I imagine it's no that easy to get bombs and a lot of guns in France.
ban assault trucks
>ISIS gets bombed by Russia
>can't flee anywhere
>flee to europe
>live off cozy welfare
>mudslime newfag blows himself up
Well a single man killing 84 with virtually no equipment, that's even worse than shooting. It took scurity forces a while to stop him apparently.
>Never before have terrorists fallen this low.
lol has nobody told him
Why didn't Frenchies just move out of the way they're so fucking retarded lmao
yeah, it reeks of desperation or someone who couldn't wait for orders
it's honestly suprising, riding a truck into a group of people isn't as effective as you would think, but he managed to do it
imagine if was able to detonate those bomb inside the truck? That would be crazy man especially in those crowded Bastille crowd
Did the truck just crash into people once or did it drive back and forth over their bodies until somebody dragged the driver out of his cabin?
lol this meme picture is now real. What a time to be alive.
Its incredibly easy to kill a bunch of people if you arent a retard and put a little planning into it.
The fact that this sort of thing is not happening constantly is proof that humans really arent that bad.
Every single one of us has had countless opportunities to kill others in our lives, and not done it.
lmao the second scenario would be fucking hilarious
because it will almost certainly result in your own death
We have seen everything here, several bulldozer rampages including a bulldozer running over a bus, a terrorist storming a bus driver and turning the wheel so it falls into a deep cavern etc. That's just the beginning.
Stop sponsoring and sending muslims into Europe then.
He drove through the crowd for 2 km
No one cares about dead kikes m8 it's your kikery that made lefties bring the mud here.
What do you think?
Is it easier to get a bomb into france or to rent a truck?
You would need a terrifying bomb to kill 84 people with it..
>Europeans blame other for their undying love of brown cock
Frustrated cucks
welp hopefully we get our shit together like you guys
let's build a wall around the marseille strip and start bombing
t b h i like you more and more, you get murdered by muslims for no reason and on top of that everyone blames you for it and is happy about it
basically the exact same thing as France
slavshits cosplaying westerners
>for no reason
Apart from turning the gaza strip into a huge prison. And no one blames France for shit, what are you talking about
If we enjoyed it why would we give you credit for it
You enjoy it but you don't want to admit it, you probably have a Forced Muslim Immigration fetish.
They learneed from anime
Giant prison is where they belong.
I would like to believe he thought there was some irony in vehicular deaths outnumbering firearm deaths around the world and wanted to make fun of gun grabbers.
Well you do have experience with giant prisons
lel your country is the first one to say we deserve it for being racist intolerant blah blah shouldn't have caricatured the prophet blah blah all the usual bullshit
best example
I think that a bomb would've made less deaths, ironically enough
I reckon that after this there will probably be a waiting period after renting a big truck.
Because ISIS is just trying to play GTA irl and have some fn
Also its a Nice way to attack!