Why do Europeans like carbonated (gassy) water? It tastes like shit

Why do Europeans like carbonated (gassy) water? It tastes like shit.

The last time I was in Europe it was everywhere and some restaurants didn't even offer regular ("still") water.

It's an acquired taste

Normal water I can have in my kitchen faucet.

makes me fart lauder.

What is wrong with you? It's delicious.

>from a country where people drink literally gallon of soda daily

they dont "offer" it because its free
you have to ask for it, youll get weird looks if you go to some snob place though

I have no idea, I agree with you Mr Burger.
If you ask for water they will sometimes ask "with gas?" but usually just default to fizzy water unless you specify.. wtf.

What ? No just ask for a carafe of water they'll give it to you no problem
Why would drinking water be looked down upon ? Literally the healthiest thing you could drink



They aren't allowed to drink soda because Herr Merkel said GMO will give you super cancer and AIDS and Ebola.

dog bless

>If you ask for water they will sometimes ask "with gas?"

Nobody, and I mean nobody, has EVER asked that question, because not even Brits would call it "gassy water"

Europe is a country.

And a barely functioning one at that.

you arent drinking their premium overpriced bottled water for your meal, thats why

>Nobody has ever asked that question
You've obviously never been to a lot of countries in South-eastern Europe

Any one else here shake up their Soda to get rid of the carbonation?
I do it with literally every soda

As a sidenote, carbonated water is called "danish water" in my country :-)

all restaurants and bars etc. will give you regular water if you request it, you must have been too beta to simply ask the waiter for it
it might not be listed on the menu but it's always available

In room temperature it tastes better.

Because it means a meal feel more luxurious rather than just having plain water, and we don't like to drink diabetes like you do in the US.

in theory the guy who brings you the drink only cares about one thing : the tip

only in cancerous companies there are things like "loyalty to the company" and such where they try to sell you more, and waiters don't behave naturally ie they wait behind you and smile all the time and are always at your disposition

no, in a REAL restaurant (i am French i have the monopoly to decide what restaurants are classy or not t b h), if the 20euro meal is better than the 50euro one, a normal waiter will advise you to order the 20euro one
and in a REAL restaurant, if you snap your fingers at the waiter or shit like that, he'll tell you to fuck off, not smile at you like a servile faggot
anything else is cancer